We start this newsletter with an update on the candidates running in the PAD area. We are working feverishly to find candidates for the missing pieces (see below) and to locate a good Democratic headquarters in downtown Plymouth for the upcoming election season.

After the legislature considered a couple of different dates for the primary, we are back to the standard, so our primary will be on September 10, the second Tuesday of the month.

Mark your calendars. It's important!


The Grafton County Dems and NHDP are hard at work trying to find candidates for the open seats in the House and Senate.

Here is an update of where we stand so far in the PAD area. The filing period is fast approaching. It's the first week of June.

Governor: A 3-way primary: Cinde Warmington, Joyce Craig, and Jonathan Kiper

Executive Council

EC D1 - Emmett Soldati

EC D2 - 2-way primary: Karen Liot Hill and Mike Liberty

NH House of Representatives

HD 7 – re-elect Tom Hoyt 

HD 4 – re-elect Heather Baldwin

HD 3 – re-elect Jerry Stringham

HD 6 – we need to find a good candidate! Know anyone?

HD 8 – re-elect Bill Bolton, Sallie Fellows, and Peter Lovett

HD 11 - identify candidate

HD 18 - identify candidate

NH Senate

SD 1 - Elect Rusty Talbot

SD 2 - Elect Carlos Cardona

SD 3 - Identify candidate

SD 5 - Re-elect Sue Prentiss

SD 7 - Identify candidate

And, as you have surely heard by now, Congresswoman Annie Kuster is going to step down when her term is up at the end of the year. We love Annie, appreciate all her hard work, and wish her the best in her next installment of life.

Meanwhile, potential candidates will be coming out of the woodwork with an interest in running for that rarely-vacant seat. To date, we have Colin Van Ostern and possibly Becky Whitley throwing in their hats. We'll keep you posted as it develops.

Organize New Hampshire is ramping up!

The first office in Grafton County just opened in Lebanon, and here in Plymouth, we are looking for space. We will also need help housing the NHDP volunteers.

There are opportunities for employment with the campaign, if you or someone you know is interested. Here are the links for a Regional Organizing Director, an Organizer, and supporter in the area of housing.

Regional Organizing Director:


Get Involved and Supporter Housing Form:


Old Railroad Station, 8 Depot Street, Plymouth

Who’s the new kid on the block in the climate change fight? Third Act New Hampshire! 

Come and see what Third Act is doing, both locally and nationally. Find out how we approach climate activism — without getting overwhelmed by the problem! See how you might help our country decrease greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy efficiency. And get the answer to the question, “Why yet another climate group?"

Melanie Nesheim will talk about Third Act New Hampshire.Third Act is a national organization started in 2021 by long-time climate activist Bill McKibben. It has local ‘working groups’ all over the country. Our local working group, Third Act New Hampshire, launched just last November. Melanie serves on its Coordinating Committee.

Melanie is a Cornell University graduate, a technical writer (briefly), a mother and grandmother (always), and a long-time volunteer (PTA, Stephen Ministry through church, Family Promise homeless programs). In 2012, the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce presented her its Emerald Award for community involvement. She lives in Holderness, NH, with her husband Bill and a beautiful dog named Lyla.


The simplified pot luck breakdown worked well last month! Thank you for all the yummy dishes. For this month, we have switched the assignments.

If you want a beverage other than water, please bring your own. We will continue to make a pot of coffee and supply cream. If you don't have time to make a dish, consider bringing a pizza. Thank you.

A-L   Entrée

M–Z  Side dish, salad, or dessert

The pot luck starts at 5:30pm. If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting. 

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. Sign up for their most recent newsletterYou can also follow GCD on Facebook.


We love recurring donations. . . DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. We will need to rent an office next year, and with rents going ever higher, it will be an extensive expense. In addition, we will be helping each of our candidates with campaign expenses. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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