St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 15, 2023

A Note from your Principals

Cold and flu season is upon us!

We have had many students and staff out sick this week with the annual "Humboldt Crud" that we are all so familiar with. We want to keep everyone healthy and to that end, we must all work together. If your student is experiencing a fever, chills, or any other symptoms of seasonal flu, please keep them home. Please make sure your student is fever free for 24 hours before sending them to school.

We love that our students want to come to school even when they are sick but unfortunately making that choice impacts our entire community.

Stay healthy,

Ms. Scott and Mr. Shanahan

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pick up my child for an appointment during the school day?

Please call the office and your child will be called out of class to be picked up. We discourage cell phone use during class as it disrupts the educational environment. Teachers can't let students leave the classroom because they received a text message. We do this for the safety of all the students.

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 22nd

No School- Teacher Work Day

College Application Workshop, Library, 1:00 - 3:00

Friday, September 29th

7th Grade Retreat, Sacred Heart Church, back parking lot

Thursday, October 19th

Homecoming Mass - Mass Dress

Friday, October 20th

End of First Quarter

Saturday, October 21st

Girls Soccer, 1999 and Football and Cheerleaders, 2015 Team Recognition

Homecoming Court Crowning

High School Homecoming Dance, 8 - 11

Thursday, October 26th

SAT School Day for Seniors

Click for school calendar

New Officers Elected!

6th Grade Officers (L to R): Vice President: Gracelynn Shepherd, President: Vivienne Shanahan and Class Secretary: Paloma Granados

8th Grade Officers (L to R): Treasurer: Ethan Ramirez-Moreno, Vice President: Claire Costa, President: Xochitl Granados, Knights Rep: Teghan Smith, and Class Secretary: Tally Williams

Middle School Sports

Friday, September15th

6/7th Grade Volleyball at Fortuna Tournament

Monday, September 18th

4:00 MS Soccer at Fortuna

6:00 MS Soccer vs McKinleyville

Tuesday, September 19th

5:00 6/7 Volleyball vs Blue Lake

Wednesday, September 20th

5:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs Cutten

Thursday, September 21st

4:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball vs Hydesville

5:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Hydesville

Friday, September 22nd

8th Grade Volleyball Hydesville Tournament at Bear River

6/7th Grade Volleyball Sunny Brae Tournament

High School Sports

Saturday, September 16th

11:30 JV Football vs Arcata

4:00 V Football vs Arcata

V Volleyball Brookings Tournament

Tennis at Fortuna

Tuesday, September 19th

6:00 Girls Soccer vs Eureka

5:30 JV Volleyball vs NPA

6:30 V Volleyball vs NPA

Wednesday, September 20th

6:00 Boys Soccer at South Fork

Thursday, September 21st

6:00 Girls Soccer at Fortuna

5:00 JV Football at Analy High School

9:00 V Football at Analy High School

Friday, September 22nd

6:30 JV Volleyball vs Mendocino

Saturday, September 23rd

11:00 Boys Soccer vs McKinleyville

JV Volleyball at Arcata Tournament

Students in Action!

A representative from Oregon Institute of Technology visited with seniors this week.

8th Grade Volleyball Champions.

Class picture day this week.

The Class of 2024

6/7 Grade Volleyball

Senior Retreat

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

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