July 2022
President Message
Greetings APTA NH Members!

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying this great summer weather. Please take a few moments to look at our latest newsletter that reviews many of the happenings that influence us in the world of physical therapy both at the national and state level.
There are updates regarding legislative advocacy and payment issues, as well as information regarding upcoming professional development opportunities and membership events.
We are particularly excited about our Annual Conference set for in-person on
Saturday, September 24th in Concord, NH. With a theme of “Movement is Medicine”, we have an amazing line up of speakers that will present on exercise prescription from various perspectives. Along with our presentations, we will have a great group of vendors, poster presentations, good food, and the chance to network and reconnect with colleagues that you may not have seen since before the beginning of the pandemic. It is going to be a great day and I hope that you can join us. Please click on the links below to get more information about this and a number of other interesting topics.

Finally, with the fall approaching we are on the lookout for those of you out there that may have been considering getting involved with our state chapter. If any of the information in our newsletter resonates with you, frustrates you, or leaves you with more questions, what better time than now to get involved. Our state chapter is a group of dedicated and talented individuals who are working towards the betterment of our profession and the patients we serve. If you think the time is right for you please reach out to me for more information, and of course, if you have any questions or feedback concerning
anything APTA NH at all, feel free to reach out…we would love to hear from you!

Best to All…Mark
Mark Mailloux, PT, MBA
Board Certified Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
President, APTA NH

2022 APTA NH Annual Conference
Walk fast to register for this outstanding conference.

Our schedule is finalized and registrations are open.

Conference day will start with keynote presenter Taylor Chace, Sled Hockey player, USA Gold medalist, and conditioning and strength coach at Northeast Passage.

In depth lectures on the science of exercise will follow and the afternoon will provide several presentations related to settings and patient types.

Our day will end with a presentation from Northeast Passage.

Check out the entire day and register TODAY for the early bird rates. Click below.
Approximately 7 contact hours awarded
Micki Harris Webinar
Save the dates for our virtual Micki Harris Webinar Series focusing on Pediatric Physical Therapy

Nov. 2 / Nov. 9 / Nov. 16
Are you interested in being mentored?
Do you have knowledge and experience to share with an early professional? 
APTA NH is starting a mentoring program to help our PTs and PTAs across the state who are beginning their careers, changing settings, or interested in a specialty area.
If you are interested in being mentored or becoming a mentor, click here.
Once you have filled out the form, you will be matched with a clinician who wants to be mentored or can provide the mentorship. There are no formal requirements to participate on either side of the mentorship, other than being an APTA member.
Congratulations Lisa Stejskal!
Lisa was the former APTA NH PTA Caucus Representative.
Lisa will receive this APTA award in August during the Leadership Conference.

Lisa also received the 2022 President’s Award from APTA Academy of Education at the 2022 CSM.
Nominations / Elections
Looking for New Leaders!

The following NH APTA Board of Directors positions are open for the 2022 Election:

Directors (2 to be elected)
PTA Caucus Rep 
Nominating Committee
Please click on button below to find out more information on:
  • Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act (H.R. 3173/S.3018)
  • Optimizing Postpartum Outcomes Act
  • Telehealth Update
  • Allied Health Work Diversity Act 
The state legislature is currently in recess. We look forward to the fall session commencing soon. If you
have any ideas/issues that you would like considered concerning state legislative advocacy or are
interested in joining our State Advocacy/Legislative Committee, please reach out to Mark Mailloux .
  • Public Health Emergency Declaration extended to October 13, 2022
  • Proposed 2023 Outpatient Payment Rule Presents Advocacy Opportunity
  • Commercial Insurer Payment Update
  • Elevance (formerly known as Anthem)
  • United Healthcare (UHC)

Because we are hearing of issues with the edits in all claims submitted to UHC
Community plans as well as denials under the UHC Medicare Advantage Plan, please
share redacted examples of UHC reimbursement issues to Gerriann Samowski, APTA NH Payment Chair

This is a list of items in the complete report. Click below for more details and links to important payment information.
APTA House of Delegates
The APTA NH is getting ready for the upcoming House of Delegates. A virtual session will take place on July 30th and the in-person session will be August 13th – 15th in Washington D.C. Your President and Chief Delegate participated in the NE Caucus the weekend of June 11th, in New Brunswick, NJ, alongside representatives from NY, NJ, ME, VT, RI, PA, DE, and DC.
There are twenty-two motions currently being formulated. The topics vary, such as: direction of PTAs, postpartum PT, management of BP, direct-to-employer services, and a charge to explore an association healthcare plan. 
The slate of candidates is up and biographies are ready to view.

If you have any questions or input on any of the candidates or proposals, please contact Chief Delegate, Eydie Kendall