USDA Investing Over $800M to Strengthen Rural Infrastructure, Create Jobs U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA is investing $808 million to help rural cooperatives and utilities build and improve electric infrastructure and increase electric grid reliability and security, connecting hundreds of thousands of people in rural areas. more
PFAS Settlement Steering Committee Releases Allocation Estimates for Largest Drinking Water Settlement in History The allocation procedures outlined in court filings in support of the $13.6 billion settlements with 3M and DuPont entities now have an accompanying estimated allocation range table for each settling defendant. more
Water and Wastewater Regional Threat Briefings - 9/10/23 application deadline The U.S. Environmental Protection EPA HQ and CISA have organized Water and Wastewater Sector Regional Threat Briefings for Water Sector partners and EPA. more
EPA rolls back wetland protections following SCOTUS decision on Clean Water Act - WTAP For half a century, the Clean Water Act allowed the federal government to regulate the “waters of the united states,” (WOTUS) a broad category including major rivers, lakes, and wetlands. more
2700 charges pressed against Chemours executives over decades of PFAS pollution Criminal lawyer Benedicte Ficq will file at least 2,700 charges against the executives of the chemical company Chemours on Monday. more
For OPERATORS: The Down and Dirty of How Small Towns Can Avoid Getting Hacked - 1 hour September 21, 2023 | 2:00 pm CDT Virtually no water/wastewater operators, ever, went into water because they wanted to be experts in cybersecurity. more
EPA Issues Emergency New Rule on Waters of the United States | Snell & Wilmer - JDSupra Using a rarely invoked exception to the Administrative Procedure Act’s requirement for public notice and comment prior to issuing a new rule, the EPA set forth a new rule governing jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Believing that this new rule was urgently needed in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court eviscerating the existing rule in the Sackett case, the EPA issued a new rule defining how waters and wetlands are to be considered “Waters of the United States”, and thus subject to Federal regulation under the Clean Water Act. more
EPA Cybersecurity Rule Challenged by States and Water Systems Associations - JD Supra On July 25, Missouri, Arkansas, and Iowa (the states), along with intervenors American Water Works Association and National Rural Water Association (the water associations), petitioned the Eighth Circuit to review the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new rule requiring states to review and report cybersecurity threats to their public water systems (PWS). more
Brita filters 'not nearly as effective' as advertised, lawsuit claims The complaint says some of the contaminants that the filters do not remove are PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals." more
EPA and Army Publish Amended WOTUS Rule Per Supreme Court Decision EPA and the U.S. Army have announced a final rule entitled, “Amendments to the Revised Definition of ‘Waters of the United States (WOTUS)” under the Clean Water Act. more
EPA Granted Extension in Cybersecurity Policy Litigation In the latest development in the ongoing litigation between EPA and three states over the evaluation of cybersecurity practices as part of sanitary surveys, on August 23rd, the US Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit approved EPA’s request for a 60-day extension on its next briefing deadline to allow additional time for the Agency to “evaluate options.” more
Potable reuse has potential for water resilience Population growth and climate change are stretching America’s water supplies to the limit, and tapping new sources is becoming more difficult each year—in some cases, even impossible. more
FEMA continues to seek more funds for disaster relief The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says it has enough money to handle the impacts of Hurricane Idalia but that money will not last forever. more
US states withdraw objections to 3M's $10.3 billion PFAS settlement | 1330 & 101.5 WHBL A group of 22 U.S. states and territories have dropped their bid to block a proposed $10.3 billion settlement between 3M and U.S. public water providers that have accused the company of polluting drinking water with toxic chemicals. more
More than half of wetlands no longer have EPA protections after Supreme Court ruling | WUFT NPR’s Ari Shapiro talks with Marla Stelk, executive director of the National Association of Wetland Managers, about the EPA’s new rules that comply with a ruling limiting the Clean Water Act’s scope. more
Deer Point Lake Bridge, Dam will undergo repairs | WJHG A critical utility in Bay County will soon undergo repairs above ground and underwater. more
Fort Lauderdale residents might get sticker shock when they see water bills | Sun Sentinel Like any big city, Fort Lauderdale has big bills to pay. And if you live here, you’re helping pay them. more
FDEP Water Quality Protection Grants now open DEP has extended the Water Quality Protection Grant Program application deadlines to 11:59 p.m. EST on Sept. 14, 2023, for all eligible entities throughout the state. more
Florida Department of Health: Collier County beaches safe for swimming | Naples Daily News The agency issued a precautionary advisory for the county's beaches due to Hurricane Idalia on Aug. 30, concerned about the potential for more water-borne illnesses caused by bacteria. more
Help Promote SepticSmart Week in September Plan now to help promote SepticSmart Week, taking place on September 18-22 this year. more
Hernando County officials: areas west of US-19 ‘no longer accessible’ due to flooding | WFLA Hernando County officials ordered no access to areas west of US-19 due to storm surge from Hurricane Idalia. more