April 2024

 The Monthly Newsletter of 

St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church

Malvern, Pennsylvania

Our Vision:  
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission: 
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.

The Deeper Rest


Lent was such a wonderful season at St. Francis. As I look back now across that long six-weeks, I see the continuing richness of our community. We prayed and sang and worshiped together. We grew relationships with new members, and welcomed others who were visiting or just joining with us for a season. We walked with some along the roads of suffering and grief, while we rejoiced with others over new births and healing. We had several wonderful and challenging studies - and we didn’t always have the answers, but we rejoiced in asking the questions and exploring together. We worked in tandem, in so many ways, to continue the mission and ministry of St. Francis in our community. And during Holy Week we walked the way of the Cross together, bearing witness again to the Resurrection; and to God’s confirmation of all of this creation as something good and true and beautiful.

With the Triduum behind us now, and the season of Easter finally here, the temptation may be to close our eyes, to take a break. Or at least, that’s my temptation. It’s been a busy Lent, after all, and a little rest is deserved. And, truthfully, it’s not at all unfounded. As the writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews reminds us, “rest” is the end-game for the work of Christ. The eternal, everlasting Sabbath has always been God’s intention.


                      So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God;

for those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors

as God did from his. (Heb. 4:9-10)


But there’s a reason those early days after the resurrection of Jesus don’t look much like “rest”. There’s a reason the women hurried to tell the story of the empty tomb; a reason the disciples went out after Easter; a reason the Church in all its manifestations reached out and expanded and crossed boundaries and borders into the unknown. It was because they believed what had happened in Jesus had truly changed things, and that change was for all people. Everyone - everyone - was invited to enter into God’s rest. And that was a story that didn’t just need to be told, it needed to be lived.


If anything, after Easter Sunday, the Church has more work, not less. I don’t mean there isn’t time to celebrate or rejoice; or that there shouldn’t be time for mental and physical rest and renewal. Nor do I mean we should be consumed with the senseless “busy-ness” and workaholism and programming that all too often consumes churches and Christians and Christianity. We are Disciples, after all, not entertainers.

What I mean, rather, is that in this post-Resurrection world we need to embrace the deeper rest; the joy and love and connection that come through our relationship with this God who has given so fully and completely. We need to lean into the “peace that passes all understanding”, and that’s a bold and ambitious undertaking in such an anxious world.

At St. Francis, we have all the tools we need to help people find the deeper rest. The connection and community we shared during Lent and Holy Week is a true reflection of who we are. Who do you know who needs that connection? Who among our neighbors needs to find that sense of community? Who needs to embrace the Rest of God.

Lord, make us all instruments of your peace.


Fr. Kevin+

Dear St. Francis Family

We are so grateful to you for all the support you have us during this difficult time for our family. We all gained strength from your prayers and expressions of love. Beth performed her roles as daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, and teacher with skill and joy. She was well loved and we will miss her forever. We feel blessed to be part of this wonderful church. Thank you all.

Dick & Barb Partridge

April 2: Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, April 2 from 2 pm to 7 pm will be the Red Cross Blood drive at St. Francis-in-the-Fields. 

To sign up to donate please go to

Any Questions please call Nancy Orlando.

Beginning April 2

Enneagram Growth Group

Kevin & Donna Dellaria will begin hosting an ongoing, monthly, small-group discussion on Enneagram reflection and practice. This small group is open anyone who has taken the foundational Enneagram course,

The Enneagram Journey. The group will meet on the 1st Tuesdays of each month, from 6pm to 8pm, at the Dellarias’ home in Paoli.

For more information, contact Fr. Kevin or Donna Dellaria.

April 6: Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 6 at 9:00am, at the West Chester Diner (1147 West Chester Pike). This is BYOB (“Bring Your Own Bucks”).

All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.


We will start Walking with St. Francis & Friends Monday, April 8, 10:00 am. Anyone can do it. No power walking here - just a Monday morning pleasure walk enjoying friends and East Goshen Park. 

No reservation needed. Come as you're able and your schedule allows. We meet at the parking area on the north side of Paoli Pike at the traffic light. Hope to see you then.  

Small group study in April/May

You are invited to join with John & Nina Whitnah and Meridith & Tom Ridington as they journey through the Lord's Prayer. "Lord, teach us to Pray: a Study of the Lord's Prayer" will take place on six successive Monday evenings from April 15 until May 20. 

We will meet at 7-8:30 pm at the Ridington's home (15 Valley Creek Road, Malvern). Space is limited to 16 participants. 

Please reach out to Tom Ridington or John Whitnah to register your interest in attending.  



The Chester County 9-1-1 Communication Center operates around the clock, providing essential services to the citizens of Chester County.

Their dedicated staff handles over 1,000 emergency calls daily, which include everything from urgent requests for assistance to coordinating responses for police, fire, rescue, and ambulance services.

To learn more about the 9-1-1 Emergency Center and what happens when someone places a call, please join us on Wednesday, April 17th.

A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex and the tour is limited to 20 attendees.

April 18: Brandywine Deanery “Virtual” Plenary

What is a “Deanery”? How does it play a role in the life of the Diocese? How can the churches of the Deanery and Diocese work together for mission and ministry?

Fr. Kevin Dellaria, Dean of the Brandywine Deanery will host the first “Virtual Plenary” meeting of the Brandywine Deanery on Thursday, April 18th, from 7pm to 8pm.

The meeting will be held via Zoom, and anyone interested in the work of the Deanery and/or the Diocese is encouraged to attend.

To register, or for more information, email Fr. Kevin at, or contact the St. Francis office.

Book Group

Friday, April 19, 7:30 pm (Library)

The book group selection for April 19 is Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins Valdez. 

The novel is about a black nurse in Alabama who blows the whistle on the wrongs done to her patients. Civil Townsend wants to make a difference in her African American community, helping women make their own choices about their lives and their bodies.

April 23: Primary Voting at St. Francis

St. Francis is the new voting location for Willistown Precinct 800.

On April 23rd, the Parish Hall will be reserved for Chester Counting Voting services, Poll Workers, and voters.

The Church Office will be open.

April 28 – Outreach Meeting

There will be an Outreach Meeting on Sunday, April 28 following the 10 am service in the library. 

All are welcome to attend! Grab a cup of coffee and a snack from Coffee Hour and join us!

Let’s play Pickleball!


The kick off event will take place on the back parking lot on Monday, May 6th from 5:00-7:00.


We will have extra equipment and all are welcome. No experience necessary.

Please sign-up using this link! Sign-up!

Meadow News

Meadow project partnership update: following a recent site visit with Willistown Conservation Trust staff and our Lititz-based installation professionals, the site preparation process for our meadow is now underway. The first step is to eliminate the turfgrass in the selected area. 

Later this spring our installers will return to plant a selection of native wildflower seeds and grasses that should thrive in our local climate. As the meadow becomes established it can become a vibrant symbol of renewal and natural beauty, attracting pollinators like butterflies, bees and birds. 

Over time, the meadow will mature into a diverse ecosystem, fostering biodiversity and contributing to the overall health of the environment. The meadow can also serve as a peaceful sanctuary for contemplation and prayer, inviting parishioners and visitors to connect with nature and find solace in the midst of our busy lives.

In this way, planting a meadow on church grounds becomes a tangible expression of our stewardship of the land and care for creation. 

National Anthem at the

Reading Fighting Phils!

Once again, St. Francis has been invited to sing the National Anthem at “Baseball Town” in Reading. Our date is Saturday, June 15; 6:45 start.

Mark your calendars and plan to have a great time. Tickets will go on sale later in the year. You do NOT have to sing in order to attend . . . but it is a lot of fun!

Episcopal Visit: September 15, 2024

The Bishop is coming! The Bishop is coming! Our first in-person Episcopal visit in over six years is scheduled for Sunday, September 15, 2024. Over the coming months, we will be gathering a list of people who are seeking Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation.

A Confirmation class for adults and for youth will be made available later in the year. If you seek any of these rites of the Church, please contact Fr. Kevin or Deacon Diane.

Pre-Marital and Marital Coaching

Fr. Kevin is now a certified Facilitator for the Prepare/Enrich pre-marital and marriage assessment program.

For over 35 years, the Prepare/Enrich assessment tool has been used by Facilitators to help couples strengthen and enrich their relationships.

If your relationship or that of someone you know could benefit from a short-term program of assessment and conversation, please reach out to Fr. Kevin for more details.

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour hosts are needed for 2024! Please consider hosting a Sunday or two.

Contact Sue Kelly by email or sign up in the Narthex.

Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is a pastoral care ministry of note writing (birthday, get well, thank you, encouragement, etc.)

The Circle of Friends will meet in person, in the library, on Wednesday, April 24 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed.

Additionally, if you know someone who would benefit from a note of encouragement, well wishes or any other message from our ministry, we will add them to our list. We want to ensure we're reaching those who need it most. 

Immigration Ministry

To do more for refugees, please visit where you'll find many opportunities to donate your services or contribute goods to persons in need. 

Sign up for NSC's newsletter to get periodic updates on what you can do to help. 

For future furniture pickups, send photos to John Groch at 610-547-3583.

Altar Flowers

Please sign up for altar flowers in the book in the back of the church. The donation for the flowers is $50. 

Thanks. If you have questions contact Pam Hudson.


St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road
Malvern, PA 19355

The Very Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
 Diane Faison, Parish Administrator & Deacon
Joe Perry, Music Director
Want to know more about us?

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is an active parish, even during COVID-19. For more information about our worship, outreach, and other ministries, visit our parish website, Our monthly parish newsletter, Fieldnotes, may be found by clicking HERE. Stay current on events by following our parish on Facebook.

Our Global Communion

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, a member of The Episcopal Church, and part of the worldwide Anglican Communion
Visit our website
St. Francis-in-the-Fields | 610-647-0130 | 689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
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