Weekly eNews

April 12, 2024

This Weekend at St. Michael's

Creation Justice Sunday

This Sunday, 9:15 AM

During the season of Easter we pray for the "just and proper use of [God's] creation." What are we doing as a church and as individuals to be better stewards of our earth? Jon Numair from the Creation Justice ministry will join Matt for the Sunday Forum in the sanctuary for a discussion of these questions and a look at initiatives, big and small, to consider. Elementary Sunday School will also be run by our Creation Justice team as they invite children to reconnect with creation by getting their hands in the soil and planting some seeds. All just in time for Earth Day on April 22!

Guest Preacher

The Rev. Frank Allen

This Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 AM

While Rev. Matt is on sabbatical this summer, the Rev. Frank Allen will be supporting St. Michael's during the months of June and July. Matt served under Frank at St. David's Episcopal Church in Wayne, Pennsylvania from 2011-2014. We are excited to have Frank preach at both services this Sunday and begin to get acquainted with the wonderful people of St. Mike's.

Nursery Families Brunch

This Sunday, April 14, 12:00 PM

If you have a child in the nursery (ages 0-5), it's not too late to plan to attend the fellowship brunch this Sunday after the 10:30 AM service. Families will eat together and then the little ones will return to the nursery while parents have time to get acquainted. Please reach out to Owen at with any questions, and click below to let us know you're coming.

Sign Up for Nursery Families Brunch

Great American Cleanup

Saturday, April 27, 9:00 AM


Even though this event is two weeks away, the deadline to register is this Monday, April 15. Please join with others from St. Michael's as we continue our journey toward becoming a Green Church, by cleaning up around Prospect Lake and Memorial Park as we did last year. Click below to learn more and to sign up. Contact Rod Sato at with any questions.

Sign Up for Great American Cleanup

Also this weekend.....

  • Young Adult Theology on Tap, Friday, 6:30 PM

Tonight, Rev. Matt will host a conversation with our 20s and 30s group on why we gather, why it's necessary, and why we were never meant to do any of this alone. Join at Goat Patch Brewing for this time of sharing and fellowship.

  • Widows Support Group, Saturday, 11:30 AM

The Widows Support Group will be meeting for lunch at Ted's Montana Grill. Contact MaryDee Weigel at if you plan to attend.

  • Newcomer Class: Sunday, 9:15 AM

This month's class is "The Episcopal Church 101 - The Basics." The group will meet in the downstairs Chapel, and ALL are welcome...not just newcomers!

  • Addresses for Finals Care Packages DUE 4/15!

Our middle & high school youth groups will be packing care packages for our college students next Wednesday, April 17. So if you would like a care package sent to your college student, please email Owen,, an updated mailing address by this Monday, April 15.

On the Calendar

This Sunday, April 14

Third Sunday of Easter

Volunteer to Help with Worship this Sunday

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?

Click above to sign up today & thank you!

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir

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- Worship Bulletin

Education & More! 

9:15 AM Sunday Forum

Watch on YouTube

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9:15 AM Newcomer Class

12:00 PM Nursery Families Brunch

Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.

Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after each service.

View Weekly Church Calendar

Parish Life

Ushers & Coffee Hour Reimagined

Join a Monthly Team

Launching this May!

Have you been interested in engaging in a new ministry at St. Mike's but just haven't "gotten around to it?" Now is the perfect time to consider being a part of the new usher or coffee hour team ministries! In order to encourage participation, ensure adequate coverage, and streamline our hospitality, we are organizing into weekly teams that will serve once a month on the same Sunday each month, e.g. Week 1: 8:00 AM service, Week 1, 10:30 AM service, Week 2: 8:00 AM service, etc. Please prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment to one of these ministries, or signing up to be an infrequent substitute, by clicking below.

Sign Up for Usher Team
Sign Up for Coffee Hour Team

Please Support Our Youth

Several Opportunities Available

As you are well aware, St. Michael's is blessed to have many active young members doing valuable work both within and beyond our walls. As the school year draws to a close, there are several opportunities for our St. Michael's family to support our young people in their upcoming journeys. Please read on and thank you in advance for your generosity!

Senior Sendoff & Scholarship

On May 5, we will be celebrating our graduating seniors during the 10:30 AM service and presenting each of them with a scholarship award from their St. Michael's family. If you would like to contribute to this, please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Senior Scholarship" in the note.

New Mexico Service Trip & Utah Pilgrimage

This summer, nine of our St. Michael's middle & high schoolers will be joining with peers from the diocese to embark on adventures that will cross state lines. Their first trip will be to New Mexico for service opportunities, exposing our young people to a variety of different needs and injustices in our world while giving them meaningful opportunities to make a difference. The second trip will be a pilgrimage in Utah. This trip will focus on spiritual growth and exploration, and it will challenge our high schoolers to think in new ways about how God is calling each of them in their lives.

If you would like to donate to ensure these trips are financially accessible for all of our participants. please click below, then choose the "Youth" dropdown and enter "Summer Trip Support" in the note. Each donation of $50 or more will come with a "flat pilgrim" (pictured above) that will allow you to "join" the participants on their adventures. They will take pictures with you, send you email updates, and bring you along on their adventures in spirit!

Donate to Our Youth Scholarship or Trip Support

Current Job Openings

St. Michael's is actively interviewing for a Director of Children & Youth Ministries as well as a Weekend Custodian to supplement the wonderful work being done by our Parish Sexton. To learn more about the requirements for these positions, click below, and please share this with anyone you know who may be qualified and interested.

Access Job Openings

Forward Day by Day

May - July Available

The new Forward Day by Day, with daily meditations for May through July, is now available in the St. Bede's Bookstore outside the church office for a small donation.

Upcoming Events

Sunday Stillness

Sundays from April 21 - May 19

10:00 - 10:25 AM

As a follow-up to Lent and the contemplative practices forum, The Well Imagining Team will be offering the opportunity for weekly Sunday Stillness downstairs in the Prayer Room from 10:00 - 10:25 AM beginning next Sunday, April 21. All are welcome!

April 21 - Mindfulness Meditation  

April 28 - Visio Divina 

May 5 - Breath Prayer 

May 12 - Lectio Divina

May 19 - Sacred Chant

Legacy Member Event

Monday, April 22 (Offsite)

Have you considered supporting St. Michael's to ensure we can continue to make Christ known to future generations? If St. Michael's is included in your estate planning or will, please contact our Legacy Chair, Steve Caruthers, at Click below to learn more about St. Michael's Legacy and to notify the church of your intentions or wishes.

Learn More about St. Michael's Legacy

40s & 50s Fellowship

Friday, April 19, 5:45 PM

Line Dancing at Whiskey Baron

If you're in your 40s and 50s - in reality or in heart - you're invited to come line dancing! Join at The Whiskey Baron (5781 N. Academy Blvd) by around 5:45 PM next Friday, April 19. FREE line dancing lessons are from 6:00-8:00 PM, and you won't want to miss any of the fun! Click below to learn more and to sign up.

Sign Up for 40s & 50s Outing

Children & Youth Sunday

Sunday, April 21, Both Services

Our Spring Children & Youth Sunday, highlighting our talented young people at St. Mike's, is coming up next weekend! Senior, Allie Holcombe, will be the guest preacher at both the 8:00 and 10:30 AM services. Children & Youth Minister, Owen Copps, will lead the Sunday Forum for all ages from 9:15 - 10:10 AM. Amalia would still love to hear from children and youth wanting to share their musical talents. And finally, we would love for our young people to serve in all the worship volunteer roles, from acolyte, to usher, to coffee hour host. Please click below to sign up.

Sign Up for Children & Youth Sunday

Newcomer Lunch

Sunday, April 21, 12:00 PM

New to St. Michael's? You are invited to our special Newcomer Lunch with the clergy, staff, and other newcomers following the 10:30 AM service next Sunday, April 21. If you have never been able to make a newcomer luncheon before, we'd love to have you. You don't need to have joined St. Mike's to attend. This is just an opportunity to connect with others in a more intimate setting. Contact our Newcomer Coordinator, Linda Kean at with any questions.

Sign Up for Newcomer Lunch

High School Spring Retreat

April 27 - 28

Winter Park

Deadline next Thursday, 4/18

The Youth Council has planned an epic Spring High School Retreat weekend that will consist of a deep dive into the practices of centering and contemplative prayer, excursions like snow tubing & cross-country skiing, and cozy rest time in a private lodge at YMCA of the Rockies Snow Mountain Ranch. High Schoolers are invited to join for this wonderful weekend together in the mountains! Click below for more information and to register.

Sign Up for High School Retreat

Quick Links of Interest

Birthdays This Week:

April 14 - Martie Geanopulos

April 14 - Bob Poli

April 15 - Nancy Engel

April 15 - Drew Fenton

April 15 - Calvin Johnson

April 16 - Lee Bell

April 16 - Joanne Sanders

April 17 - Jack Paris

April 17 - Bev Pirio

April 17 - MaryDee Weigel

April 18 - Olivia Pachter

April 18 - Lesley Priest

April 20 - Eric Sorge

Anniversaries This Week:

April 16 - Rhona Fletcher & Hans Mehnert  

April 17 - John & Pam Priest

April 20 - Bob & Linda Kean

St. Michael's Episcopal Church

7400 Tudor Road

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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