Thursday | Jan. 30, 2025

Message From Administration

January 29 to February 2

  • Our Upper School Choir is at the Union Adventist University Choir Festival. They will be performing during Friday night's vespers as well as for the church service. Click here for a schedule and to watch the streaming link.

January 31

  • 2nd and 3rd Grade LEGO Club: Please email Mrs. Gleason if your student can't make it.

February 2

  • Middle School Robotics Tournament: We’re excited to host the Mid-America Union Conference Middle School Robotics Tournament right here at MHA! Our Middle School Robotics team will compete alongside five other teams from across the region in this exciting event. Parents and families are invited to watch the competition - either in person or via the live stream link - which kicks off at 12:15 pm in the gym. Go, Robostangs!

February 3

  • Parents in Prayer

February 7

  • 3rd through 5th Grade to PACE: We will be back at MHA after the 12:15pm dismissal. Plan to pick up your student after 12:30pm. Please keep the fire lane clear and park your car so the bus can pull into the lot.
  • Upper School to the Symphony: This event is for the entire Upper School. They will return to campus after 1:15 pm that day.
  • 2nd & 3rd Grade LEGO Club: Please reach out to Mrs. Gleason if your student can't make it.

February 8

  • The Middle School band and choir will perform at the First Denver Indonesian SDA Church. Sound check is at 9:00 am, and the performance begins at 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome, and a potluck will follow the service. If you have any questions—or if your student is unable to attend—please email Mrs. Miranda as soon as possible.

Save the Date - February 22

  • The Lower School and Upper School Orchestra will be performing for the Constituent Church Sabbath held at MHA in the gym. Watch for more details from Mrs. Miranda.

Attendance Reminder from Mr. Carpenter

Dear Mile High Academy Families,

As we continue our journey through the school year, I want to take a moment to emphasize the critical role that regular attendance plays in your student's academic success. Consistent attendance fosters active engagement in lessons, strengthens peer connections, and ensures your student can build upon their learning each day.

Absences are sometimes unavoidable, and we understand that circumstances arise. Please remember that absences are only excused for the following reasons outlined in our handbook:

• Sickness

• Bereavement

• Medical appointments

• Family emergencies 

We encourage families to make attendance a priority and to schedule appointments or family trips outside of school time. In special cases, please complete our Pre-Arranged Absence policy to help us work together in planning for your student's needs. This process ensures that we can support your student’s academic progress while accommodating unique situations. This process helps us ensure that your student’s learning remains uninterrupted while also allowing us to support their academic needs.

Students arriving late to school are expected to report to the front office for a tardy pass if they arrive after 8:15, before proceeding to class. While we understand that traffic can occasionally cause delays, tardies due to traffic will not be excused. It is the responsibility of families to plan accordingly and allow sufficient time for travel to ensure that students arrive at school on time. As always, during inclement weather students will be excused if they are tardy.

Your partnership is essential to helping your student thrive both academically and socially.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the attendance policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Carpenter at Thank you for your continued support in making your student's education a priority.

Pre-Arranged Absence Form

In The Classroom This Week

  • Our 2nd graders have been exploring the world of measurement, putting their skills to the test by measuring their classroom.
  • The Upper School choir arrived safely at Union Adventist University, where they are rehearsing for their Saturday performance alongside other schools from the Mid-America Union Conference.
  • Meanwhile, our 6th graders have been studying how the Earth's plates move and shape our world.
  • Upper School students not on the choir trip spent the day at the Colorado History Museum, enjoying some hands-on learning about the history of our state.

Valentine's Day Fundraiser - Junior Class

Want to spread some Valentine’s cheer? The Junior Class is hosting a Valentine’s Day fundraiser, offering a variety of gifts to brighten the day of a student, teacher, classmate, or friend. Orders are due by February 10.

Have a student heading to Union’s annual basketball tournament—whether as an athlete or a sibling? We’re offering a special delivery option just for them! Purchase their gift by February 10, and it will be delivered on February 11, before they leave for the tournament.

Thank you for supporting the Junior Class! For questions, please contact Mr. Gallant, the class sponsor.

Order Here

Student Voices



One week ago, Wednesday, the 22nd of January, the upper school had their spring MAPS testing. However, breaking away from tradition, the upper school teachers collectively decided to have all four tests in one day. There were two tests in the morning, then a one hour break before lunch. After lunch, were the final two tests. The students were also randomly split up between the five upper school teachers. Students seem to have mixed opinions on the new method of getting the standardized testing out of the way.  


Before that, though, most of the teachers also gave their opinion on the experimental schedule, as they were the ones who organized it in the first place. Mr. Gallant had refused to be interviewed. 


“I appreciated it, personally, because we got it all done in one [day]. I felt like students were more focused… because they were only concentrating on that [the tests] and not jumping from class to class and then into testing, and all that kind of stuff. It was also nice to have a long break to let people wander around, and stretch their legs, and things like that,” replied Mrs. Hammond, when asked what her overall opinion was on the new testing schedule. 


“I think it should be split over two [days]. That’s the shortest amount. But it was fine; It was fine for this one time. It went better than I expected,” responded Mrs. Berg, when asked what her overall opinion was on the new testing schedule. 


“I think it was a bit rough. But it also helps push students to understand what it’s like to go through stress and high stakes testing, or high stakes work,” said Mr. Tull, when asked what his overall opinion was on the new testing schedule. 


“Yeah, I like the new system for the most part, because you get it done and over it,” responded Ms. Fattic, when asked what her overall opinion was on the new testing schedule. 


Most students are able to see positives and negatives to the new system. 


“It might have been one up after the other, but we didn’t use the whole week, you know. So, we could just get if off, done. Plus, we had an hour of recess plus lunch,” responded Daniel V., 12th grade, when asked about his overall opinion on the new testing schedule.   


“I hated doing it [the MAPS tests] like, just back-to-back, like having too many [tests]; I just wanted to be done,” said Ally Carillo, 9th grade, when asked what her overall opinion was on the new testing schedule. 


“But I was glad I didn’t have any classes, like Spanish,” Ally continued.


“I don’t think it was bad. I think I kind of liked it. The only thing that I might’ve noticed that was a little interesting was like, people got more louder and it was a little more difficult to test after lunch,” spoke Eeheon Ryu, 11th grade, when asked about his overall opinion was on new testing schedule. 


As if turns out, almost all students seemed to have had a lack of focus after lunch. 


“I think they were a little more distracted, they had full bellies, they just wanted to talk a bit more, they’re not really in the mood,” speculated Eeheon as to why other students had a lack of focus. 


“Yes, because I got a taste of freedom, and then I had to go back to my jail, prison,.” responded Ally, when asked if and why she stared to lose focus after lunch. 

Most students seem to agree that the break in the middle gave them almost a false hope that testing would be over, only for them to have to go back to their classrooms again to do it all over. Students who would normally have been focused on their testing also faltered in their performance due to being distracted by other students. Of course, this was noted by teachers in most classrooms.  


It seems like, if the teachers were to attempt this new method again, they would need to be able to solve the crux of the problem: the lack of students’ focus after lunch. How do they combat this? Well, they have no clue. Some solutions were to have two days where tests were taken in the morning. However, it would be counter-productive for the teachers’ goal of having the test times not overlap with classes twice; All the tests being in one day allowed all of the class periods to be affected equally. But, since it’ll be months until the next MAPS testing, they could probably find the silver-lining in the system.   

Ways to Support

There are several ways you can help support Mile High Academy:

  • Safeway: Safeway gift cards are available in the front office or by emailing Jocelyn Aalborg. The Athletics Department benefits from you reloading the card.
  • Kings Soopers Rewards: Choose MHA as your Kings Soopers Rewards charitable organization and the Senior class is given 5% of all purchases made when using your rewards number. Email Jocelyn Aalborg with any questions.
  • American Furniture Warehouse: Mention MHA anytime you purchase. Our school earns 2% of your purchase and 4% for Beautyrest and Serta. School ID: MHA026
  • Mustang Shout-Outs
  • Upper School Robotics Team: Show your school spirit with exclusive Robostang and Robin the Cowgirl stickers, designed by our talented students! Stickers are just $2, with proceeds benefiting the Robotics team. Available at the front desk.

Ways to Get Updates

  • Calendar - sync our calendar to yours for the most up-to-date information
  • Newsletter - weekly updates to your inbox
  • Website - general school information
  • Email - find a list of faculty and staff on our website and contact us directly for any questions
  • Facebook
  • Instagram - @milehighacademy and @mha_upperschool
  • YouTube

In the Community

The Rocky Mountain Conference has launched the Living Generously Podcast to explore what it means to live generously in all aspects of life—not just financially, but through faith and daily actions. Each episode features meaningful conversations and thoughtful guests, diving into biblical and real-world themes that inspire listeners to embrace the abundant life Jesus promises in John 10:10.

Click Here to Listen