Young Worker Safety, Health, and Well-Being

As many young workers enter the workforce this summer, it is vital for employers to consider the best practices for effectively training and communicating with youth.

Young workers are particularly vulnerable due to their lack of experience and training, and the fact that their brains and bodies are still developing. However, employers can take steps to protect young workers and ensure a safe workplace.

In response to the increased need for awareness, the Healthier Workforce Center has developed a podcast, Young Worker Safety, Health, and Well-Being, and accompanying Guide for Employers which highlight best practices for training and communicating with young workers.

In this episode of the Workplace Matters podcast Dr. Diane Rohlman addressed why youth are vulnerable, and how employers can effectively train and communicate with young workers to protect their health and ensure a safe workplace.

Listen Here

This newly developed guide for employers outlines considerations and workplace strategies for protecting the health, safety, and well-being of young workers.

Download Here

Additional young worker training resources are now freely available through the Healthier Workforce Center:

Protecting Young Agriculture Workers

A free, evidence-based training developed by the University of Iowa and the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety is available for supervisors, parents, and teachers. Topics include supervising, training, and communicating more effectively with young workers. The training and supplemental materials are available in online and print formats in English and Spanish.

Access the Training Here
Teach Back Method: Protecting Young Agricultural Workers Video Thumbnail

Supervisor Training Videos Series

The educational video series for Protecting Young Agricultural Workers consists of five short videos that are available in English and Spanish.

PUSH Training

Promoting U through Safety and Health (PUSH) combines NIOSH’s Talking Safety – Youth @ Work with wellness and communication topics in an online training curriculum for young workers ages 14-24. This free curriculum is meant to act in tandem with valuable organization-specific training that all workers are entitled to receive when they start a new job.

Access the Training Here
Safety First Rap: Young Worker's Code of Conduct informative video thumbnail

Safety First Rap: Young Worker's Code of Conduct

The PUSH training resources for youth feature a series of educational videos, including a catchy rap reminding young workers to practice safe behaviors.

Funding Opportunity

Bonus Resources & Events

Alzheimer's at Work:

Strategies for Employers to Foster Inclusion and Support

Listen Here

Alzheimer’s Disease is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is a condition that not only touches more and more lives every day, but also impacts the workplace, especially as employees are postponing retirement and continuing to work into their 70s.

In this episode, the St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition is joined by Rey Castuciano, who is the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Program Manager, with the Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Missouri Chapter, to discuss how employers can build strategies to navigate Alzheimer’s in the workplace.

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Preparing the Occupational Safety and Health Workforce for Future Disruptions




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