Bloodroot blooming in the woodlands. Photo by Nelle Kempfer.
Nature Sketch and Write Workshop

Thursday, May 11th
11 am - 12:30 pm

We are thrilled to welcome Troy Hess from On the Yahara River Writing Center and avid nature journalist Linda Endlich to lead this exciting new workshop in the historic barn!
Enjoy a conversation through the process of nature journal sketching and poetry writing. In this class, participants will start with a session looking at a variety of poems and artwork inspired by the season, then try their own work together. Approaching writing and drawing with curiosity, attention, and a sense of wonder, our hope is for this class to be an informal conversation that leads to a rewarding regular practice for the sake of expression, well-being, and connection with nature.
Registration will be opening early May; go here for updates and more information.
Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser
May 10, 11, and 12, 2023: 9 am - 3 pm each day
After your spring cleaning this year, please consider donating some of your gently used items to the Schumacher garage sale. No clothing, electronics, or large furniture, please. Items can be dropped off at the park office or left in the hallway between May 3rd and May 9th. All proceeds from the sale will be used to help defray the costs of renovating, restoring, and purchasing needed items to complete our historical collection. Please contact the park office with any questions.
Antique Farm Machinery & Display Building Update
As many of you know, the Friends have long held the dream of providing a space to bring all of
Schumacher Farm’s antique machinery onsite for display and education purposes. The Friends’ Board is
pleased to announce that realization of that dream is within reach.
We have made steady progress since we rolled-out the building and fundraising plan at the Friends’
Annual Meeting on March 2, 2023:

  1. Dane County Land and Water Resources is in receipt of the state-approved architectural plans and is currently reviewing the stormwater and erosion control permit. We continue to work with Dane County to provide needed documents and answer questions – we are on the path to approval.
  2. The Town of Westport Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the building plan, permitting is next.
  3. Assuming a green light from all parties, we hope to begin construction in the summer of 2023.
  4. Many of you have donated or pledged already. As of this writing we have raised $226K of the $331K total cost needed to fully-fund the project. Current fundraising efforts are focused on community organizations and grant opportunities. We plan to reach out to the Friends’ membership for the final push once we get a bit closer to the goal.  
  5. There is no need to wait if you feel motivated to give or pledge today! Here’s how you can help:
  • Donate to the project. Donations may be made at or by mail to Schumacher Farm Park, 5682 Hwy 19, Waunakee, WI 53597. Checks should be made payable to Friends of Schumacher Farm, Inc.
  • Pledge your support. A number of folks have chosen to make a financial pledge pending final approval by Dane County. Email Mark Pelton, President, Friends of Schumacher Farm Inc. at if you wish to pledge.
  • Help us connect with community donors; help identify organizations and individuals who will listen, help us tell the story, help make introductions. Contact Mark Pelton with your ideas.

Mark Pelton
Friends Board President
Prescribed Burn
April 22nd was prescribed burn day for our prairies at Schumacher Farm Park! Fire plays a vital role in sustaining a healthy prairie ecosystem. Prescribed burns are used to control woody vegetation, to manage invasive species, and to encourage native plant growth. 
New plant growth will be seen just one week after a burn, and walking trails are only closed for a few hours while the burn is active, so don't hesitate to visit us for some fresh spring air!
Spring Volunteer Work Day

We are so grateful to our volunteers who helped us maintain our natural areas on our first two spring work days. On March 30th, Dennis Petzke and 4 volunteers cleared brush around the farmyard. And on April 13th, Mike Shucha and 11 volunteers cleared brush along the prairie.

On last and biggest spring work day has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 6th from 9 am - noon. Possible tasks include:
  • Trash pick up 
  • Brush pick up
  • Prepare garden beds, till soil, add mulch, etc.
  • Make raised garden beds
  • Put up gates for the heritage vegetable garden
  • Add supports for garden posts
  • Add rabbit fencing
  • Planting lilacs
  • Painting farmyard structures

No experience necessary to join, just a willingness to take direction! Dress for the outdoors and bring work gloves if you have them. Pizza and soda will be served for lunch; please register here so we know how many people to account for. We can't wait to see the park spruced up for summer thanks to everyone's hard work!
A warm welcome to our newest board member!

At the Friends' Annual Meeting on February 23rd, Connie Gavinski was voted in as our newest board member! As the Program Coordinator at the Waunakee Village Center, we look forward to benefiting from her insight as we continue to expand the park's programming. She will be taking on duties as Treasurer for the Board. In her own words: "I look forward to helping with the existing programs here at Schumacher Farm, and I am excited to help create new opportunities as well. Simply put, Schumacher Farm Park is a treasure."

And don't worry, you'll continue to see Dennis around the farm as our Groundskeeper and bookkeeper!
Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday April 8th, Moh's Martial Arts of Waunakee hosted it's first Annual Easter Egg Hunt here at Schumacher Farm Park. And it was a huge success! There were 3 groups, over 300 kids, and 5,000 eggs. They did a great job organizing such a large event, and we look forward to welcoming them back next year.
Friends host Dane County Parks Commission
The Friends' Board of Directors hosted a Dane County Park Commission meeting on April 26th at the Center for Rural History. It was an opportunity to observe the Commission in action and share our accomplishments and goals. The meeting concluded with a tour of our historic buildings led by Rosa Ropers, Barb Johanningmeier and Sue Manske. The Commission was very complimentary of the work the Friends are doing.
Artifact Spotlight
The Historical Committee recently received a donation of a Griswold no. 3 ten quart cast iron fruit and lard press from Tom Thoreson, Dane County Parks Commission member. A fruit press is used to extract juice from crushed grapes to make wine. The basket holds the grapes and pressure is applied by a plate that is forced down onto the fruit. The juice flows through the opening in the basket inside the press.
The Griswold Manufacturing Company is known for making cast iron cookware, grinders and fruit presses. The first foundry dates back to 1868 as the Selden & Griswold Company with the nickname of the Butt Factory because they originally made butt door hinges. It burned down and rebuild as the Griswold Manufacturing Company operating from 1885-1957. For collectors, the small Griswold skillets no’s 2 and 4 are rare. 
Website Updates

We have been working with our developer to update our website to give it a fresh new look and make it more streamlined. If you ever find any errors (misinformation, broken links, typos, etc.) when perusing the website, please email us!
* 2023 events are added to the website calendar as we get them confirmed!
Spring Afternoon at the Farm - Rescheduled to May 7

Line Dancing Lessons - Classes weekly in May and June

Music Festival - June 3

Chicken Wrangler Workshops - June 19, July 17, and Aug. 21

All photos, except where credited to others, provided by 
Rona Neri of Rona's Photography