Texas, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas Biggest Recipients of Nearly $10 Billion in Market Relief Payments
FAPRI analysis
U.S. farmers will get $9.7 billion in market relief payments to addresses declining market prices which aims to sustain farmers until a new farm bill is enacted. According to a FAPRI analysis (link), key allocations and distribution:
Market Relief Payments, Crop and State (FAPRI )
Payment rates by crop:
Cotton: $87.26/acre (highest rate)
Corn: $42.51/acre
Soybeans: $29.50/acre
Wheat: $30.69/acre
Sorghum: $42.58
Oats: $77.66 for oats
Peanuts: $76.30
Rice: $69.52
Barley: $21.76
Market relief payments per acre (FAPRI)
National crop distribution
Additional support measures in recent legislation
Timeline for implementation
USDA must distribute the funds within 90 days of the bill becoming law to provide timely relief.