A Weekly Update from the Strafford Region


Principal regional planner Kyle Pimental attended a Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) Outreach meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 14, to discuss final preparations for announcing the 2023 Rising Tides Photo Contest. 

People who live, work, and recreate in New Hampshire’s coastal communities are already experiencing impacts from high tide flooding. High tide flooding occurs several times a year when tidal waters flow above the natural landscape onto roadways, driveways, and yards, and interrupt daily routines. These tides offer a glimpse into what daily water levels could be like in the future as sea level rise. 

The Rising Tides Photo Contest is a unique opportunity to use photography to learn how places are already being impacted by high tide flooding and will be affected by rising sea levels. This year, the Rising Tides Photo Contest will focus on documenting higher-than-normal tides and showcasing the area’s resilient ecosystems, economies, infrastructure, and communities. 

This year's contest will take place from January 21-24, 2023. Learn more on the CAW website


Kyle Pimental


EPA Recycling Grant Opportunities Announced

Durham poised to get $3.5M grant to remove Mill Pond dam. Plan to add a fish ladder, too.


Senior transportation planner Colin Lentz attended the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) workshop meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 13. This meeting was required for municipalities, agencies, and others seeking to apply for the upcoming CMAQ funding round through the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. 

In the Strafford region, there were 8 letters of interest submitted for potential projects, including requests for TMA funding, infrastructure and roadway projects, and bus and municipal vehicle replacements.  


Full applications for those potential projects are due on Jan. 6.  


Once applicants submit their final applications, SRPC will assist applicants with project related air quality analyses, and conduct a regional project scoring that will be incorporated into NHDOT’s final scoring. Selected projects will be incorporated into the state Ten Year Plan process.


Colin Lentz


California's Year in Bike Policy

Seeking a role in NH’s EV future

Economic Development

On Monday, Dec. 12, senior regional planner James Burdin met with a steering committee for the Collaborative Economic Development Region (CEDR) grant to review proposals for selecting a marketing consultant for one of program's projects. 

The marketing consultant chosen will assist with the following project component:

  • Support the attraction, development, and retention of employees by developing a combination of digital resources and a market strategy for distributing them to Seacoast businesses. These resources are intended to educate employers about the value of investing in and retaining current employees and to identify best practices to support employer efforts.  

The CEDR grant will also support operations of the Seacoast Economic Development Stakeholders and a micro grant program that will support the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Student Career Pathway program. 


James Burdin


Holiday Lights, Tours & Events

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 ||
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December 16, 2022