January 29, 2025

BCHS students joined youth from across the state last week to celebrate

the gift of life at the Indiana Youth Rally & Mass for Life.

Important Dates!

January 27-31 - Catholic Schools Week

January 29 - North Deanery Spell Bowl

January 30 - Catholic Schools Week Mass

February 2-3 - Senior Retreat

February 6 - Racial Justice Mass

February 17 - President's Day (E-Learning Make-Up Day)

February 22 - Chatard-A-Bration

Click here for the 2025-2026 school calendar.

Catholic Schools Week

BCHS is excited to celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2025 Trojan style! Each day this week we celebrate our community: the students, teachers, administration, support staff, pastors, alumni, volunteers and families who make our Catholic schools unique. We will celebrate, worship, pray, dress in themes and have fun together as members of a faith community rooted in Jesus Christ. Click here for this week's activities.

2029 Trojan Intent Forms

Incoming freshman families! Blue acceptance envelopes were mailed in December. Secure your student's spot in the Class of 2029 by submitting your Trojan Intent form by Tuesday, February 11. Check your student's acceptance packet for a link to the form, or contact Enrollment Manager Karen Aruta for one.

Chatard-a-Bration - February 22

Chatard-a-Bration, Bishop Chatard's second-largest fundraiser, returns this February in support of our Annual Fund! This year's theme, Derby Day, promises an exciting evening filled with live music by the Jai Baker Trio, great fellowship, exceptional auction experiences, and delicious Southern-inspired fare.

Our Annual Fund provides tuition assistance to over half our students, and helps to more justly compensate our teachers. Last year Chatard-a-Bration raised $395,000, and with your support we hope to race past that goal!

Help us get to the winners circle by purchasing a table, becoming a sponsor, or being the highest bidder on hundreds of exciting and creative auction items! Click here to learn how!

Summer Camp Registration Now Open

Bishop Chatard High School invites grade and middle school students to join us on campus for an exciting lineup of summer camps. Our athletic and enrichment camps offer a variety of activities designed to spark interest and engage students of all ages. Spaces fill quickly, so sign up early to secure your spot and take advantage of the multi-camp discount. Don’t miss out on the fun! Contact Sarah Bustamante with any questions.

Drivers Education

Bishop Chatard will be offering Driver Education this summer. The 2025 Summer Driver’s Education Course at Bishop Chatard is a state-certified course open to all BCHS students who are at least 15 years of age by May 24, 2025. Click here for more information and to register.

BCHS Scholastic Art Award Winners

Five BCHS artists were honored by the prestigious Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the nation’s longest-running and largest recognition program for creative teens. Esteemed regional artists and educators judged submissions based on originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal vision or voice. Gold Key winners will be juried for a national medal by a panel of judges in New York.

Click here to see more about the honorees submissions.

BCHS Track & Field Callout Meeting - February 3

The Track & Field season kicks off on February 17. A callout meeting will be held on Monday, February 3, in the main gym during the Seminar Period. All students planning to participate this spring should attend. Please reach out to Coach McGinley at with any questions.

The deadline to order practice packs is February 9th. Click here to order.

BCHS Dance-a-Thon - March 23

Join us for the BCHS 4 Kids Dance-a-Thon on Sunday, March 23, from 12:00pm - 4:00pm at Bishop Chatard High School! This exciting event supports Peyton Manning Children's Hospital, and is open to Bishop Chatard students and North Deanery students in grades 3-8.

The cost is $25 per participant, which includes a t-shirt if you register by March 8. Don’t miss out on the fun for a great cause! Click here to register today!

Slides From 21st Century Scholar Night

Slides from last week's 21st Century Scholar Night can be found here here for reference.

Financial Aid & Registration Deposits

Financial aid applications for CURRENT families are due March 15. PLEASE APPLY THROUGH FACTS. Applying by the March 15 deadline guarantees inclusion in the pool considered for BCHS financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year. Please click here to apply.

Registration deposits of $350 per student ($500 per family) for the 2025-2026 school year are due on February 28. If you have a current BCHS FACTS account, your deposit will be set up for automatic withdrawal on February 28. Please contact Bob Bell no later than Wednesday, February 21 if you require special accommodations or need to make other arrangements.

Questions? Contact Bob Bell at or, or call 317-251-1451, Ext. 2238.
5885 Crittenden Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220
P: 317.251.1451 | F: 317.251.3648