Volume 351 | February 2025

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President's Note

Dear Neighbors,


The communities of Los Angeles are in our hearts and on our minds with their devastating fires serving as a reminder how our continued hyper-local focus on fire mitigation is crucial. 


At the state level, CalFire's personnel and budget has nearly doubled during the past five or so years. Here locally, we have the Kentfield Fire District focused on preparedness and prevention while actively hiring seasonal firefighters. However, there is work to be done by all of us as property-owners in Kent Woodlands to prepare for fire.


On Monday, February 24th at 6:00pm, a representative from the Kentfield Fire District (who personally participated in firefighting efforts in LA recently) will be attending our meeting. We'll discuss preparedness and evacuations, and have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments in this candid forum.


Thank you to the relatively large turnout (over 65 households) who attended our annual meeting last month. Please email us for a link to the recording if you weren't able to make it. In addition to a report from the Sheriff's  Department, which we greatly appreciated, we had an interesting and productive discussion with an electrical underground engineer. I know the undergrounding committee (made up of volunteer residents) is working on next steps as we continue to explore undergrounding wires in the Woodlands. 


During the annual meeting, we also had the pleasure of hearing from Ranjiv Khush, our elected local representative on the Marin Water board. For more detail on Marin Water’s management of wildfire risks, click HERE for a copy of Ranjiv’s presentation. Reach out to Ranjiv directly at should you have any follow-up questions or comments. 


Finally, we're pleased to congratulate Brian Colbert as our district's newest Supervisor. I had the honor of attending his swearing in at the Civic Center, and I have extended an invitation for him to attend our February 24th board meeting to meet our board and residents. The KWPOA looks forward to working with Brian as the second largest (next to Greenbrae) property owner's association in his district.  




Jeff Leh, President

2025 Board of Directors Election Results

Ballots for the 2025 Board of Directors Election were tallied at the Annual Meeting on January 15, 2025. The following results were certified by Pro Elections, our independent Election Inspector:

Number of Seats Up for Election:

3 board seats


Steven Ring 82 votes - ELECTED

Paul Janzer 81 votes - ELECTED

Thank you to all members who participated by returning a ballot.

KWPOA 2025 Officers Appointed

At the January 27th regular board meeting, the KWPOA Board of Directors elected the following officers for 2025:

President — Jeff Leh

Vice President — Bitsa Freeman

Treasurer — John Millar

Secretary — Paul Janzer

Steve Ring — Board Representative to the AC

Many thanks to these dedicated volunteers for their hard work in our community.

Assessment Reminder

Members, please note that your annual dues of $468 must be received by February 15th! Late payments will be subject to a 10% late fee and 1% interest monthly. Payment by credit or debit card through is available on our web site at Checks should be sent to KWPOA, PO Box 404, Kentfield, 94914. If you have not received your annual assessment invoice, please contact us as soon as possible at either 415-721-7429 or

Are you interested in obtaining a grant to assist with your fire mitigation efforts?

The first step is to obtain a Wildfire Risk Report from MWPA — this is required of any resident looking to apply for grants. Items in your report are eligible for reimbursement through MWPA Grant Programs, up to $2,500, with the required documentation. Eligible projects include installing metal gutters, fire-resistant vents, non-combustible gate sections, and clearing vegetation within the first 30 feet of a structure. Send any questions to Be sure to document your expenses with receipts and take before and after photos of the completed work. And, as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions about this or any fire safety matters.

— Heather Hill, Hazard Mitigation Specialist



Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey to establish our annual progress toward Carbon Neutrality! In 2023, survey results indicated 39% of Kent Woodlands homeowners got their electricity from Marin Clean Energy (MCE). In 2024, survey results indicated a 9% increase year-over-year in members signing up for MCE!


Let’s get 100% of Kent Woodlands residents using renewable electricity! This is the easiest thing we can do to take the first step towards a cleaner, greener future for our neighborhood! Contact Marin Clean Energy today to make the switch! Visit or call (888) 632-3674.


By making the switch, you reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and significantly impact our environment. MCE uses the PG&E electrical grid to distribute power, but unlike PG&E (which burns fossil fuels to generate electricity), Marin Clean Energy Deep Green provides electricity from a 100% sustainable energy source.

Current pricing for average monthly cost per MCE’s website:

Julie Johnson, CNKW Chair

Architectural Committee Application Notices

Please direct any Architectural Committee inquiries to the Kristin Tiernan at


Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6:00pm

at KWPOA office and via Zoom (email for directions/link)

Or via Zoom at


  • Call to Order
  • Public Comment
  • Fire Safety & Hazard Mitigation Report
  • Kentfield Fire Roundtable & Special Guests
  • Approval of January 27, 2025 Board Meeting Minutes
  • AC Report and Ratifications
  • LPR Camera – Vendor Change Update
  • Electrical Wire Undergrounding Committee Update
  • Kentfield/Ross Magazine
  • Social Events Update
  • Officer Reports
  • Operations Report
  • Next Regular Board Meeting Agenda
  • Adjourn and Reconvene in Executive Session


  • Call to Order
  • Approval of January 27, 2025 Executive Minutes
  • Enforcements and Legal Matters
  • Personnel
  • Adjournment 

(This is a preliminary agenda. Final agenda posted in office window four days prior to meeting.)

Contact Us

OFFICE ADDRESS: 1010 Francis Drake Blvd., Suite 200, Kentfield, CA 94904

MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 404, Kentfield, CA 94914-0404

PHONE: 415.721.7429


Jeff Leh, President

Bitsa Freeman,Vice President

John Millar, Treasurer

Paul Janzer, Secretary

Steven Ring, AC Board Rep

Ghigo DiTommaso, Director


Jeanne Williams, Operations Manager

Kristin Tiernan, AC Coordinator

Heather Hill, Fire Hazard Mitigation


Monday - Thursday, 9:30 - 2:30

(hours may vary - call before stopping by!)

Visit our website at