Saints Alive!

 January 29 - February 4, 2025

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A message from our Rector: Rev. Anne

In her excellent sermon Sunday, (I was home with Covid, thank God for recordings!) the Reverend Stephanie Shoemaker preached about Jesus’ mission of reconciliation, healing and empowerment. Jesus said he came as God’s messiah to set the oppressed free and she told us:

“The Greek word “oppressed” can be translated “broken to bits.” In other words, Jesus’ mission was to set free those who had been broken to bits by life. And is there any one of us who has not, at some point or in some way, been broken to bits by life? in need of God’s mercy and grace?

In our Humpty Dumpty world it seems that things are flying apart and are begging to be put back together. As followers of Jesus it is our call to help to repair what has been broken to bits, stone by stone, mercy by mercy, forgiveness by forgiveness, compassion by compassion, preparing and applying love’s mortar that rebuilds lives and communities.”

Wow. “Is it possible,” she asks, “that that same kind of authority heard that day when Jesus read in Nazareth can be heard now? Can the same work be done?” She continued:

“This past week a courageous bishop in Washington spoke up for the marginalized and the suffering and for those who were living in fear among us. Speaking truth to the most powerful in our nation she called on our president to exercise the power of government with mercy and grace. Many heard her when she spoke a prophet’s words with a prophet’s faith and vision, calling for God’s vision, compassion and justice to govern our common life.” 

“Many heard her,” but what, I wonder, did we hear? Did this prophet’s words encourage, or challenge or enrage us? When the congregation in Nazareth heard Jesus say God’s grace wasn’t just for them they became enraged and tried to “hurl” him off a cliff! It takes courage to preach the gospel, Saints. It takes even more courage to live it—to prepare and apply “love’s mortar” to help repair what is broken. How is Jesus calling us to be brave today?

May God be merciful to us all,

Reverend Anne

February 2nd

The Feast of the Presentation of Christ

O Gracious Father, almighty and eternal God,

you created all things out of nothing,

and by your command caused the labor of bees to be revealed in the perfection of wax. You commanded your servant Moses to keep lamps continually burning before you. Bless and sanctify these candles that their light may be for us a visible reminder of the true light who enlightens everyone coming into the world. Amen.


May our community and our lives

ever be enlightened by the invisible fire of the Holy Spirit!


I will bring beeswax candles

to bless and to share on Candlemas.

Feel free to bring candles from home to be blessed.


This February 2nd also marks our 5th anniversary as priest and people!


In Christ's love and joy,

Rev. Anne+

Inquirer's Classes - February 2nd

Got questions? 

Want to learn about The Episcopal Church? 

Curious about faith in God?

Please come to an inquirer's class. Our first meeting this year will be on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM, in the parish hall by the fireplace. 

The next meeting in February will be on Sunday, Feb.16th.

If you have questions about the class, please speak with or email Paul Bolles-Beaven,

Missed the Annual Meeting?

Below are the links to the reports.

Thank you to everyone who participated! We appreciate you all!

2025 Agenda and Reports

Actual 2024 vs Budget 2025

12-31-24 Balance Sheet

Churchyard report/regulations/attachments

Outreach: The Fifth Loaf

St. Columba's community is excited about giving to the Martin Luther King food pantry. Each month we will be asking for specific needs where the shelves are deficient. Baskets will be in the back of the church as well as the parish hall for our contributions which will be delivered as the end of the month. If each of us will donate just one of these items we will share in the feeding of the 5,000. 


January needs:

Canned vegetables

Pasta (any variety except elbows)

Spaghetti sauce 



Kate Bragan 1/29

Roy Lauth 2/4

January and February Scribe


Audrey MacLeod-Pfeiffer 

Parish Calendar for Upcoming Events

Executive Committee meeting: Wednesday January 29th at 5:00 PM in the parish hall.

Inquirer's class: Sunday, Feb. 2nd, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM, in the parish hall by the fireplace. The 2nd meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 16. 

If you have questions about the class, please speak with or email Paul Bolles-Beaven,

Vestry Meeting - Wednesday Feb.12th at 6:00pm in the parish hall.


Weekly Programs


The Fifth Loaf – Outreach for MLKCC: January needs:

Canned vegetables

Pasta (any variety except elbows)

Spaghetti sauce 



Education For Ministry (EFM) at St. Columba's

Tuesday at 6:30 PM in the parish hall.


Bible Study: Understanding Jesus, Wednesday at 9:00 AM in the parish hall.


St. Columba’s Choir Practice: Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Chapel.


Sunday School & Infant Care

During the 10:00 AM service in parish hall.

Children ages 2.5 – 12 are invited to attend Sunday School, led by Anne Coogan, Director of Religious Education. Infant nursery is being refreshed. (changing table and rocker available).


Rev. Anne sermons are available on YouTube Sunday afternoons at:

Rev. Anne Bolles-Beaven. They can also be found on our website on Mondays.

Prayer List

Bob, Meg, Mabel, Gay, Bishop Rockwell, Frank, John, Pam, Stephanie, Tupelo, Jan, Cindy, Joanne, Greer, Peter, Margaret, David, Matthew,

Ryan and his family.


 The Celebration of the Life of Mary Stewart will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11 AM. Reception to follow in the parish hall.

All are invited.


May the light of Christ shine in our lives and in our world.

The Presentation of Our Lord

Proper C

Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Malachi 3:1-4

Hebrews 2:14-18

Luke 2:22-40

Psalm 84

Service participants for Sunday February 2, 2025

Thank you volunteers!

8:00AM Service participants

Altar Guild- Rindy Sabatino

Usher - Anne Coogan

Reader - Paul Bolles-Beaven

Prayers of the People - Charlotte Richard

Eucharistic Minister-Rindy Sabatino

Coffee Hour - Anne Ficke

10:00AM Service participants

Audio and Technology - Paul Bolles-Beaven

Altar Guild – Nancy Piazza

Ushers – Jocko Allpress and Michelle Boyle

Crucifer – Nick Coogan

Readers – Jay Bragan and Kate Bragan

Prayers of the People – Paul Bolles-Beaven

Eucharistic Minister – Meg Little

Coffee hour - Jocko and Judy Allpress

St. Columba's Information Page

To find information and Zoom links for Sunday worship and Coffee Hour, Bible Study, and more, please click here or copy and paste this link into your browser:

To make a donation to St. Columba's Chapel, click here.

Parish Administrator ~ Sara Barker

Regular office hours 

weekdays - 9:30-1:30 

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