From Everywhere to Everywhere

The monthly newsletter of Global Lutheran Outreach

September 2023 | No. 6

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Hard Times.

Dear James,

 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds... (James 1:2)

I don't know about you, but "joyful" is not the word that I would use to describe myself when I am going through hard times. Grumpy, maybe. Or frustrated. I tend to face down my challenges with a spirit of complaining, rather than with a spirit of joyfulness.

     Verses like this are challenging for me because when you are in the midst of the fire, it is hard to see the good that may eventually come out of it all. As a Christian, I know in my head that "God works all things for the good of those who love him" (Rom. 8:28), but that doesn't seem to help much when times are really tough. I tend to think, "Why is this happening? Does it really have to be so hard?"

     In the world of precious metals such as gold, fire purifies. In fact, there is no other way to remove the impurities! For God, YOU are more precious than gold! He wants you to be the best "you" possible, and (unfortunately) that means removing the impurities. By fire, if necessary - and it usually is. 

    Maybe it's not enough to move me from "complaining" to "joyful", but it does help to know that hard times are sure signs that God is still with me, working on me, refining me. He sees something in me that is valuable and worthwhile. And He sees it in you, too!

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Director's Corner

Rev. Dr. James Tino

There's all kinds of missionaries - young and old, newcomers and seasoned veterans, professional church workers and laity, skilled workers and 'just plain folk'. This issue shines a spotlight on Dale and Cheryl Talsma, a couple who has dedicated their lives to following God's call wherever it may lead - and He has led them to many places! 

     Though he doesn't quite remember it, I met Dale when I was a freshman at Concordia College in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dale had already completed his schooling at Ann Arbor and was beginning seminary. But he had friends still at Concordia, so he would show up on occasion - usually to attend a prayer meeting. It was at one of those that we met. 

     That's one of the things I love about the Talsmas - they really love people. They make connections, ask questions, and build relationships. Some people are dedicated to their careers, or to making money, or to securing their future. Not Dale and Cheri. They care about people.

     Loving others into heaven. Isn't that what being a missionary is all about?

This newsletter focuses on God's work through the missionaries of Global Lutheran Outreach in order to build a supportive community of prayer and praise.Together, we rise up. Rise with us!

Through the Fire

Missionary Spotlight:

Rev. Dale and Cheryl Talsma

   Rev. Dale and Cheryl (Cheri) Talsma are true "career missionaries", having served overseas for over 27 years (and counting) in Nigeria, Guatemala and then Nigeria again. 

The early years - Nigeria

This missionary couple was married in 1985, one year before Dale graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and received his first call as a missionary to Nigeria. After a year of preparation, during which they welcomed their first child, Tiffany, the young family moved to Nigeria. Dale's mission career got off to a shocking start when he was struck by lightning shortly after their arrival! By God's grace, Dale survived and soon began his work with Bible translation and literacy. Over the next 13 years, the Talsmas assumed several mission roles in Nigeria and also expanded their family with the birth of sons Adam (1986), Toby (1990), Dalen (1993), and Jason (1996).

Just as their ministry in Nigeria started with a bang (or, lightning), it finished with a flare. As the Talsmas were preparing to wind down their ministry in Nigeria, Dale was caught in a sudden fire ignited by gasoline fumes in their garage and was severely burned! After 10 days in the hospital, he began the long road to recovery which continued even after their return to the USA in 1999.

A New Mission Chapter -

Guatemala and beyond

Once Dale was sufficiently recovered, they accepted a call to serve as missionaries in Guatemala - a new part of the world, new language, and new culture! There, Dale worked as a theological educator while Cheri used her gifts in the church and also continued to raise their five children. With all the kids in school, Cheri decided to go back to school herself to pursue a degree in education. 

In 2008, they wrapped up their service in Guatemala and returned to the States for a time of waiting on the Lord. Cheri continued her schooling and graduated in 2009 as a certified teacher! During this time of seeking the Lord's direction, Global Lutheran Outreach was also discerning the Lord's call to start a new mission agency with the vision of raising up Lutheran missionaries "from everywhere to everywhere". Dale and Jim (Tino, the founder of GLO) had gotten to know each other over the years during occasional courses at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana where both of them were engaged in PhD studies in missiology. God led Jim to invite Dale to join the GLO team, which provided an opportunity for Dale to use his mission gifts and experience to help raise up Lutheran missionaries from every nation. 

photo: Cheri (top, 2nd from r.) and teachers at Hillcrest

Act Three:

Using their Gifts in New Ways

Dale accepted the invitation to work with GLO; at the same time, Cheri accepted a call to Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where she taught for four years. As GLO became more established, in 2014 the Tinos deployed once again as missionaries to Chile. Dale and Cheri were not far behind, and in 2016 Cheri accepted the offer to teach at Hillcrest School in Jos, Nigeria - familiar ground for this dynamic mission couple! In addition to returning to their "second home", they also rejoiced at the opportunity to be closer to at least one of their offspring: son Adam with his family was living fairly close by, in Abuja, Nigeria.

Cheri was soon immersed in the world of international education, teaching 4th grade at Hillcrest. In 2019, she also assumed the role of "care coordinator", welcoming and orienting expatriate staff - among them, GLO missionaries Joshua Wareham, and Heather and Nathan Pittman. Recognizing her gifts, the Hillcrest senior leadership offered her the position of Elementary School Principal, which she accepted in 2023. This is in addition to continuing to teach the 4th grade!

Living in Nigeria afforded Dale the opportunity to work more directly with Lutherans from Africa and other nations. Dale sees his role in GLO as advocating for developing missional hearts among people groups who have only received, rather than sent, missionaries - encouraging them to catch the vision of sending their own sons and daughters as cross-cultural missionaries. During the past few years, three African families have answered the Lord's call and said, "Here am I, send me!". Two of those families are from Nigeria, and one is from Kenya. In addition, Dale has provided guidance to our GLO missionaries in Cambodia and Mongolia.

Grandpa Dale shares a moment with his grandson.

celebrating son Adam's wedding

A Global Family

The five Talsma children are all grown up now, and three of them are married. In keeping with the "world citizen" upbringing of their parents, each is married to someone from a different country! Tiffany, the oldest, married a man from Vietnam. Adam married a Nigerian woman, and most recently Dalen married a woman whose nationality is Kuwaiti - truly a global family!

Words from the Wise:

The Sent, and the Senders

Recently we asked the Talsmas: With a mission career spanning three decades, what kind of advice would you give to people who are either considering missionary service, or who are supporting a missionary? 

Dale responded:

"What I have learned is that the biggest factor in one's effectiveness as a missionary is having the confidence that you are doing what God wants you to do. Difficulties and challenges will come, but having this assurance helps you to overcome all obstacles and get through the difficult times. The missionary needs to be confident that 'It is not a mistake that I am where I am'". 

Cheri reflected on some of the more challenging moments in their ministry, especially when Dale was seriously injured in the fire, and said:

"It takes a team to get and keep a missionary on the field. Not everyone is sent - the Senders are just as important! They are our representatives back home, and they support us and bear us up with prayer and finances. I especially felt this when Dale was burned; I could feel the support of our prayer partners who continually lifted us up, along with our family and our missionary family close by who stepped in to minister to us personally."

We praise God for the faithful ministry of Dale and Cheri Talsma, missionaries to many nations! May the Lord continue to bless their ministries and the ministry of the entire GLO family - both the Sent and the Senders!

You can view or download the Talsma prayer card here.

How do I become a missionary?

Global Lutheran Outreach works in partnership with cooperating churches and institutions. This means that sending a missionary is a cooperative effort! The church that receives a missionary puts some "skin in the game", lowering the cost for the missionary. In most cases mentioned, the church will provide housing for the missionary.

Under the coaching of GLO, the missionary then develops a network of "mission partners" who provide support: emotional, spiritual, prayer, and finances.

GLO missionaries typically make a minimum 2-year commitment to serve in-country.

How do I get started?

Email GLO director Dr. James Tino at:!

Together before the Throne

* Pray for Cheri & Dale Talsma as they serve in Nigeria. Give Cheri the wisdom and energy to lead both as teacher and Elementary school principal at Hillcrest Christian School. Guide Dale in encouraging and enabling missionaries from African nations in the great commission.

* We hold up missionary Nathan Pittman in our prayers as he awaits the “Reed Procedure” in early October to relieve him of the debilitating migraine pain he has been suffering for 16+ months. We pray that God would provide the funds for this medical procedure and also raise up supporters for Nathan, Heather and baby Jay to be able to answer God’s call to serve in Kenya.

* God has blessed the Ventura family as they serve at “Divine Providence” Lutheran Church in Santiago, Chile with new members through both baptism and confirmation! Pray that they will find supporters so that they are able to continue in this ministry.

* Praise the Lord of the harvest for new believers among the Maninka people of Guinea. Tim & Beth Heiny report that the Disciple-Making Movement is effectively teaching God’s Word and changing lives among this primarily muslim community.

* We thank the Lord for Shary Frahm’s willing heart to continue to walk alongside believers in Snor, Cambodia as they spread the Gospel. We pray for the farm that the church is running to help with the economic challenges.

* Join in thanks to God for a successful VBS in Barinas, Venezuela where David & Luz Maria Ernst press forward with the Gospel! In spite of power outages, termites, shortages of replacement parts for their car and computer, the Lord is using them to share the hope of Jesus.

* Ask our Almighty Father to raise up Lutheran teachers who are willing to answer the call to use their gifts in a different culture as educational missionaries in Nigeria, Guatemala, Chile, and in other places around the world!

* We ask for the Lord's blessings on the GLO "Go Beyond!" Annual Fund campaign which will be held on November 8! Provider God, raise up people who support the work of Global Lutheran Outreach to join with us in Your great mission!

* Pray for missionaries in need of "Senders": Amos & Evelyn Otula (Uganda); Samuel & Grace Udofia (Tanzania); Chimah & Success Francis (Uganda); and Victor & Belen Rivas (Guyana).

Rise above!

Through your prayers and your gifts, you are a key part of the Global Lutheran Outreach family! Your gift to the General Fund supports all GLO missionaries. Or, designate your gift to the missionary of your choice. Click here.