Teaneck Voting in this year’s 2023 general election
Three options: Vote By Mail; Vote Early; Vote 6 AM to 8 PM on Tuesday Nov. 7
Vote by Mail – The County Clerk Election division said it would send out Teaneck Vote by Mail ballots today – September 25 – and that voters with active vote-by-mail requests should receive their ballots by Thursday (3 days later). Specifically:
· Only voters with active vote by mail requests will receive their ballot within 3 days. Voters with active requests who do not receive their ballot within a week should call 201-336-7020 to request a duplicate. The Deadline for our office to receive Vote by Mail Applications for this Election is 10/31/23.
You can either mail your ballot, take it to the County drop box in Teaneck at the Township Municipal Building or take it directly to the County Clerk’s office at 1 Bergen Plaza in Hackensack.
· If you want a mail in ballot your request must reach the County Clerk a week before the Nov. 7 election date (in other words, by October 31)
For the Vote by Mail Application and information in English Click Here or in Espanol Click Here or in Korean (Click Here)
The Clerk’s office has prepared a video for Mail-in Voting Voters – Click Here
Voting Early – In Teaneck, voters can vote early at the Rodda Center from Sunday October 28 to Sunday November 5. Polls are open 10 AM to 8 PM except the polls close at 6 PM on the two Sundays.
Voting on Election Day – 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM at your normal polling location which you can look up either on the sample ballot you will receive or at www.vote.nj.gov
Note: A good video developed by the County Clerk’s office for reviewing all of this how to vote information is at Click Here
Election Candidate Forums- Teaneck BOE
Before they vote in this year’s general election, Teaneck voters will again have two opportunities to hear the views of the 6 candidates competing this Fall for three 3-year seats on Teaneck’s Board of Education.
There are two electoral forums taking place in the 3rd Floor Student Center at Teaneck High School.
The first forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Teaneck, will take place at 7:30 pm on Monday October 2.
The second forum, sponsored by the Northeast Teaneck Block President’s Association and will occur a week and a day later, on Tuesday October 10 and will begin at 7:00 pm.
The 6 BOE candidates have divided into 2 slates and all will appear on the ballot with their slate-mates.
For more information about each forum, our readers are urged to review the flyers for each forum in the Announcement section of this Voices edition.