This Chamber works continuously to make our business community stronger and often our impact doesn’t make headlines or go without credit, and that’s ok. We’re not doing this to line our pockets or collect awards, we’re in this to build a stronger business community. We’re all about creating a voice and highlighting the reason why you should support local businesses. Our business community deserves your support and I believe so does this Chamber.
Each day people wake up early, go to work, open shops and offices, restaurants, and grocery stores, supply needed products, work in healthcare, grow our food and the list goes on and on. Local businesses want to serve you, fill your needs, and make our lives a little easier. Shopping local supports this system which in turn creates jobs and generates local sales tax and job creation which yields even more dividends that in large part stays local.
The Chamber, with your support, works tirelessly on behalf of all businesses in our region and I say region because Escondido’s impact and heritage is felt well beyond our city limits.
Our rich history rooted in the agriculture industry has grown exponentially and now supports the service industry, education, banking, construction, food, and beverage and so much more. Local businesses are here to provide food, entertainment, groceries, fuels, and the list goes on and on. The Greater Escondido region is poised to grow even more if we stay committed and focused to our task of supporting local business, educating our youth with new and innovative teaching techniques and curriculum centered on today and tomorrow’s employer needs.
The Chamber remains a leader in recognizing the needs of our business community, adapting to their future needs, and amplifying the voice of local businesses at all levels of engagement. Let’s raise the bar and grow together. Local support is key to achieving our goal.
Support comes in many forms. One form is supporting your local Chamber of Commerce. Please consider supporting this Chamber. It’s through your support that this Chamber continues to champion our region as a place to do business.
Thanks, JR