Friday, October 20, 2023

Join Us for the Final IHLA Member Coffee of 2023


9:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Holiday Inn & Conference Center

7400 Hudson Rd, Cedar Falls

Guest Speaker:

Jessica Dunker, President & CEO

Iowa Hotel & Lodging Association

Connect with other operators each month at the IHLA’s member coffee meeting. Each month has a featured presenter as well as association updates and plenty of discussion and networking time.  This is your opportunity to learn more about the Association's upcoming legislative session and meet some of our allied members as well.

Let Us Know You're Coming!

Questions? Contact Faith Dorn.

2024 State Legislative Agenda Being Determined

Take a second to complete the poll below!

The Iowa Hotel & Lodging Association was formed in 2021 to advocate on behalf of hoteliers at the state legislative level. Below are four of the issues we intend to work on in the coming year. As a member organization, your opinion matters. Let us know which issue is most important to you. Share your feedback on our legislative priorities at

Mark Your Calendars

January 30th | Iowa State Capitol

Join us on for the IHLA Day at the State Capitol! We will host legislators that evening at a reception which is also open to all members.

What is the most important state legislative issue to you and your business?

Select One:
Eliminating Sales Tax on Materials Needed to Prepare a Room
Elimination of Credit Card Fees on Sales Tax
Opt-in Hotel Taxes to Create Tourism or Entertainment Districts?
Parity in Federal and State Per Diem Rates

Issue to Watch: FTC "Junk Fees" Rules

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has proposed new rules that would eliminate what it considers hidden and bogus fees. Nearly all of the media coverage on the announcement references hotels and concert tickets as examples. The rules document specifically references unexpected resort, cleaning and amenities fees. Once the proposed rule is published, industry and consumers will have 60 days to comment on it. Watch for the Association's future action alerts for next steps you can take.

FTC Proposed Rule

Issue to Watch: Proposed New Jersey Franchise Law

A sweeping franchise reform bill is working its way through the New Jersey legislature. If passed, it could have widespread implications for hoteliers.

The bill has split support among the industry’s two biggest advocacy groups—AHLA and AAHOA. If passed, Assembly Bill 1958 would, among other things, impact the sourcing of goods and services, brand standards as set in an operations manual and the logistics of brand-wide loyalty programs. The bill would make it a violation for a hotel franchisor to receive any direct or indirect consideration from a vendor or affiliate unless it is disclosed to the franchisee and then given to the franchisee.

It would also allow a franchisee to purchase goods or services from suppliers besides those designated by the franchisor if those goods and services meet the franchisor’s reasonable specifications and standards. The bill has moved through the legislative process and is now with the New Jersey Senate.  Other states, including Iowa, are watching the outcome carefully to weigh future state-level legislative strategies. 

Learn More 

In Case You Missed It:

This week the Iowa Hotel & Lodging Association and WoodRiver Energy hosted a webinar on energy savings! For nearly 30-years, deregulation of natural gas has provided businesses the opportunity to purchase natural gas from a third-party supplier through the utility’s natural gas transport program. Missed the webinar? Access the recording below.

The Iowa Hotel & Lodging Association convened in Des Moines to celebrate the new professional trade association’s inaugural year and Award Winners.

WoodRiver Webinar
See Full Image Gallery

If you appreciate this information, please consider joining. 

These efforts are funded by our membership. Learn more about membership here.

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