August 11, 2023

Shabbas Parshas Re'Eh

Candle lighting: 7:46pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 8:40pm

Shabbos Ends: 8:45pm


4:30pm- Beis HaMedrash, Daf HaYomi, Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

5:50pm - Beis HaMedrash, Pirkei Avos, Perek 5, Magid Shiur

Jeff Zuckerman

Full Season Davening Schedule

Beaver Lakers set a



Amazing but TRUE

There are more kiddush enhancers this week

than at any other time

 in the history of the world

They are...

Elkie and Harry Bram

in honor of the birth of our


Tehilla Rochel

daughter of

Ettel and Shlomo Bram



in loving memory of my aunt

Sophia Gluck bat Chana Gluck


in loving memory of my brother-in-law

Yitzchock ben Binyamin Eliezer Mandel

יהי שמם מברך

may their memories be blessed


Mindy & Saul Feder

in celebration of the birth and Bris of their first great-grandson

Nechemia Dov-Ber

(David B Klein), known as “Dovi”

to Alex and Joe Klein

Hearty Mazel Tov to

Great-Great Grandmother

Eve Weinblatt

and to Zayda

Howie Feder

and to aunts and uncles:

Tamar & David Hochstein

Limor & David Feder and

Maya & Michael Feder

and to Beaver Lake’s own

Naftali, Dalia, Yona and Joe Hochstein


Marlene & Abe Mordowitz

in honor of the yahrtzeit of

Marlene's mother this Shabbos

Rivka bas R' Yaakov

and the upcoming yahrtzeit of

Marlene's father

R' Mendel Aizik ben

R' Nechemia HaKohen


in honor of the recent births of

a great grandson in Yerushalyim

and a daughter to

Sari and Yisroel Mordowitz


Tami and Nathan Braun

in memory of Nathan's mother

Iana bas Naftali Baruch, A’H

and uncles

may their neshamas have an aliyah


Jeff and Anny Zuckerman

in memory of Jeff's father's

57th yartzeit

אברהם יעקב בן בנימין הלוי צוקרמן ז״

may his neshama have a continued aliya

To enhance a kiddush or

to sponsor a L'Chaim

please contact Moishy at 917-434-5999

Or Click Here

Oh boy, camp is almost over

World Of Change Truck came on Wednesday.

BLDC Director Yael and WOC Matt

This summer, we partnered with World of Change (WOC) at Beaver Lake Day Camp. Campers brought spare change from home on August 9 and deposited it into the WOC Change Truck at morning lineup. The truck counted the spare change and Beaver Lake campers will decide which charity to give it to.

...and a climbing wall was brought to Beaver Lake

for a camp activity

36 years

The Comedy and Mind of

Eric Dittleman

August 12 at 10:15pm

Click to see the entire season's entertainment lineup

 Our Very Own David Pearlman in concert - August 19


Monday, August 14, 8am

Tomi Karfunkel

Recycling Flyer

A Trivia Quiz

Please submit all Trivia correspondence to

the editor:

It is exclusively on

Beaver Lake history.

Last week's question was:

In what season was

Beaver Lake purchased

by the original shareholders?

Answer: the winter

Andrew Weissman correctly answered last week's

Trivia question.

He submitted this week's

Trivia question:

Who was the longest standing

Executive Director of Beaver Lake?

A bonus question:

How many years was this person the Executive Director?

the answers are hidden somewhere in this Bulletin

Thank you to all the photographers who participate in the

Summer photo contest. All winners get a free ice cream cone.

Please submit your photos by Wednesday noon, to

this week's winner is:

Esther Slomniki

The Beaver Lake Bulletin has enthusiastic readers who go to extraordinary lengths to find the perfect shot for the Photo of the Week contest:

Mazel Tov to Alan Hirsch and his family on the

40th anniversary

of the publishing of the Country Vues

Any future Bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to

Roz Wiesel
189 Southwoods Drive
Monticello, NY 12701
Connect With Us: BL Instagram