THE 7th SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ May 29, 2022
7:45AM | 9:00AM | 11:00AM

Children's Chapel during the 9am & 11am services

Live Bible Musings with Fr. Roman
Fr. Roman's Class will resume on Tuesday, May 31st at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. For more information about the class or to check schedule changes, go to:
Packing Our Bags for Jerusalem Marketplace VBS
It’s that exciting time of year again – Vacation Bible School! In years past, I have always been active with my own children and grandchildren at VBS as the music director. In fact, I remember very clearly when my youngest daughter was about five or six, we were all singing a song called “Jesus, Prince of Peace”. Listening to her a little closer I found that she was actually singing the words: “Jesus, Prince of THIEVES”! Not the message we were hoping she would get!
As you may know, last year was my very first experience as VBS director, but I was so fortunate to have many talented and dedicated Co-Directors and volunteers to help make it a great success. Again, this year I’m delighted that so many members of the congregation have signed up to volunteer! We are SO appreciative of the snacks, decorations, monetary donations and items from our Amazon Wishlist that are coming in to help make our free VBS possible. (We still have a way to go – but every little bit helps!) Having one VBS under my belt has made me either brave or foolish, because now I want to change things up a bit! ...Click to read Angela's blog

Volunteer Blessings at all services

All Volunteers Meeting @ 2:00pm Decorate your station/tent, meet your teammates, find out what is new.
Monetary donations still needed to purchase supplies or hop on our Amazon Wish List.
Questions: Angela Stengl
FREE Tai Chi at St. Dunstan's - starts Saturday, June 11
We are happy to announce a Tai-chi practice will be held regularly every Saturday from 9:00am ~11:00 am starting June 11, 2022.

It is free and everyone is welcomed including children accompanied with their parents/guardian.
There are four programs in our regular Tai-chi practice:
1. Warmup and stretching
2. Tai-chi qigong 18 form
It is a sequence of 18 individual movements performed in a flowing, rhythmic manner which enables us to develop a mind and body connection.
3. Ba-Duan-Jin qigong
Eight separate, delicate and smooth postures focusing on a different physical area and through deep and slow breathing.
4. Tai chi 24 form/movements (x2)
Slow, continuous, soft, and circular movements. It is considered one of the most effective exercises to improve health, fitness, and relaxation.
Newcomers Welcome Lunch
for newcomers, those wishing to become members, or if you have questions about St. Dunstan's. On Sunday, June 12th at 12:15pm, join us for a free casual lunch, conversation, and fellowship. RSVP: call the Church office ask for Dede Johnson or online
Portion of Proceeds Will Benefit Episcopal Relief and Development to Help Ukrainian Families - Arrive Early!!!
Enjoy a free pre-game cookout at the Bishop's Courtyard at Christ Church Cathedral, including a drawing and special appearance by the Astros' Shooting Stars!
Event begins at 5:00p.m., and everyone will head to the ballpark around 6:15 p.m.
Free parking in the Cathedral’s parking garage (511 San Jacinto).
Baseball classics will include: hotdogs, beer, soft drinks, and chips. (Reynolds Hall will be open if people need a spot to cool off).

For ticket information, contact Astros representative Brent Broussard or 713.259.8316 OR
Purchase tickets online:
Pick Your Seats : View Deck 411: $11 | View Deck 410: $11 | Field Box 107: $33
Stay Late for Post Game Fireworks!
Summer Book Study via Zoom
Marilyn Patterson will be starting a study on June 5th of The Dream of God by Verna Dozier at 1:00pm via ZOOM

The study will end in mid July with holidays on Father's Day and the July 4th weekend. If you are interested in joining, please email Marilynn.
The Church Office will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 30th.
Here for you...
Stephen Ministry ~
Bringing hope & healing to hurting people.

Do you have questions about this ministry?
Watch the video and/or contact Pastoral Care with any questions.
Prayers during This Time
It is always a privilege for us to pray for you. Contact us online 24/7 or call us during business hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm