Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, July 5, 2022; 7:06pm;
Location: ZOOM Video Conference
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Excused --- Mike Willis, Past President *On vacation but was able to attend for a period of time
Social, Membership – Vacant
Chairs Excused: Al Price III,
Introduction of guests:
· Kirk Bradford
· Collin Fat
· Rick Duste (Vice President for Redwood Region) – Now residing in Auburn and will be transferring to SRV as a dual member.
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
· Minutes from Board Meeting
· Collin ---- MSR Training --- Need to reschedule
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meetings held on June 7, 2022
i. Email approval will be done vial email
b. CRAB 38 --- John Hawk reported on Zoom CRAB meeting Tentative Date May 19 -21
Open Chair positions are Registration and Marketing
First Crab meeting will be announced later this week and meeting will be Zoom More information will be reported at the next Board meeting.
c. 60th Anniversary event - Kirk Bradford
Basic structure has been constructed but more information needs to be MRS
d. Sacramento Auto Show *see below
e. Charity Auction – Dick MacFarland reported an article was submitted to the drifter.
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc
a. June 9th dinner at Red Bus – Sally Boeck gave a favorable report on this activity “well attended” Pre- ordering pizza made the evening’s event to move smoothly.
b. July 4th Parade in the Pocket (event of interest)
Collin reported that at least 15 cars in attendance and was a well-organized event. Collin was “pleasantly” surprised that others brought their grandchildren along with them.
c. June AX's (11th and 12th at Thunderhill) – John Leet reported that attendance has been low and has been noted/observed for future AX and ways to reach to prompt folks to participate. Summer vacations seem to be the cause of the low attendance.
d. July 2nd breakfast - Rik reported that more than 30 people in attendance.
Mike Willis received an email from a gentleman at the breakfast who is interested serving on the board.
3) FACEBOOK Status
a. Content – John Leet is assisting in posting and monitoring with Al during this transition phase.
b. Postings/Administration/Monitor
4) Future Board Meetings to continue va ZOOM
a. Possible in person meetings beginning August 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks (Dick MacFarlane) - Zoom until further notice
5) New Business
a. Budget -- Summer Sun Fun Rally (attached) Start and ends in Dixon
GPS time event.
Flyer is about finished
Event is open to the public and you do not have to own a Porsche to participate
Budget - approved as submitted (Sally B. made the motion to accept second by Bob P.)
b. ZOOM account for SVR -- Duane Wilson (I hope this is not a surprise) – Postponed to Aug meeting
c. Sacramento Automobile Show in October 14 – 17 Dick MacFarlane No cost to SVR to participate in this event
Rik reviewed contract and shared that there is a clause in the contract for insurance coverage. Insurance Coverage was discussed – concern of possible damage to cars being displayed. Dick will check with organizer for clarification on insurance. Rik expressed his concern with PCA National if they will issue a Insurance Certificate for this event being this is not a SVR sponsored event
Coffee and Porsche is on Oct 15 which might to an encourage to go the auto show after.
d. Board and Chair vacancies membership, Social, Webmaster, etc.)
e. Charity Auction - Dick Macfarland
6) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR AX at Thunderhill, July 9th (Leet)
b. SVR Dinner at Fat's Bisto, July 20th (Bentley)
c. SVR Snake Bite Tour to Cobra Museum, July 22nd (Bulhoes)
d. SVR Tour – Neillo Boat Tour – Aug 12 10 car max
Free Parking Zero Budget item
Flyer will be crafted
7) Board Reports
a. President
i. Budgets for board of directors, chairs, events, etc. for 2022 --- reminder to board and chairs; Rik wrote an extensive documentation of Membership Chairman.
There is a strong concern with the new membership being neglected. There is a person who is interested in taking over this position.
Mike W recommended that we focus on our newest members first then work backwards from there.
Nancy recommended that we reach out to those who joined 18 months ago.
Darryl posted in “Chat” that a new member packet be given out. Rik stated that there is a packet but probably has not be used.
Collin recommends that a list be created and assign names to board
Bob P reported that a company has been pre-paid for PCA badges (104 badges) – numerous requests for badges were made by new members.
Need to reach out to members who ordered to see if they are still interested in ordering. Nancy recommended that the Board host a “new” member badge event with wine.
New Member tour recommendation – further discussion.
ii. 60th anniversary banners from PCA National? Received banners that said 65th anniversary. Those 65th banners are now at the SVR storage location. Received the corrected 60th anniversary banners. We now have 2 banners and one upright display for the 60th anniversary.
iii. SVR Directory/Roster for BOARDPLUS people? --- defer to June board meeting; requested by Kim Nelson
iv. Use of GLOVEBOX vs. DROPBOX ----- defer to August discussion
v. 2023-24 Zone 7 Representative --- I have been contacted by Craig Steele of Redwood Region. I am sure that there are other candidates for the position. Process for selection? Input from region presidents?
vi. Review of BOARD and BOADPLUS forwarders?
vii. Vacant Membership Director position comments and what to do
b. Vice President (see calendar in the DRIFTER and on the website)
i. Thanks for setting up the Red Bus dinner
ii. Other upcoming events
iii. 2023 Events --- San Simeon Tour dates
c. Secretary
i. MSR experiences
d. Treasurer (see attached documents----- 3 of them)
i. Any outstanding event budgets not complete – none at this time
ii. 2022 SVR Annual Budget (Rik to finish up typing and distribution) - did not happen
iii. Storage shed options – further discussion
e. Membership Director (attached) - position now vacant
i. New Member event?
ii. Name Badges----- new members and old member requests, checks, etc.
f. Social Director -- vacant
g. Past President
i. Nominating Committee members
1. Collin Fat
2. Steve Nieslony
3. Mike Willis (chair)
8) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. AutoCross - updated AX schedule
i. AX schedule updated
ii. AX Trailer inventory reported (to Rik)
c. Charity - Auction - to be combined with SVR 60th Anniversary event on September 10th *see above for details on status on auction
d. Concours
i. SVR event for 2022 -- June 5th at Porsche Rocklin; budget approved; lunch -- DONE
e. CRAB 3 Covered under OLD BUSINESS as part of ongoing report
f. DRIFTER Editor - 2022 advertiser payments received (6 so far?)
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin------ 2022 event support
h. New Member Group -- pending Membership Director??
i. Rally maybe 2 events -- later this year; one in August and one in November
j. Share the Wealth --- tickets------ Rik obtaining; to have for Fat's Bistro dinner on July 20th
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- transition status; any software purchases needed?; budget at June board meeting? m.
9) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, August 2nd, location ZOOM (maybe the fire station?)
10) Adjournment 9:07pm
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (chairs----- tour, historian, safety)
b) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.
c) 2022 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
d) 2022 Calendar; SVR AX received---- updates as of June 25, 2022
e) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- September 10, 2022 ---