The Synod Mission and Ministries Commission held its September 15-16 Stated Meeting at Honor’s Haven Retreat and Conference Center in Ellenville, NY. We began with a report from the Transitional Synod Leader, the Synod of the Northeast’s Evaluation & Vision Plan 2023. Rev. Dr. Ashley reminded the commission that the discernment team has collected data over a period of four to five months. She envisions the Synod as a ministry laboratory; a religious body willing to take appropriate risks following the call of Jesus Christ to risk our lives for the sake of the Gospel. The Discernment Team will meet later in September to begin writing their initial report of work and findings to date which has been mainly an evaluation process. A special called Synod Assembly will take place December 9th via Zoom for the Discernment Team to present its initial report.
Come to the Table Update
Administrative Coordinator Nichol Burris spoke about Come to the Table: “When did We See You? -- Removing the Blinders.” Inspiring workshops are planned aimed to foster fellowship, discussion, and collaboration among the participants, contributing to the growth and enrichment of the members within the Synod of the Northeast. The planning team is asking for donations from churches for “Blessing Bags” which will be filled with toiletries for distribution to the community. Worship services on Friday night and Sunday morning will be livestreamed. There are still openings if people wish to join this wonderful weekend.
Transitional Synod Leader Report
Transitional Leader Rev. Dr. SanDawna Ashley stated that over the last three months, the Synod Staff have worked hard to improve our communication, specifically focused on a multifaceted missional story approach. To that end two videos were created: The first video focused on our evaluation process, ‘What is our Impact?’ The second video is focused on “Come to the Table”. These videos are available to Commissioners to share with their presbyteries and congregations. Rev. Dr. Ashley asks that if your congregation is doing anything related to Matthew 25, you can send pictures and information about this to the Synod’s Communication Specialist, Mark Bennett –
The first applications for the Small Church Residency Program will be accepted in late October. The review team will consist of one presbytery leader and three others. New members are needed for the working group to develop synod guidelines for Commissioned Pastors. We are doing a Commission study and are inviting all Commissioners to join us on January 23rd from 10:00 – 11:00 am, for a book study on The Risk of Being Woke by Curtiss DeYoung. Mr. DeYoung will lead the webinar.
Stated Clerk Report
Rev. Talbot reported that the Synod is bringing Elder Flora Velez-Diaz, Manager of Judicial Process of the General Assembly to our synod for in-person training on the new Section D of the Book of Order – Church Discipline. In person training is scheduled for October 16 in Albany, October 17 in Skaneateles, NY, October 19 New Jersey 9:30-5:30 pm. If you are interested in attending please register here: For those not able to attend in person there will be three two-hour virtual sessions scheduled for November 1, 6, and 14 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. If you plan to attend, please register here:
Rev. Talbot stated that all councils are responsible for creating Harassment and Anti-Racism policies including boundary training for both. There is no reason for any of us to struggle alone to create these policies. This is why Stated Clerk Steven Shussett from the Presbytery of the Highlands of New Jersey has organized groups of people in the synod to work on this together. If you have an interest in being part of this, please contact him at
Elder Cindy Burger, Convener, shared that there were three applications to consider.
Emerging Gospel Communities Applications
EGC-23-02-09 Yr 2
Sudanese Presbyterian Fellowship
Recommend: $5,000
Northern New England
Rev. Dr. Kay Huggins
Received Year 1: $7,500
Matthew Long's words, from Synod Grant Application, 2022:
- Welcoming all; worship language is Nuer and English when guests are present.
- Success means growing in God; success encourages people to move forward in faith.
- The community needs strengthening through worship. Worship will bind the community together.
- We will use this grant with our tithes and offering and other contributions to cover the rental expenses.
EGC-23-03-09 Yr 2
Hope Church of New York
Recommend: $20,000
New York City
Rev. Youngmin Lo
Received Year 1: $15,000
Hope Church of New York is a community that reaches out to the unchurched among Korean speaking immigrants and English-speaking 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants in the Queens New York area. We intend to be a new model of ministry for bilingual and intergenerational emerging communities.
EGC-23-04-09 Yr 2
For People
Recommend: Table to Jan ‘24
New York City
Rebecca Stevens-Walter, Founding Pastor
Received Year 1: $15,000
For People Media Ministries is a digital ministry that streams intentionally progressive Christian content including worship services, Christian education, Bible study, music presentations, and fellowship opportunities. Our ultimate purpose is to extend the liberative teachings of Jesus Christ as far and wide as possible by using the internet as the vehicle for connection and community. The Mission Working Group felt more information was needed before making a decision.
The Commission voted to approve the grants recommended for funding at the levels suggested and to table For People until the January 2024 meeting. The funds from this 2023 meeting will remain available to spend in 2024 for this grant if it is recommended for funding.
Elder Burger raised a question brought to the working group: how can the Synod be a support to those responding to the urgent needs of new immigrants and asylum seekers arriving in the New York and New Jersey area? This question was referred to the Connectional Ministries Working Group. However, they encourage Commissioners to remind congregations and organizations within their Presbyteries that the Innovation Grant can be used to support new ministries emerging in response to the current influx of asylum seekers.
Rev. Brandi Wooten, Convener, spoke of the group’s excitement with finalizing their planned visit with two Seneca Nation churches in two weeks.
The Commission approved a special synod-wide offering on February 18, 2024, called ‘Indigenous Peoples Day Special Offering’. The monies will go to the churches for repairs and other needs.
The Commission approved the grant request from the NY State Council of Churches in the amount of $3,500. They plan to fill Chaplain positions in the prisons.
Rev. Wooten spoke to First Spanish Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn’s need for funds to help with the numbers of migrants and asylum seekers who have come to the church. She brought forward a motion to give $500 now and discuss this further at their working group meeting in October. The Commission voted to provide the First Spanish Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn $500.
Elder Luci Duckson-Bramble, Convener, reported. The Commission moved into a Board of Trustees meeting to hear financial reports and vote. When votes were complete, they moved back into the Commission meeting.
Operational expenses are on track. All expenses will be balanced because of what will be taken out of the endowment. Investments are reviewed three times a year. We are fairly conservation within our investment policies. We are doing well.
The Independent Auditor’s Report
The report stated, “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Synod as of December 31, 2022, and 2021, and the changes in net assets and cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United State of America (GAAP).”
The following motions were approved by the Synod Mission and Ministries Commission.
Motion: To receive the Treasurer's Report
Motion: To receive the 2022 Annual Audit prepared by Lumsden and McCormick as accepted by the Commission-appointed working group which reviewed the details of the report on behalf of the Synod.
Motion: To authorize the Treasurer to open a money market account at KeyBank in the amount of up to $60,000 to pledge as collateral for the outstanding loan at KeyBank.
Synod PJC Candidates
The Commission elected Rev. Dr. Wanda Lundy, Presbytery of Northeast New Jersey, to serve as a PJC member to complete a term ending December 31, 2028, and Elder Sherry Brown, Susquehanna Valley Presbytery, to serve as a PJC member to complete a term ending in December 31, 2026.
Come To The Table
The Commission voted to approve that Communion be served at Come to the Table and that the worship offering be given to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Personnel Actions
The Commission voted to approve a 3.5% salary increase be given to the staff as a cost-of-living increase for 2024 and voted to extend Rev. Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley’s contract from March 1, 2024, until February 28, 2027.
Synod Commission and Synod Assembly Dates Moving Forward
The Commission voted to approve two special called Zoom meetings. The first is scheduled for Friday, November 3rd at 9:30 a.m. to consider the recommendations of the Review Team for the Presbytery Support Grants. The second meeting with be a special called Zoom meeting of the Synod Assembly on December 9th at 9:30 a.m. to receive the initial report from the Discernment Team and entertain questions.
The Commission approved the following dates for the Commission and Synod Assembly in 2024 and 2025:
January 26-27, Zoom
April 26-27, In-person
September 13-14, Zoom
October 25-26, Synod Assembly in person
January 24-25, Zoom
April 25-26, In-Person
September 18-20, Retreat/Commission In-person
October 24, Called Synod Assembly