The Red-necked Phalarope, (Phalaropus lobatus), together with the Red Phalarope is a member of the genus Phalaropus and was first described by Linnaeus in 1758 in the Hudson Bay area. Note there is a third Phalarope species called Wilson’s, but this is a in a different genus and in the past the Red-necked Phalarope has also been placed in a separate genus Lobipes.
The Red-necked Phalarope is a widespread species breeding all over the Arctic, North America, Europe and Asia. Formerly known as the Northern Phalarope, it is a long-distance migrant. It winters at sea in the Pacific off Western South America, in the Arabian sea and East of Indonesia. In the US, the Red-necked Phalarope is a migrant typically over the Western half of the country and along the coasts. Fall migration has a much-expanded range compared to Spring migration and they can occur almost anywhere during this time. The Red-necked Phalarope is considered a rarity in Texas but a regularly occurring one and in some years is more common.
Preferred habitat in breeding season is the Arctic tundra. During migration, they prefer open water and beaches while over land and during wintering months they can be found in the open ocean often in large flocks.
Breeding season is June and July with fall migration starting in August. Three to five buffy eggs are laid in a simple scrape in the tundra sometimes lined with roots, stems etc. Incubation lasts 15-21 days and a further 20 days in the nest before fledging.
Preferred foods are insect larvae and other invertebrates. Like all phalaropes, the spinning technique is used when feeding to create a vortex, churning up any insects or larvae in the water.
The Red-necked Phalarope is the smallest of the three phalaropes, compact with a thin black needle-like bill. It has a dark black and brown back with a somewhat scaly appearance. The underparts are white with a gray scaly breast, nape and flanks with a rust brown neck. The female is brighter with a small white throat patch.
In winter, the male and female are similar with a dark crown, white face with a black spot behind the eye. The upper parts are gray brown and have a scaly appearance and the underparts are white. Note in Texas nonbreeding plumage is normal.
The song is a rapid chatter and the call a shrill “whit- whit”.
Interesting Facts:
- Female Phalaropes are brighter plumaged, and males incubate the eggs and care for the young.
- Phalaropes have lobed feet to help with swimming and their spiraling feeding technique.
- A group of phalaropes is known as a dopping, a swirl, a twirl, a whirl or a whirligig.