September 29, 2023

Cambridge Merit Badge University

October 29 - 8:30am-6:00pm - Cambridge Innovation Center

Merit Badges are integral to the Scouts BSA program.  Merit Badges allow Scouts to learn about crafts, business, science, trades, and explore careers.  Earning Merit Badges connects Scouts with adult experts.  

At Cambridge Merit Badge Day, experts from nearby universities, institutions, community organizations, and laboratories will share their experiences. We will offer many Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics-themed (STEAM) merit badges that may not be available at other places like Summer Camp, for Scouts to explore, learn, and hopefully foster a lifelong interest. 

Register for one of the sessions below:

Cambridge Merit Badge Day

Haunted Hike & Pumpkin Festival

On Saturday, October 28, the OA Lodge will be transforming New England Base Camp, Milton into a spooky Halloween experience.

Stop by between 3:00 and 8:00 PM and have some fun with pumpkin decorating*, a spooky fright hike, apple cider donut making, and of course some treats!

*Bring your own pumpkin to decorate (we'll provide the materials), or you may purchase a pumpkin that day for $3.00.

Dress up in your Halloween costume and be prepared to have an awesome time!

This event is open to all friends and family who want a fun, spooky, and exciting time!

Register for Haunted Hike Here

New Membership Registration Resources Available!!

We are thrilled to announce that we have added a new Membership Registration Resource Page to our Council website. Our team has been working hard to ensure that all the information is up-to-date and relevant to your needs. Whether you're a long-time member or thinking of joining, we encourage you to check out this exciting new page.

The Registration Page includes:

  • On-line registration instructions
  • Youth Protection Policy
  • How to submit a CORI background check form online
  • And More!!
Visit our Membership – Registration Page Here

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Spirit of Adventure Council

5th Basic Hybrid CERT Fall 2023 Class Announcement


The Spirit of Adventure Council and The Preparedness Committee are pleased to announce the 5th Basic Hybrid CERT training class beginning on-line on September 27, 2023 with the mandatory “Hands On” day on Saturday October 28, 2023 at New England Base Camp.  The Basic CERT Training teaches you basic disaster response skills so you can safely help yourself and those around you when disaster strikes and when professional responders aren’t available. Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community.   

What You Learn

¨ Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness                             ¨ Unit 6: Fire Safety and Utility Controls

¨ Unit 2: CERT Organization                                     ¨ Unit 7: Light Search and Rescue Operations

¨ Unit 3-4: Disaster Medical Operations              ¨ Unit 8: Terrorism and Hazardous Materials Safety

¨ Unit 5: Disaster Psychology                                  ¨ Unit 9: Course Review and Disaster Simulation

Who can take this course

Any scout between the ages of 14-18

Any Explorer, Venture Crew member or Sea Scout

Any scout leader, advisor or adult affiliated with scouting

Online course made available by the National CERT Association and there is no cost to attend this training. What’s covered in the practical portion of the training:

For questions, or to register for the upcoming class, please email or contact Dan Perenick at 978-423-3786. To register email your name, unit/town or city, phone number and title/position within your unit or advise if you are a parent who would like to participate by September 27, 2023. Also, visit for more information about our Preparedness Program.

NEBC Saturday Programs

Weekend programming is now open and running through November 18th.

New England Base Camp Day Pass - Standard Admission

 Adventure day is an opportunity for children and their families to come to New England Base Camp and participate in the programs we offer at their own pace. Programs include archery, B.B., sports, axe throwing, and S.T.E.M. activities. While New England Base Camp welcomes all ages, some activities are restricted to certain age groups. All equipment, program supplies, and safety gear are provided.

Buy Now


Join us for a Thanksgiving dinner at camp! New England Base Camp on 11/11 will be offering Scouts-Giving. This will be a great opportunity for Scouts to recognize volunteers who help our camps and just enjoy camp.

Reserve Now

Want to make a full weekend out of the Scouts-Giving event? Book a campsite or cabin.

Book at NEBC

Calendar of Events

9/30 - Citizenship in the World 

10/2 & 10/5 - Citizenship in the Community Online

10/12 - Music Merit Badge Online

10/13-14 - IOLS Training - West Newbury, MA

10/14-15 - IOLS Training - West Newbury, MA

10/14 - BALOO - West Newbury, MA

10/14 - Stories in Shapes Adventure

10/16 & 10/19 - Weather Merit Badge Online

10/21 - Radio Merit Badge

10/28 - Pumpkin Festival & Haunted Scout Camp - Milton, MA

10/28 - Aware & Care Adventure 

10/28 - Den Leader Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

10/28 - Cubmaster Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

10/28 - Pack Committee Specific Training - Chelmsford, MA

11/4 - Adventures in Coins Adventure

11/4-5 - IOLS Training - Chelmsford, MA

11/6 & 11/9 - Personal Management Merit Badge Online 

11/11 - Scouts-Giving at NEBC, Milton, MA

11/13 & 11/16 - Camping Merit Badge Online

11/18 - Family Life Merit Badge

11/18 - Art Explosion Adventure 

11/21 - Music Merit Badge Online

11/27 & 11/30 - Citizenship in the Community Online

12/2 - First Aid Merit Badge

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us