October 2023

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The IRB Review

A compilation of information, announcements, & updates for UK Institutional Review Board (IRB) members, research investigators, & others involved with human subject research.

Learn about Conducting Community Research

A community-based research approach requires partnership development, cooperation and negotiation, and thinking outside traditional research parameters to better understand the context and methods used when planning and executing community research.

UK-CARES Community Engagement Core (CEC) developed a video training module which describes the context and methods used when planning and executing research with the community. The discussion on developing community relations may be applicable for any type of interactive human research. Click the button below to register and view the module.

Community Engaged Research Module 

Community Partners Training

One of the resources in the ORI Community-Engaged and Community-Based Participatory Research Frequently Asked Questions guide is a table of options for training non-UK partners in Human Research Protections. Researchers can utilize the table to propose an alternate Human Research Protection training that better meets the needs of community engaged partners or field workers.

Research Ethics for All (RE4ALL) is a new option for human subject ethics training for community partners with developmental disabilities. The course provides accessible training for developmentally disabled community partners acting as study personnel for social and behavioral research. Click the button below to access the training.

Explore RE4ALL Training

Still Time To REGISTER!

Human Research Protections:


Virtual Conference

November 2-3, 12-3:30 pm ET

Join us November 2-3 for our annual human research protections conference, entitled "Human Research Protections: Unstoppable". This year's sessions will address issues of critical importance to human research protections!

  • Trust, Trustworthiness, and "Tuskegee,": The Legacy of the United Stated Public Health Syphilis Study 
  • Reimagining Research in the Age of AI
  • From Validation to Clinical Workflow: Human Subjects Research (HSR) Protection & Regulatory Considerations for Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) Predictive Models 
  • The Secrets of Big Data Research: Public, Private, or What?
  • Why DEI Initiatives in Research are Not Working: An Opportunity for a Deeper Dive 
  • Ethical Review of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCDs) 

For full agenda and continuing education credit details, see the conference brochure.

To register:

Visit the Conference Website and Login or Create an Account.

Then, click the “Register” tab. Capacity is limited; please register early.

Questions: Please email and reference the Human Research Protections conference.

Co-sponsored by Cincinnati Children’sNorthern Kentucky University, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Kentucky, our 2023 conference promises to be another engaging and informative event for all members of the research community. 

Test Your IRB Knowledge:

When developing a Community-Based Partner Research protocol, investigators should refrain from including rigid research procedures in their protocol application.

True or False?

***Keep Reading for the Answer***

Upcoming ORI Office Hours

Thursday, October 19, 12:30pm - 1:30 pm

Join Here
Click Here for All Office Hours Dates/Times

The Office of Research Integrity offers consultations by phone, Zoom, or in-person. Consultations are offered for studies in development (with or without an E-IRB submission) as well as approved research projects.

Click Here to Request a Consult

Answer to the Trivia Question:

TRUE: In preparing your initial application, include appropriate details to allow the IRB to apply the federal criteria for approval. However, when describing your operational procedures, your descriptions should be general enough to allow flexibility. Describe a range of procedures that may be employed. For example, when describing a meeting place for an interview, state a “mutually convenient place” instead of “Room 413 in Kinkead.”

Please note: The IRB will make the final determination as to whether your research procedures meet the requirements for approval or may require revisions.