Some Statutory Boards - Council, THPC & EC - Make Progress-




Some Statutory Boards - Council, THPC & EC - Make Progress- The Week that Was 9/18-24

Urgent-Residents Need to Complete Master Plan Survey THIS WEEK

This Week in Teaneck - September 25 to 30, 2023

Important Early October Meetings - Mark Your Calendar

Teaneck Voting in this year’s 2023 general election

Still Waiting - 17 Months & No Bd. of Adjustment Minutes


Resident's Master Plan Survey Flyer - now by 9/30

Meet & Greet Superintendent Spencer - September 28 - Rodda

LWV Election Forum - BOE Candidates - Oct 2 - THS 3rd Floor

NETBPA Election Forum -BOE Candidates - Oct 10 THS 3rd Floor

Master Plan Community Meeting - Oct 11 - Rodda

Cannabis Subcommittee Open Meeting - Oct 23 - Chambers

Contacting Teaneck Voices

Some Statutory Boards - Council, THPC & EC -

Make Progress- The Week that Was

The Week that Was – September 18-24, 2023

Historic Preservation Commission – September 19, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Unfortunately, this meeting’s zoom has not been placed on the Town website. However, the agenda for the meeting does, as this Commission’s always does, reviews a plethora of important Commission issues that are worth reading if you Click Here

CouncilSeptember 19, 2023 at 8:00 pm. Easily the shortest (under 2 hours) and least contentious Council meeting of the year. The highlight of the meeting came early when Stephanie Hunsinger, AARP’s State Director delivered an excellent summary of the Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) concept being considered for adoption by Council. Her presentation with a brief dialogue with Council came from minute 2 to minute 15 of that Council video Click Here. Unfortunately, the AARP presentation itself has not yet made it to the Town website. Readers will remember that Voices carried an article on ADU’s in last week’s edition (Click Here).

Also of note from the Council, Mayor Pagan reiterated his pledge not to support any Area in Need of Redevelopment (AINR) or Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) measures until the new Master Plan has been completed. This in response to several sharp critiques of the Beverly Road AINR made during G&W.

Several Council people urged residents to complete the Master Plan survey (see related article in this edition and the flyer in the Announcement section.)

Environmental Commission (EC) – Wednesday September 20. Perhaps the most consequential meeting of the week was the hour and ¾’s meeting of the revived Environmental Commission. Happily, with Voices encouragement, the video of that meeting did make it to the town website (Click Here) but readers who do not want to wade through the entire video will want to refer to the agenda found on the website (Click Here) as a gauge for telling where topics of most interest to them can be found on the video tape. 

Issues as diverse as how to develop and communicate EC recommendations on site plans to the Planning Board, better assessing development effects on storm water management and challenges of pesticide use and protection all got adept EC discussion. Early in the meeting the Commission reappointed its current Chair and Vice-Chairs and selected an interim secretary to replace its prior secretary, resident Adams, who has moved to Wisconsin.

Manager Kazinci attended the early part of the meeting to describe progress on a shared services agreement on Styrofoam recycling with Ridgefield Park and how both the $300K EPA grant to fund bioswale management and progress with NJDEP on definition of the retention tank to go under Sagamore Park are significant next steps in Belle Avenue area flood control.

In sum, finally Teaneck is being served by an EC with members interested and competent to execute that body’s many responsibilities as it had not done for several years. 


Residents Need to Complete

Master Plan Community Input Survey

The current effort to create a new Master Plan for Teaneck is surely the Town's most important single initiative of this year. There is hope that it can really reflect what the Township's current residents want their town to be, look like and build. Only results of the survey received by September 30 will be tabulated

If you have not already filled out the new Master Plan Community Input survey, then either Click Here

in English

August 2023 Master Plan Community Input Survey Flyer

Or Espanol

Responda a la encuesta de opinión comunitaria del Plan Maestro de Teaneck aquí


go find the flyer about it in our Announcement section at the conclusion of this Voices edition.

You deserve a seat at the table – and you need to help our Council understand what development decisions and timetables would best reflect your views. 

This Week in Teaneck - 9/25 to 30, 2023

As is too often the case, information about several Town meetings is again this week spotty and incomplete. If Voices locates additional access, agenda and minutes information about these public meetings during the week, that information will be placed on the website at (Click Here)

This Week in Teaneck September 25 to 30, 2023

Stigma Free Advisory Board – Monday September 25 at 6:00 pm by zoom but no access information is available

Hackensack River Advisory Board - Monday September 25 at 8:00 pm access by zoom at Click Here then enter passcode 838175. Click Here for this meeting’s agenda

Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Wednesday September 27 at 7:00 pm – by zoom but no access information is available.

Shade Tree Advisory Board (STAB) – Thursday September 28 at 7:00 pm in-person at the Rodda Center

Planning Board (PB) – The Town website calls for a PB meeting on Thursday, September 28 at 8:00 pm but Voices believes that this meeting is not happening.

Meet the Schools Superintendent - September 28, 2023 at 7:00 pm in MP2 in the Rodda Center (See announcement section) 

Important Early October Meetings -

Mark Your Calendar

Beginning on Monday, October 2 and through Monday October 23 there are more than the usual important Township events in addition to the regular meeting dates of Council, the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.

See Teaneck Voices Announcement Section in this edition to review the two BOE electoral forums, the important second Master Plan public meeting and the open Cannabis Subcommittee meeting.

No flyer for them yet, but the rain-rescheduled Teaneck Day in Votee will occur in mid-afternoon on Sunday October 15. And save the week-end of October 21-22 for an important community event concerned with better understanding how development can go awry. 

Voting in Teaneck's General Election This Year

Teaneck Voting in this year’s 2023 general election

Three options: Vote By Mail; Vote Early; Vote 6 AM to 8 PM on Tuesday Nov. 7

Vote by Mail – The County Clerk Election division said it would send out Teaneck Vote by Mail ballots today – September 25 – and that voters with active vote-by-mail requests should receive their ballots by Thursday (3 days later). Specifically:

·     Only voters with active vote by mail requests will receive their ballot within 3 days. Voters with active requests who do not receive their ballot within a week should call 201-336-7020 to request a duplicate. The Deadline for our office to receive Vote by Mail Applications for this Election is 10/31/23.

You can either mail your ballot, take it to the County drop box in Teaneck at the Township Municipal Building or take it directly to the County Clerk’s office at 1 Bergen Plaza in Hackensack.

·     If you want a mail in ballot your request must reach the County Clerk a week before the Nov. 7 election date (in other words, by October 31)

For the Vote by Mail Application and information in English Click Here or in Espanol Click Here or in Korean (Click Here)


  • The Clerk’s office has prepared a video for Mail-in Voting Voters – Click Here

Voting Early – In Teaneck, voters can vote early at the Rodda Center from Sunday October 28 to Sunday November 5. Polls are open 10 AM to 8 PM except the polls close at 6 PM on the two Sundays.

Voting on Election Day – 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM at your normal polling location which you can look up either on the sample ballot you will receive or at

Note: A good video developed by the County Clerk’s office for reviewing all of this how to vote information is at Click Here


Election Candidate Forums- Teaneck BOE

Before they vote in this year’s general election, Teaneck voters will again have two opportunities to hear the views of the 6 candidates competing this Fall for three 3-year seats on Teaneck’s Board of Education.

 There are two electoral forums taking place in the 3rd Floor Student Center at Teaneck High School.

The first forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Teaneck, will take place at 7:30 pm on Monday October 2.

The second forum, sponsored by the Northeast Teaneck Block President’s Association and will occur a week and a day later, on Tuesday October 10 and will begin at 7:00 pm.

The 6 BOE candidates have divided into 2 slates and all will appear on the ballot with their slate-mates.

For more information about each forum, our readers are urged to review the flyers for each forum in the Announcement section of this Voices edition.

Still Waiting: Board of Adjustment Mtg. Minutes

The Township's website needs a major redesign - and the Clerk says the Town administration is finally about to select a contractor.

But in the meantime we depend on it for information we can obtain nowhere else.

Case in Point: We have not had meeting minutes for Board of Adjustment meetings posted on the website since April 7, 2022 - 17month ago!

During that 17-month period the Board of Adjustment has made MANY KEY DECISIONS. But the public has no way of knowing what they are and what is upcoming.

Voices has pressed both the Building Department and the Clerk's office to get this issue addressed. We have repeatedly been told it is for them - as it is for us - a priority.



Click Here

August 2023 Master Plan Community Input Survey Flyer; or

Responda a la encuesta de opinión comunitaria del Plan 

Contacting Teaneck Voices

Co-Editors: Dr. Barbara Ley Toffler and Dr. Chuck Powers

By Email:

By Phone: 201-214-4937

By USPS Mail: Teaneck Voices, PO Box 873. at 1673 Palisade Ave. 07666

Teaneck Voices' Website is

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