A Message from Al Gilbert, President and CEO of Felton Institute

Celebrating Black History Month is an acknowledgment of the rich history and many contributions of Africans across the diaspora. It is also awareness of many societal obstacles confronting a population with a long history of circumventing or overcoming discriminatory practices. However, when individual perseverance and resistance wane, community supportive services can make the difference. Felton Institute offers that support. 

As the President and CEO of Felton, I’m honored to lead a nonprofit that envisions and dedicates its services to promoting compassion and fostering equal opportunities to all we serve. A leader in mental health, our services provide a lifeline to individuals who are experiencing mental health issues, whether they are navigating their way through the justice system, experiencing homelessness, or trying to get back on their feet. We have staff who have experience and cultural competencies that make them uniquely able to assist.  

Black resilience is not born out of the neurosis of racism encountered throughout history; rather, it’s from the strength of black culture, the love of family, and spirituality of the heart. During Black History Month, we can celebrate our staff who were able to achieve educationally and professionally despite barriers and who care enough to share the fruits of those hard-earned accomplishments with others who are making their way along the path of life. Here at Felton Institute, racial equity is at the heart of what we do. This is especially true with our mental health programs that uplift African American individuals so that they may thrive.

On Mental Health and the Black Community

Felton Board Chair Dr. George Woods on Forensic Psychiatry and the Criminal Justice System

“African Americans have historically been shaped by racism. They’ve been shaped by trauma.” Dr. Woods, who has practiced forensic psychiatry for over 40 years, stresses that this also translates to the criminal justice system.

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Justice Division Medical Director Dr. Michelle Clark on Mental Health and African Americans

Dr. Clark brings her diverse experience working with justice-involved populations, particularly African American communities, impacted by mental health issues. Racism and societal factors greatly impact mental health.

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‘Wall of Quotes’ Inspires and Engages

To celebrate Black History Month, we're showcasing a 'Wall of Quotes' at our East Bay headquarters in Alameda!

Felton staff sent us a collection of inspirational, funny, and touching quotes from Black leaders, family, friends, mentors, and themselves. 

“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”

— Dr. Mae Carol Jemison

The first African-American female astronaut (NASA). Submitted by Robyn Miller, STARR Program Manager.

“Teamwork makes the dream work.”

— Wilona Harrel

Chef, Mother Brown’s Kitchen,

Felton Institute's Bayview Programs

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Recipes we Love

For this Lunar New Year (Year of the Dragon), we're celebrating Asian food and culture. The Felton Family has shared some of their favorite recipes with us!


Buddha's Delight

A vegetarian dish featuring vermicelli noodles, assorted mushrooms, and a savory sauce. In southern China, there is a tradition to serve this dish on the first day of the New Year.


Homemade Lumpia

A crispy appetizer, filled with a savory pork and vegetable filling, and served with dipping sauce. In the Philippines, lumpia is a popular dish for serving at gatherings and celebrations.

Justyna To

ESL Teacher,

Visitacion Valley Senior Health & Wellness and 66 Raymond Community Services programs

Justyna To utilizes unique techniques to teach English to older adults. Among her teaching methods, she uses music in her classes, integrating songs from the 1950s and ‘60s.

Visitacion Valley Senior Health & Wellness provides outreach and wellness programs for isolated older adults in Visitacion Valley.

66 Raymond Community Services provides activities and service connections for older adults and adults with disabilities in the Visitacion Valley neighborhood.

Keith Bussey

Clinical Case Manager,

Success: Movement from Incarceration (SMI) and Mission to Motivate (M2M) programs

Keith Bussey provides mental health services that help overcome systemic barriers. He talks about his journey as a justice-involved individual and giving back to the community.

SMI and M2M provide re-entry services in collaboration with the Alameda County Probation Department.

The programs are comprised of a specialized team of clinicians and support staff that work with clients to address mild to serious mental health needs. 


Featuring Yohana I. Quiróz, Ed.D.

Chief Operations Officer (COO), Felton Institute

Low pay. Fewer leadership roles. Black and Latina child-care workers deal with racial barriers

Los Angeles Times | By Jenny Gold, Kate Sequeira

FEB. 13, 2024 3 AM PT

Felton’s Chief Operations Officer, Dr. Yohana Quiróz, was featured in a recent LA Times article about racial disparities for Black and Latina childcare workers. Dr. Quiroz talked about her journey as a Latina educator as well as navigating the challenges of higher education.

With nearly three decades of experience in early care education, Dr. Quiroz’s insights and experiences speak to the importance of elevating diverse voices in the field of childcare. 

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Rooted in equity, Felton Institute transforms quality of life and promotes social justice to accelerate community led change.

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Felton Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under EIN 94-1156530