St. John's Family News
Week of August 28-September 3, 2023 | Vol. 82 Issue 34
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In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):
- Dennis's Article: We Gather on Purpose to Scatter on Mission
- End of Summer Cookout
- Faith Journey Book Study
- Children's Ministry Day at Hunter Farm
- Women of the Church Luncheon
- Ministry in Daily Life: Do You Speak Spanish?
- CROP Walk 2023
- Thursdays on the Town
- Save the Date for Craft and Bake Sale
- Embodied Faith: Women's Retreat
- Prayer List
- Financial Update
- Minister On Call Schedule & Staff Contact Info
We Gather on Purpose to Scatter on Mission
by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister
Each September, as we begin a new church year, our post-summer participation patterns are reestablished. You encourage one another with your attendance and participation. Then you scatter as Ministers in Daily Life. Here are some notes for you to see how our worship will be expressed during September. During September, our staff and some members will plan details for worship in October through December.
September 3: The God Who Inspires Labors of Love
On Labor Day weekend it is apropos to consider the relationship between labor and success. Our discipleship compels us to pursue success by embodying the work of Jesus Christ. My message will be entitled, ‘Dress for Success’ based upon Colossians 3:12-17
September 10: The God Who Is Revealed through Servant Leadership
Each year, on the Sunday following Labor Day, we commission all church leaders for the new church year. This year, we ordain three new deacons: Kimberly Follis, Jaimie Loftis, and Rick Walker. These three will join forty-five others to model servant leadership through this next church year. My message will be entitled, ‘Transformational Servant Leadership,’ based on Ruth 1:15-18 & 1 Kings 2:7. I will also use a towel story from the ministry of The Rev. Dr. Tom Graves to honor the life and ministry of our former pastor.
September 17: The God Who Creates Peace and Peacemakers
I will join you in welcoming a guest to The St. John’s Pulpit. Jason Smith is Executive Director of Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America (BPFNA). BPFNA has been one of our residential ministry partners since 2012. The mission of BPFNA is “Witnessing to God’s peace, rooted in justice; working together until it comes.” They state their vision with the following words:
“We envision a world where all people, following Jesus, listen with openness; speak with conviction; resist evil; receive hostility and return love; break silences which harm; resist cooperation with structures that cause hardship and suffering; practice healing; mend creation’s wounds; offer hospitality to the refugee and the sojourner; insist on human rights; love friend and stranger, ally and enemy; and point with their words, attitudes and actions to the acceptable year of God.”
September 24: The God Who Befriends Humanity
Millions of people are isolated in our marginalizing society. It is as if they do not know how to make friends or nurture community. My message will use passages from Exodus 16:1-21 and Philippians 1:3-11 to offer guidelines taught to us by God. The way God befriends humanity provides insights for us to be friends with God and for making human friendships that nourish our lives. My message is entitled, ‘Harvesting Friendship with God.’ Rev. Kheresa Harmon will offer ‘Moments with The Younger Church’ as an element of worship.
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Let me continue to share with you a few thoughts from my sabbatical summer. In Church Without Walls: Christian Life After a Pandemic, numerous writers describe ways the Church is hitting a ‘reset’ button due to the pandemic. Stories are still being collected as to how spiritual meaning was experienced and expressed beyond the walls of churches. Prayer was practiced beyond the walls of churches. Acts of kindness and compassion had to happen beyond church walls. The message of Jesus has been emphasized. Light, love, and hope became themes emphasized around the world.
In a poem entitled, ‘What If?’ Roger Day asks:
“What if Church spreads way beyond buildings and programs
And reaches into numerous villages and communities
What if every place Christians go becomes Church and Life
And church without walls becomes an absolute and visible reality
What if”
Yes, beloved, we gather on purpose to scatter on mission! Amen and AMEN! May it be so!
End of Summer Cookout for Children & Families
Saturday, September 9
Let’s wrap up summer with a cookout at the home of Anna and Blinn Cushman (4601 Truscott Road, Charlotte, NC 28226) at 11AM on Saturday, September 9!
We’ll grill hamburgers and hotdogs, play games, and simply fellowship.
Hamburgers, hotdogs, and buns will be provided.
Please sign up to bring the condiments, sides, desserts, beverages, and paper products here by September 5:
Questions? Please email or text Kheresa at or 910-890-3392.
Finally, bring your favorite yard game, comfy chair and/or blanket, and an appetite for fun!
Faith Journey Book Study Resumes!
The Faith Journey book study resumes meeting on Monday, September 11 at 11AM in the McLeod/Brown Sunday Room. Our book will be The Seeds of Heaven: Sermons on the Gospel of Matthew by Barbara Brown Taylor.
Let Joy Jarrett know if you are in need of the book.
If you have never been a part of this before please note that this "book study " group meets to read and study books that may help us deepen our relationship with God. Its goal is to assist members in finding ways to grow this relationship in order to be nurtured and strengthened to be active and loving servants in our community and world.
Children’s Ministry Day at The Hunter Farm
Families, mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14 at 10AM.
We’re headed to The Hunter Farm in Weddington for seasonal festivities amongst pumpkins and baby goats and more!
Women of the Church Luncheon
Sunday, September 17
The Women of the Church are looking forward to the Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting being held in Broach Hall on Sunday, September 17 at 11:45AM. We are excited to gather again for fellowship and good food, catered by Anderson’s, and to begin exploring this year’s theme of Embodied Faith.
We are delighted to have as our guest speaker, Dr. Lillian Quackenbush, Interim Minister for Worship & Music. She will share how she Embodies Faith Through Music! So, please register yourself (and a friend or relative) and join us for our 13th Annual Women of the Church Luncheon!
Reservations are REQUIRED by September 10 because we must give the caterer a firm number. You may register via Realm below or by submitting the paper form and a check for $15.00 to Nancy Wilson. For your convenience, you may also place the form and your payment in the after-hours drop box outside the Church Office. Nancy Wilson will be available to receive reservations from 10:00 – 10:25AM outside the Church Office on Sundays, September 3rd and September 10th.
In the spirit of WOC, donations to Dove’s Nest of brushes and combs (especially for thick hair), feminine hygiene products, lotion, and deodorant will be collected at the door.
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Ministry in Daily Life
Do you speak Spanish?
Would you like to be contacted by a member of the ministerial staff about beginning a new dimension of Ministry in Daily Life in which we explore ways we can make worship and formation more welcoming and accessible for persons whose first language is not English?
If so, please email or text Kheresa at or 910.890.3392.
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CROP Walk 2023
The 2023 Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, October 22 at Americal Legion Memorial Stadium. Walkers can arrive anytime between 1:30 - 2:30PM and begin walking when they are ready.
Please register to join our team and/or donate by clicking below.
Micah Belong is coordinating our St. John's efforts, so feel free to contact Micah or James Laney with any questions.
For additional information: Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk (
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Thursdays on the Town
Parents of children, ages birth to 5th grade, Thursdays on the Town is returning!
Please join us on Thursday, October 12 at 6PM at The King’s Kitchen. Childcare will be provided.
Please register and reserve childcare by October 1!
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Save the Date!
The Needle and Craft Ministry will be having a Craft and Bake Sale on Sunday, November 5 in Lasater Hall from 11:30 til 1:00. All proceeds will go to support missions. If you might be interested in participating with craft items or baked goods please call/let Ruth Jackson or Tricia Miller know.
Thank you for your support.
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Save the Date: St. John's Women's Retreat
Saturday, November 4, 2023, at Bragg Farm
Spiritual Director, Mary Apicella, will lead us in a 1-day retreat on the theme of "Embodied Faith" through wellness and movement-based teaching.
Mary is an ordained clergy person who believes in movement as a spiritual practice that helps us all heal and connect to a greater sense of meaning and purpose. She is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist through PRONatal Fitness. Learn more here.
Watch for more details to come! You won't want to miss out!
Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations
- Arnold Philemon, Jack Crymes, Joyce Ehrenberger, Mary Rickenbaker
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Financial Report:
- 2023 Budget: $1,153,000
- Actuals through July:
- Income $628,855 (55%)
- Expenses $634,400 (55%)
- Surplus (Deficit) – ($5,546)
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Staff Contact Information
Rev. Haley Blackwell, Minister for Youth & Young Adults - 704-333,5428, ext. 2013; 620-515-3558 (cell)
Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
Dr. Lillian Quackenbush, Interim Minister for Worship & Music
Jessica Borgnis, Academy of the Arts Director
Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
- Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
- Noel Lance, Organist
- Dr. Matthew Manwarren, Associate Organist
Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039
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