June 2022
Important dates!

Senior Coastsiders will be closed for a staff in-service training on Friday, June 10th. There will be no lunch and most classes will be canceled. Check with the office for further details or questions.
Help us celebrate 45 years of successful aging with a community BBQ, live music, raffles and laughs! Staff, volunteers, participants, and the community at large are invited to help us celebrate! Join us Friday, July 1st at noon. Food guaranteed for the first 200 attendees - but as always, we will do our best to ensure everyone is provided a delicious lunch! BBQ will take place in the back parking lot - parking will be available on surrounding streets, Sea Crest School, and at Sheppard Family Dentistry.

*Afternoon classes and activities will be canceled on July 1st
New and Upcoming!
Call Senior Coastsiders at 650-726-9056 for further information on classes or upcoming events. To see regularly scheduled weekly classes, be sure to scroll down.
E-Bikes for Everyone Have you been thinking about getting an electric bike? They’re easy to use, easy to park, great for getting around town, and give your tired legs a power assist when you need it.

Peninsula Clean Energy is offering up to $1000 off the purchase of an electric bike for income-qualified residents of San Mateo County. To receive a rebate, you must be selected through a special lottery. Here’s your call to action: the lottery closes on June 5th - so act now! 

Click HERE to apply!
Coffee Time! If you're looking for a hot cup of coffee and a chance to socialize, stop by the Senior Coastsiders Dining Room, Monday-Friday starting at 10:00AM. In the lobby you will find the Daily Journal every day and the Half Moon Bay Review on Wednesdays. Come visit us!
Mystery Book Club This group meets the first Wednesday of each month (June 1st this month) at 12:00PM. The group will be discussing The Guardians, by John Grisham. The group meets in person with Zoom option. To connect via Zoom, click HERE (passcode BOOKS) or contact vaughnharrison@yahoo.com. Future books can be picked up at the Senior Coastsiders office at 925 Main Street.
NEWI Tai Chi Classes Instructor Kathleen McCarty began learning Tai Chi while working as a ski instructor as a way to improve her balance and skiing.
She has since dived into the practice of Tai Chi and has been teaching this art for the last decade all around the Bay area.

Classes begin with Silk Reeling exercises, a series of spiral movements, designed to open up all the joints of the body, promoting muscle relaxation and flexibility, and reducing tension and strain. The second part of class will focus on the Chen style Tai Chi form. Though it began as a martial art, most people practice it for the health benefits of better circulation, balance, body alignment, leg strength, and the good feeling it produces when practiced with intention. Studies have shown that regular practice of Tai Chi can improve many health problems.

Class will meet outdoors by the back fountain on Mondays from 11:15AM-12:15PM. Class cost is $5.00. First class, June 6th.

NEWI 太極班 Kathleen McCarty 在擔任滑雪教練期間開始學習太極,以此來改善平衡和提高她的滑雪能力。

課程從繅絲練習開始,這是一系列螺旋運動,旨在打開身體的所有關節,促進肌肉放鬆和柔韌性,並減少緊張和緊張。 課程的第二部分將側重於陳式太極拳形式。 雖然它最初是一門武術,但大多數人練習它是為了更好的循環、平衡、身體對齊、腿部力量以及有意練習時產生的良好感覺等健康益處。 研究表明,經常練習太極拳可以改善許多健康問題。

週一上午 11:15 至下午 12:15,班級將在後噴泉旁舉行戶外聚會。 課程費用為 5.00 美元。 第一堂課,6月6日2022
Official Ballot Drop Box Senior Coastsiders is a ballot drop box site for the upcoming election. The secured ballot drop box will be available until the end of the day on June 7th (Election Day) and is located in the lobby, directly in front of our office check in window.
Do you want to walk in the 4th of July parade?
We think it would be fun to have Senior Coastsiders participants represented in the parade - but only if enough friends join us! If you are interested in participating, please email Sandi Winter to sign up! If we have enough interest, we will enter! Imagine rollators decorated with stars and stripes - and maybe some choreographed drill team routines! We're open to ideas!
Zentangle is back!
Join Cheryl HankIn, Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), in a meditative art form using the Zentangle(R)* Method of drawing. Relax, focus, expand your imagination, trust your creativity, and increase your awareness. Under Cheryl’s gentle guidance, find joy in discovering/rekindling the artist within! No art experience is necessary!
All supplies will be available to you at no cost, though donations are appreciated. Class meets on Thursdays in person and via Zoom from 10:00-11:30AM. For Zoom, click HERE and use passcode ZENTANGLE.

*The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. "Zentangle" is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.
International Days in the Dining Room International cuisine AND special programming? What could be better!? One day each month will feature an international dish accompanied by trivia, games, music, or activities around the featured country. Join us Wednesday, 6/22 to celebrate South Africa with Sandi's favorite - Bobotie! Passports not required!
Lunch with your instructor Pre and post class time can be a bit hectic with busy schedules. Wouldn't it be nice to sit and chat over a meal with your class instructor? Pilates and Functional Movement instructor, Kerri Dorn, will be sticking around on the first Friday of each month to have lunch in the dining room and chat with students - without the stress of starting class late or missing an appointment! Come join Kerri for lunch and a chance to chat!
Western Mah Jong New Western Mah Jong group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 2:00-3:45PM Experienced and beginning players are welcome. You will need a 2022 Mah Jong card (copies will be available for purchase for $10). Please bring a mahj set if you have one. This free group is courtesy of the Coastside Women's Club and the Senior Coastsiders. Contact Wendy Rudisill at wendywrudisill@gmail.com for additional information.
Coastal Arts League Friday Art Classes have resumed! Class topics/mediums change each week.

  • June 3 - Check with office
  • June 10 - NO CLASS
  • June 17 - Rebecca Ellis - Drawing
  • June 24 - Gail Dennis - Watercolor
Sneakers for Good/Sneakers for Funds Do you have some gently used sneakers or athletic shoes that still have some life left in them? Consider bringing them to Senior Coastsiders where we will have a collection box through collaboration with Sneakers for Good. Sneakers collected in the program are shipped to micro-enterprises in 27 different developing countries. There they are cleaned, fixed and used as inventory to support these small businesses. Micro-enterprises allow families to pave a path out of poverty through a hand up not a hand out model. Learn more about acceptable shoes HERE. This is for gently used, clean athletic shoes ONLY.
Comment Box is Back! We are dusting off the old comment box and invite you to let us know how we are doing. Please look for the box and cards by the coffee area. Comments will be treated as anonymous unless author notes otherwise. We will do our best to respond to your constructive feedback on lunch, classes, programming - or anything - in a timely manner. Additionally, your lunch table may be randomly selected to give feedback about our nutrition program - we can't wait to hear your ideas!
Senior Coastsiders Cookbook - Cookin' on the Coast This collection of recipes comes from volunteers, participants, and even our own chef! Cookbooks available for purchase now for $20.00 each. Order online HERE or come to the Senior Coastsiders office. Books are also being sold at Inkspell Books at 500 Purissima Street in town.
Computer Tutoring We have volunteer tech tutors four days a week. Come in and troubleshoot or learn how to better use your computer or smart phone!
  • Mondays with Wanda from 12-2
  • Tuesdays with Carolyn from 11-1
  • Wednesdays with Helen from 9-12
  • Thursdays with James from 2-4
Appointments required. Please schedule with the Senior Coastsiders office.
Many Older Phones (Flip Phones) will stop working this year if you don’t upgrade. All major carriers are ending 3G service in 2022 which means flip phones/smartphones over 9 years old may stop working. This includes the ability to call 911. Call your carrier to verify if your phone will work once 3G is shut down. AT&T ended 3G support in February. Sprint 3G will end by March 31. T-Mobile 3G will end by July 1. Verizon 3G will end by December 31.
Envirotokens Voting, June 1 - 19
In the last six months, Senior Coastsiders has received over $1000 from the New Leaf Envirotokens program! Every time someone uses their own cloth bag and puts a token in the Senior Coastsiders slot, we get money! But, every six months there is a vote to decide which organizations get to participate so we need your VOTE! Ballots will be available in the store during the voting period. The top 6 vote recipients in each store will receive Envirotoken donations each month with the new period starting July 1.
Parkinson's Support Group May and June Meetings Wednesday, June 1st from 2:30-3:30PM, the group will be joined by Kaiser Permanente Registered Dietician, Renee Wah, who will talk about the importance of good nutrition. All are welcome to join virtually or in person.

To join via Zoom, click HERE and use the passcode PARKINSONS. Presenter will be broadcast in real time via Zoom to the group in the Senior Coastsiders Dining Room.
My Senior Center- Game on!
Now that we’ve been using My Senior Center for a few months, it’s time to make things interesting! Check in for lunch using My Senior Center for a chance to win a weekly prize! Starting May 16th and running through Jun 11, 2022, every time you use My Senior Center to check in for lunch, your name is entered into a raffle for a chance to win $10 Safeway cards. For instance, if you check in M-F, you’ll be entered 5 times that week. Prizes will be picked weekly, and the raffle pot will start at zero names every Monday.

Clement Kennedy
Linda Langwell

Senior's Dinner Club at It's Italia Come in and enjoy the fun and community of a family style dinner served at the It's Italia's "Grandfather Table" that seats 10 guests. The Senior's Dinner Club will meet the second Thursday of each month (June 9th - FULL, call to reserve for July) for a 5:00PM seating. Enjoy a three-course seasonal menu designed by Chef Maile del Fierro for a set price of $25 (Includes coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Alcoholic beverages and gratuity not included). Payment and reservation to be made with the Senior Coastsiders office. Space will be limited to the first 10 people who sign up and pay each month. This is a great chance to meet new or old friends at one of our fine downtown establishments.
Let's Talk and Dine
Did you know that, according to the CDC, social isolation is associated with heightened risks for heart disease and stroke, anxiety disorders, and a 50% increased risk of dementia. Turn over a new leaf to increase your social activities away from your home. Each week, a new topic will be covered and facilitated by a trained counselor from Peninsula Family Services. Group meets on Mondays at noon in the sunroom (lunch is served). Reservation recommended but not required. Session 3 topics:

  • June 6 – Could you tutor anyone in a subject and what would it be?
  • June 13 – Self-Talk: What it is and how it impacts us
  • June 20 – Growing Older: What is the best part of aging?
Grocery trips on the bus are BACK! Friday bus service to the grocery store for campus residents has resumed. Drop off available at both Safeway shopping center and New Leaf shopping center. Bus will pick up behind the center at 12:45PM and return to campus at 2:00PM. If you would like to take advantage of this service, please call the office at 650-726-9056. Suggested donation of $2.00 round-trip.
Extreme Heat Warning
A large part of the United States has been, or will soon be experiencing extreme heat conditions (high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees for several days). The body must work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature in extreme heat, and heat-related distress can occur quickly and without warning.

Extreme heat can be dangerous for all, but especially for older adults and people with chronic conditions. Take steps to prepare and stay safe using these tips from Ready.gov:

  • Find air conditioning.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Wear light clothing.
  • Check on family members and neighbors.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.
  • Never leave people or pets in a closed car.

Senior Coastsiders is equipped with solar shades, swamp coolers, and large fans to keep our space cool for the community in case of extreme heat. If your space is too hot, come chill with us!

Check out resources from Ready.gov, the CDC, and the National Institutes of Health.
LIve Music Who doesn't love a little live music!? We have live music in the dining room at least once a week during lunch! Come see who's playing!
  • Peter Master on piano the first Tuesday of each month
  • Coastside Celtic Collaboration the second Wednesday of each month (they will be out for June and July)
  • Vocalist Tina and guitarist Harry the third Wednesday of each month
  • Mike McCall on Spanish guitar the fourth Tuesday of each month
  • Jazz duo, Julie and Brian, on the fourth Thursday of each month (on break until approximately July)
Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that every time you buy something through Amazon, you could be supporting Senior Coastsiders? Visit smile.amazon.com and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials. Search and choose Senior Coastsiders as your charitable organization and start shopping! Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile!
My Senior Center - Do you have a card? We are making great progress rolling out our new check in system with our lunch participants, volunteers, and now class participants. This new, efficient technology will help us better organize things at the Center. Regular visitors and volunteers are provided a small key tag to swipe across a scanner located in the lobby. Participants will then press the touchscreen to select the activities they'll be participating in that day. If you haven't yet registered, please do so HERE or swing by the office to complete a hard copy to ensure we have your most updated information. If you've already filled out the registration, stop by the office to pick up your card and get a quick tutorial on the system. It's super easy - we promise!
Free Home Covid Tests Senior Coastsiders has a limited supply of home Covid tests available for older adults on a first come, first served basis. Please call or stop by for more information or to pick up a test.
Free KN95 Masks Available Senior Coastsiders has KN95 masks available for older adults. Please stop by our office. Limit 2 per person.
Other upcoming Community Events & Info
As summer heats up, here's a simple tip to help our community avoid preventable power outages — and get rewarded. With Power Saver Rewards, you get the chance to earn credits on your bill when you reduce energy usage during a Flex Alert. This program is open to customers of PG&E (or PCE, a Community Choice Aggregate). Learn more and join the program at PowerSaverRewards.org
Food Smarts Waste Reductions Workshops Join Leah’s Pantry in a three-week series and learn how to prepare tasty recipes and reduce food waste. Each workshop features a different theme and cooking demonstration! For every workshop you attend, you receive a FREE $6 farmers’ market voucher!
  • June 6th: Where's the Waste?
  • June 13th: Is it Safe?
  • June 22nd: Is it Trash?

Time: 1:00 PM Half Moon Bay Library, Community Room B
Beacon - Tidings Connection Here on the Coastside, we are lucky to have many great events and programs. In an effort to make our participants/readers aware of even more opportunities, we are connecting with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and cross-pollinating! AAUW HMB TIDINGS ON SUMMER BREAK

Our local branch continues to be active during the summer months. The best way to keep up on news is to go to our website:

There, you will find activities and outings that are ongoing, while we take a summer break with our newsletter.
You are always welcome to join with us in a walk, catch our Days for Girls sewing group at the library, or mull over our many articles of interest. And please consider joining AAUW HMB! Next event, the Ol’ Fashioned 4th of July Parade!
Senior Coastsiders pet buddy program provides support services for seniors and their pets. Volunteers can help with dog walking, in home cat care, medication assistance, transportation to the vet, and more! The program also provides pet food, cat litter, limited financial assistance towards veterinary care and adoption assistance.
Are you living on a fixed income and struggling with the high cost of quality pet food? Senior Coastsider’s Pet Buddy program can help by providing low-income seniors free pet food (regular and prescription). Please call Tracey at 650-726-9056 for more information or to sign up.
Lunches, classes, and programs are in full swing!

We are offering many classes in one of three different formats: virtually over Zoom, in-person, or a hybrid model. We hope to have options for everyone and welcome your feedback.

  • Zoom links and online waivers for all virtual classes are available on our website.
  • If you are coming for in-person classes, please plan to arrive a bit early to complete necessary waivers and learn how to use My Senior Center
  • In case of canceled classes, we will do our best to provide links for previously recorded classes below each class description.
  • Our dining room is open Mondays-Fridays starting at 10:00AM for coffee and lunch registration begins at 11:45AM. Lunch is served at noon.
  • Birthday lunch is the third Wednesday of each month.
  • Live music during lunch is indicated by a musical note on menu.
  • Once a month, we celebrate a different country with a special meal, & trivia

See below for our current class listings and the June menu. For a full list of class descriptions and instructors, click HERE.
Supporting Senior Coastsiders

Thank you for to the more than 300 donors who so generously supported Senior Coastsiders during Coastside Gives. We made just over $100,000!! 
Thank you in advance to the 50+ volunteers who will be participating in our 31st Annual Home Repair Day on June 4th during which we will be working on 20 homes on the Coast. We literally couldn’t do it without you! And a huge thank you also to the many contractors and businesses who are supporting our Home Repair Program through their donations of money and time: Simms Plumbing, Bodas Construction, Lopez Fence, Kikuchi+Kankel Design Group, High Point Roofing, Big Creek Lumber, Oceanside Painting, New Leaf, Absolute Flooring, The Gopher Guy, and Republic Services.
Just for Fun!

A Note from the Executive Director
I confess that I struggled to come up with a topic for this month’s newsletter so for inspiration I looked back at the pieces I’ve written since I became Executive Director at Senior Coastsiders in April 2019. My very first newsletter piece was in June of that year in which I wrote of our success receiving funding through government grants and Coastside Gives as well as the recognition we received in being named the 13th Senate District’s Nonprofit of the Year for 2019 by California Senator Jerry Hill. 

The June 2020 newsletter piece was in response to the shelter in place requirements and grounded in a 5th century BC quote by Sun Tzu “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” I highlighted the numerous opportunities listed in the June 2020 Beacon for creating opportunities in the midst of chaos: learning how to develop new routines to keep life balanced and cook delicious meals while saving money and reducing food waste, improving digital communication skills on iPhones, and using Zoom to participate in on-line classes offered by our wonderful instructors. The June 2021 newsletter piece was about evidence informed decision making and urged readers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and wear masks. I also noted how much we were looking forward to re-opening the Center for in-person activities on July 7th, 2021.

These snap shots across time cover a spectrum ranging from COVID-19 not even being on our “event horizon” (June 2019) through how to cope with the radical changes COVID-19 caused in our lives such as the shelter in place requirements (June 2020) to learning how to resume a more normal lifestyle while keeping ourselves and others safe (June 2021). In June 2022 we are again facing a surge in COVID-19 case transmission, test positivity and hospitalization and are being urged by the County Chief Health Officer to amplify the importance of key actions to “LIMITT” COVID during this time:

  • Limit large gatherings to well-ventilated areas or outdoors.
  • Improve ventilation to prevent airborne virus particles from accumulating.
  • Mask. Respirator masks (N95s) provide better protection than cloth masks.
  • Isolate for COVID. Stay home if you feel sick, get tested right away, follow quarantine guidance.
  • Test for COVID if you have symptoms.
  • Treatments are available if you test positive so talk with your healthcare provider right away.

This message seems even more important as we look forward to the summer months with all the travel, celebrations and festivities that come at this time of year. We never know what is around the corner for us as individuals or communities – good or bad. This puts me in mind of the lovely poem by the 16th century poet John Donne.

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Take care.
Community News You Can Use!
We take great pride in our community partnerships and view them as one more way to help provide resources for our community.
Peninsula Clean Energy Where does your electricity come from? Thanks to Peninsula Clean Energy, you are
receiving cleaner energy at lower rates!

To see exactly where Peninsula Clean Energy sources your energy, click HERE .
Twelve Bay Area health officers are stressing the importance of taking safety precautions, including continued masking indoors, as the region experiences a new swell of COVID cases and hospitalizations. These health officers reiterate their continued, strong support for people to mask up indoors, keep tests handy, and ensure they are up to date on vaccinations by getting boosters when eligible. “While San Mateo County is not currently considering implementing a local health order to require indoor masking, we stress that this is a time for everyone to take advantage of all the protective measures they can,” said Dr. Scott Morrow, San Mateo County health officer.

Although not required, masking is strongly recommended by the California Department of Public Health for most public indoor settings, and health officials say wearing higher-quality masks (N95/KN95 or snug-fitting surgical masks) indoors is a wise choice that will help people protect their health. Senior Coastsiders will continue to assess its policies but, as of this writing, masks are not required indoors. We still offer masks and at-home COVID tests - just stop by our office to pick up.

Vaccines remain the best protection against severe disease and death from COVID. Health officials say people should also stay home if they feel sick and get tested right away. Officials also encourage getting tested after potential exposure and limiting large gatherings to well ventilated spaces or outdoors. For people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 infection, medications are available that can reduce your chances of severe illness and death. Talk with your healthcare provider right away if you test positive.
If you need assistance with shopping, would like to sign up for meals on wheels, need a mask, or need other assistance, we are just a phone call away! Please call our office at 650-726-9056.
Please forward to anyone you think might benefit from this information!