Artist's rendering of one the future Polestar Village residential clusters
“The Soul Loves to Meditate."
-Paramhansa Yogananda
Dear Friends,
We hope you are having a wonderful summer! We are spending lots of time in the garden and enjoying the bounty. Currently, we're overflowing in kale, chard, lettuce, basil, cabbage, peas, beets and much more is coming!
In this newsletter, we are sharing an article about meditation, investment opportunities, upcoming event information, how to share in the garden's produce, and some family camp details.
Blessings and warm wishes,
Your friends at Polestar
Please see some highlights from the summer in this slideshow!
Why Meditation?
by Michael Gornik
Those of you familiar with Polestar know that we put a great deal of time, energy, and focus into our meditation practices. Why is this so important? In a world filled with wonders, and with the incredible gift of our senses and intellect designed to explore them, how is it that sitting completely still in silence, disengaging our senses and quieting our minds, can be such an important activity? A fair question!
“Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality."
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Community Garden Volunteer Days
Tuesdays 7-8PM & Fridays 7:30-9AM
Thanks to everyone's help, the garden is producing with abundance! Join us on Tuesday evenings and/or Friday mornings to weed and harvest! Remember to bring a bag to take produce home with you.
Come to the New Polestar Village Property : please pull through the gate at the very end of West Plum St. (off of Elizabeth and Kimball), turn left, and park against the eastern fence line.
Polestar Kirtan!
Saturday, July 9th, 6-7:30PM MT
Please join us for kirtan/sacred music, graciously hosted by Unity of Fort Collins. Chanting will start at 6PM and include short periods of meditation, ending around 7:30PM.
Polestar's Annual Family Camp: July 22nd-26th
This year's gathering will take place at Rocky Mountain National Park. Though our car-camping group site at Glacier Basin Campground is already sold out, (we'll get a much bigger one next year) you can still join us in the Rockies! Come for the day or find a local place to stay.
You can also come early to Fort Collins for several fun and uplifting events before we head to the mountains! (Locals are welcome.)
- Tues, July 19th, 5:30-8PM- group meditation & dinner on the land
- Wed, July 20th- AM hike and 7PM kirtan. Locations TBD
- Thurs, July 21st- group brunch and walk around town, TBD
Let us know if you are coming early to spend time together in Fort Collins!
Volunteer Day on the land- Saturday, August 6th, 8-11AM
Polestar Kirtan- Saturday, August 13th, 6-7:30PM
Polestar Potluck- Saturday, August 27th, 4:30-7:40PM
SAVE THE DATES! We're planning the Polestar Village land dedication for this Fall, with events over September 16th-18th! More details coming soon...
Invest in the New Polestar Village!
Invest In the New Polestar Village!
Now is the perfect time to show your support for this budding community. Whether you plan to live there or not, you can make a fair return on your investment and your contribution will help to create a unique and uplifting environment for countless souls. This first round of funding will close on Sept. 15th so please contact us soon to discuss the details. Contact Michael for more details at
New Website Updates:
If you haven't been to our website recently, please check it out! We have upgraded almost everything and you can learn much more about all our progress with comunithy planning, zoom classes from the past year, events, and articles about community living. Please share the link with anyone you know who might be interested!
“A most useful approach to meditation practice is to consider it the most important activity of each day. Schedule it as you would an extremely important appointment, and unfailingly keep your appointment with the infinite” – Roy Eugene Davis
~Life is a sacred opportunity to grow~
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