Teacher and Staff Luncheon
How very kind of God to have such willing servants at WUMC. The teacher and staff luncheon Tuesday, May 30 was a huge blessing; forty-two teachers/staff attended and were totally appreciative of our efforts.
The following ladies offered their baking and salad making skills to provide a delicious spread for all. Thank you to Bobbie Westfall, Pam Cook, Yvonne Lammon, Ethel Wronkowicz, and Ann McVicker for the wonderful desserts; thanks to Char Monroe, Delores Young, Melva Robinson Char Pritchett, and Becky Allison for the salads; Stephanie Stelton for designing the invitations and supplying bottled water and Cindy Box also donating water. Cherl Matla donated the napkins and plates and Karen Wiggins dessert plates and silverware. The hands-on servers were Bobbie Westfall, Terry Myers, and Delores Young.
When the Body of Christ joins hands and hearts, blessings flow. Outreach endeavors such as this cannot happen without the enthusiasm and presence of willing disciples whose aim is to bring glory to our Lord and be sensitive to the needs within our own community.