Week of January 29, 2025
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Presbytery Calendar At-A-Glance |
- January 29-30, Villa Maria Spirituality Center
- February 2, Commissioning of Ruling Elder Lisa Machar, 3:00 p.m., Allenside Presbyterian
- February 3, Triennium Informational Gathering, 6:00 p.m., Zoom
- February 6, AMC, 5:30 p.m., Zoom
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Just by Chance
Healthy Congregations
When I sit down to do pre-marital counseling with a couple, I tell them that the sign of a healthy marriage is not that they have no conflict but that they have the tools to work through conflict and find common ground. The same, it turns out, is true for congregations. Read through Acts and the Epistles and you will see that even the earliest followers of Jesus disagreed, argued, and sometimes parted ways. Conflict, as it turns out, is a normal part of congregational life. That is why I spent the fall getting trained to be a Healthy Congregations workshop facilitator.
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Congratulations to Rev. Kori Robbins (First, Mineral Ridge) on the arrival of Hattie Jean Robbins on January 16th! Hattie weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and measured 19 inches long. Mom and her perfect little bundle of joy are healthy, happy, and doing well! | |
Calling All Youth
who are entering freshmen through graduated seniors in high school
Eastminster Presbytery, the Resource Committee, and Erika are excited to invite youth in our churches to attend Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) this summer.
Erika Carcelli, the Eastminster Presbytery Triennium Registrar, will host an informational Zoom meeting on Monday, February 3 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting is open to all churches, youth (entering freshmen through graduated seniors in high school), parents, church leaders, and adult volunteers who are interested in learning more about PYT.
For those unable to attend the Zoom on February 3, please contact Erika (330) 757-1547 x105 or erika@polandpresbyterian.org.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium registration opens on February 3, so we are hoping to have our Eastminster Presbytery delegation registered by March 1 to ensure priority housing assignments.
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Clerks of Session
PC(USA) Statistical report - Deadline, February 15, 2025
The on-line statistical reporting system is now open for the PC(USA) 2024 Annual Statistical Report. Once the statistical information is submitted, it is then reported to session and is included in session minutes. PC(USA) has recently updated their website, frequently asked questions, instructions, and to submit the statistics can be found HERE. Questions about how to prepare the annual statistical report or passwords can be directed to Barry Chance (barry@eastminsterpresbytery.org).
2025 Annual Terms of Call
Each congregation is asked to submit an Annual Terms of Call form to Eastminster following approved vote at a congregational meeting. This information is used by the COM as one of the responsibilities of this committee is to ensure fair compensation for our ministers. It is recommended that the Terms of Call be submitted online, If you are unable to submit online, a form can be downloaded and mailed to Eastminster Presbytery / PO Box 14439 / Poland, OH 44514. The online Terms of Call link and pdf form can also be found on the Resources page on our website (eastminsterpresbytery.org/Resources).
Note: The 2025 minimum terms have changed compared to previous years to coinside with changes from the Board of Pensions. Resources for determining minimum terms are on the Resource page on our website.
Save the Date
The first Review of Session Minutes, which will include Clerk of Session training, is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Hubbard. The training will precede the peer minutes review, so even if the minutes are not ready for review, clerks, new and returning, are welcome to attend to assist in completing the checklist.
Presbytery is here to help! If you have questions or concerns, please contact Barry@eastminsterpresbytery.org or Diane@eastminsterpresbytery.org
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Church Treasurers
Mission Pledge Deadline: January 31, 2025
Submitting the online 2025 Mission Pledge form allows presbytery to continue one of its many ministries -being a resource to our congregations. Unless otherwise instructed, Eastminster designates shared mission giving as:
25% General Assembly
5% Synod of the Covenant
70% Eastminster Presbytery
Standard Mileage Rate FOR 2025
Business: 70 cents per mile (up 3 cents from 2024)
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Join us for Ecumenical Worship during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity! In 2025, we commemorate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, where the foundation of the Nicene Creed was laid. Let’s celebrate our shared faith and proclaim the hope of Christ that unites us. | |
Open Invitation to ALL around Eastminster Presbytery | |
Book Study
Canfield Presbyterian Church invites the presbytery to join them in a six-week book study on Sundays, January 26-March 2, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will be studying David LaMotte’s book You Are Changing the World Whether You Like It or Not. The class is led by Dan Schomer. To register, please email your name, church, and email address to Kerry at exdir@canfieldpres.org. Those who register will receive Zoom login information, suggestions on how to gain access to the book, and weekly supplemental study materials.
To register, please email your name, church, and email address to Kerry at exdir@canfieldpres.org. Those who register will receive Zoom login information, suggestions on how to gain access to the book, and weekly supplemental study materials.
House of Worship Security & Risk Management Training - Eastern Ohio
The Canfield Presbyterian Church(CPC),140 West Main St. Canfield, Ohio 44406, is pleased to host a House of Worship Security and Risk Management training on Thursday March 20 from 9 am – 3 pm.
TOPICS TO BE COVERED INCLUDE: Active Shooter/Threat, Physical Security, Personal Security, Youth Safety and Programs, Risk Management and Emergency Operations Planning, Financial Security, Electronic Data Security, Organizational Protocol, and CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) & Crime Prevention Strategies.
Registration cost is $65. (There are a few free registrations available to local police who attend.)
If you have any questions, please contact Kerry Pettit (Executive Director Canfield Presbyterian, execdir@canfieldpres.org or
John DiPietro (from OCPA), john.dipietro@OCPA-OH.org
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Next Preaching Workshop
February 5, 10:00a -11:30a
Scripting a Sermon: Using the Wisdom of Filmmaking for Impactful Preaching
Shauna Hannan, Professor of Homiletics at Pacific Lutheran Seminary. From “blue skying” in the writer’s room to effective scene changes, and from impact teams to zooming in on a character in order to evoke emotion, the craft of filmmaking has much to offer the craft of preaching. The focus of this workshop will not be on religious cinema or films with theological themes, but on cinematic craft behind the scenes. Participants will leave with concrete ideas for scripting a sermon using the wisdom of filmmaking for impactful preaching.
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Critical Cultural Competency
Dates in February
An Introductory Antiracism Training
Critical Cultural Competency Digital Workshop- an Introductory Antiracism Training Critical Cultural Competency, An Introductory Antiracism Training The Synod of the Covenant will be offering through our partner Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training on the following dates: On Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11th and 12 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm (EST) Friday, February 21st from 3:00-7:00pm and Saturday, February 22nd from 10:00am-2:00pm.
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We are looking for participants for our 2nd cohort of
Cultivating the Gift of Preaching participants.
The purpose of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative is to strengthen the witness of the Church to the good news of Jesus Christ, by identifying, training, and providing ongoing support to emerging preachers. Across the eleven presbyteries of the Synod, there are numerous ruling elders and other church leaders who are called and gifted to preach the good news. The aim of the Initiative is to cultivate these gifts through rigorous training in biblical interpretation, reformed theology, and sermon preparation. The Initiative aims to add 140 or more trained preachers across Synod over four 18-month training cycles, beginning in June of 2024 and through 2028.
Financial Information for the Program:
Please note we DO have scholarships available.
The program includes the primary set of books you will receive, the conferences you will attend (includes food and lodging), reimbursement for mileage, books and other expenses, and meeting with your cohort once a year (includes mileage/travel, hotel stay and meals).
Participant Fee: $250
Sponsoring Church Fee: $1,000
You can also learn more about the program HERE (note the 2025 conference will be held from June 12-16)
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Mr. Rogers' Birthday
March 20, 2025
| Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of word and sacrament for the PC(USA) and is a notable public figure whose work around peace and reconciliation are worth remembering. Resources are available to help congregations celebrate Mr. Rogers' legacy. | | | |
Please pray with us! … and for us!
At South Street Ministries, we believe in the power of prayer, and we know there are many partners, families, and friends who regularly lift up our ministry and service in prayer. (Thank you!) Here’s how to pray for South Street Ministries specifically in 2025:
Pray for the South Street staff — 2024 was a hard year internally with family loss, relational challenges, and the collective toll of violence and trauma. Pray that the staff and core team stay grounded in faith, in love, and in Christ.
Pray for further transformation! Every bike at Bike Shop is a chance to share and learn someone’s story. RICH Kids journeys with youth through grade-school development and formation. South Street Redirection Services walks with women and men as they transition from Reentry to restoration. Pray for God’s transformative work and Spirit in the lives of the hundreds of individuals and families impacted, served, and empowered through South Street Ministries!
Pray for Duane and Lisa Crabbs. Pastor Crabbs has returned to the Akron Fire Department — but is now serving in the role of Chaplain, ministering to both firefighters and victims of house fires. Duane is also working with other partners to address and abate issues of gun violence. Lisa Crabbs is planning her succession from 28 years of serving South Street administratively. Pray for God’s continued good, blessing, direction, and favor for the Crabbs family.
Pray for Bike Shop — we have some exciting visions and dreams of where (literally where) Bike Shop will go! Pray for the connections, support, and direction for the next steps and chapter of South Street’s Bike Shop ministry.
Pray that there is the love of God and the joy of Jesus! As South Street grows and labors, we want to stay centered in the steadfast love of God. Amid challenges, loss, and hardships, we want the joy of Jesus to be within our hearts — that we would consider it pure joy when we face and walk in trials of many kinds. And we want the stories of South Street to be stories intertwined and interwoven with the love of God!
Thank you again for your prayers and support!
Learn More about South Street Ministries
Church Financial Leadership Coaching Program | The Presbyterian Foundation received a grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc. to help pastoral leaders with their professional financial challenges. The Foundation believes it is important to resource pastoral leaders and the congregations that they serve in the areas of church financial literacy, leadership and management to promote vitality and excellence in ministry. | | | |
Presbytery Staff & Officers:
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