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eNews for January 24, 2025

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  • Annual Meeting - 1/26
  • Endowment Grant period opens 1/26
  • January DEAM Pantry Drive LAST SUNDAY
  • Quilt Exhibit LAST SUNDAY
  • Holy Comforter Dinner - SIGN UP
  • ICM "Have a Heart" Campaign - ends 2/2
  • Fireside Sit & Sip - RSVP for 2/6
  • Walk in Love shoe drive - ends 2/14
  • Parent Feedback Sessions - RSVP
  • Gateway Center Meal - SIGN UP

Staff Bonuses

The Epiphany staff would like to thank the parish for your generous contributions to our year-end bonuses. Your gifts are very much appreciated and we are grateful to serve with all of you in this special place. 

Amy, Carmie, Julie, Taylor, Shea, Susie, and Jason


Annual Parish Meeting

No adult formation programs will take place at this time

1/26—All members of the parish are encouraged to join us in the parish hall at 11:30 a.m. this Sunday for this important meeting in the life of our church. The Rev. Amy Dills-Wright and members of the Vestry will report on the state of the parish in 2024 and look ahead to what’s planned for 2025. We will also elect new vestry members and thank those who are retiring.

Vestry Nominees

Cody Chaffins

Cody Chaffins has been a member at Epiphany since 2013. He married his wife Claire at Epiphany in 2014. Cody and Claire have two boys, Caleb, 6, and Collier, 2, who were both baptized at Epiphany. Cody has served as a Godly Play leader at Epiphany since 2017. Growing up in Stone Mountain, Cody was a member at St. Michael's and All Angels Episcopal where he was an acolyte and lay reader along with being a member of the youth group. Cody is currently working for the AJC as a member of the DawgNation team producing video and hosting a podcast covering Georgia Bulldogs football. Prior to that he was a sports anchor at FOX 5 Atlanta for 10 years.

Kathy Corcoran

Kathy Corcoran and her husband, John, live in Decatur with their 2 daughters, Jessa (18) and Ada (16). Kathy and John were married at Epiphany in 2005 and both their girls were baptized at Epiphany. They were members of Epiphany from 2005-2010 and then moved away to Easley, SC. They moved back to Decatur in 2016 and became members of Epiphany once again. Kathy has been an Episcopalian since her baptism at The Church of the Holy Trinity in Sulphur, LA in 1971. Kathy has worked with Sunday School, VBS, book clubs, and food pantries at the churches she attended. She currently leads the Women’s Fireside Sip and Sit group at Epiphany. Kathy is a preschool teacher and assistant director at The Ormewood School in Atlanta. She enjoys reading, sailing, and traveling.

Jacob Geiger

Jacob Geiger began attending Epiphany in summer 2023 when he and his wife, Keri, moved to Atlanta. Jacob was raised in the United Methodist Church, but he attended a high school with a strong Episcopal tradition. He and Keri have been Episcopalians since college and were previously members of St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia, where Jacob served on the Vestry, Finance Committee, and Endowment Committee. At Epiphany he serves on the Finance Committee and is active in the Young Adults Ministry. Jacob works as a communications and fundraising consultant for nonprofits, having previously worked as a boarding school communications director and journalism teacher and as a newspaper reporter. Jacob and Keri live in Kirkwood. 

Alison Taylor

Alison Taylor and her husband, Lee Fidler, were married at Epiphany in 2008. Alison has attended Epiphany for over 20 years and was confirmed as an Episcopalian in 1972 at St. Luke's. She has lived in the Emory/Decatur area for most of 50 years. Alison and Lee have 4 adult children and one granddaughter living in Atlanta, Seattle, and in Amherst Virginia (Sweet Briar College). Alison graduated from Randolph Macon Woman's College and previously worked in corporate communications at Georgia Power and as a psychologist and yoga teacher. She has been in the same book club for 32 years. As an Episcopalian she has taught Sunday School, volunteered with VBS and the Parish Life Committee, and currently serves as secretary for ECW. She grew up as an "army brat" and lived abroad in France, Japan, Germany, and Iran. Alison loves walking, yoga, laughing at her husband's goofy jokes and playing with her 16-month-old granddaughter.

Dear Epiphany Family

A commitment to environmental justice is one of Epiphany’s core values and we continue to look for ways to reduce our impact on the earth. We have conducted energy audits with Georgia Interfaith Power and Light and used their findings to guide our work in that regard. In recent years we have switched to LED lights, used more energy efficient systems around the campus, planted trees and pollinator friendly gardens using native plants, and composted our food waste. We are now exploring the possibility of solar energy production.

Another way we are committed to addressing our impact is reducing the number of bulletins we print each week. Now that we have adopted the expansive and inclusive language liturgy, our Sunday morning liturgy is no longer in the printed Book of Common Prayer, which makes a prepared bulletin more of a necessity. Our prepared bulletins also allow us to adapt the prayers of the people to make them consistent with our theology around inclusivity and creation care. Several years ago, we created a vestry liaison position dedicated to newcomer ministry to be sure Epiphany is a welcoming parish. Easy to follow bulletins for newcomers, especially those less familiar with our liturgy, with information about ways to connect with what’s happening in the parish, are part of that commitment.

We believe there are ways we can commit to inclusive language and being a welcoming parish while still working to reduce our impact on the earth. Each week our newsletter contains a link to the worship bulletin for the coming Sunday. That link is also on the home page of our website. If you are comfortable doing so, we invite you to use the digital copy of the bulletin during worship. If you prefer a printed bulletin and you come to church with others in your family, we invite you to share a bulletin with each other. These two things could significantly reduce the amount of paper we use and reduce our impact on creation.


We appreciate your help as we continue to live out our core values and expand the ways we care for creation.

Grace and peace,


This Sunday

Livestream Options:

YouTube Link | Zoom Link

Bulletin for 1/26

Worship with us at 10:00 a.m.


Children & Youth

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. • locations vary

Click here to register your children and youth or check out the bulletin boards on either the 1st and 2nd floors.

  • Room 205—Godly Play (children 3 years old through 3rd grade)
  • This Sunday, Our 4th - 12th graders will meet downstairs in the donut den during formation hour to participate in the annual "Have a Heart" letter writing campaign. 
Grant Application


Endowment Grant Submission Period

Opens January 26

1/26—Endowment Fund Grant Applications are available online from the homepage and in the gallery tract rack and can be submitted beginning January 26. Grants may be for capital improvements; scholarships or grants to members; or community outreach projects. Application deadline is February 26, 2025.


Youth Group

Youth group will meet tonight from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. for game night in the Donut Den. 


Art Ministry - LAST SUNDAY

now on view through January 30

Epiphany’s Art Ministry welcomes a Quilt Exhibit from award-winning quilter Michelle Hiskey. The quilts are NOT for sale.

Click here to learn more about the artist and the art ministry >>

Altar Arrangements & Sanctuary Light Sign Up

For Sunday, January 26:

  • The Arrangements at the Altar and the Sanctuary Light are given to the Glory of God.

Altar Arrangements & the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or in memory of a loved one. Click the button link to reserve dates that have meaning for you.

Sign up for Altar Arrangements or the Sanctuary Light

This Week at Epiphany


Weekday Services

visit for details

  • Weekday Morning Prayer—9:00 a.m. online, request the login link from the parish office.
  • Tuesday Morning Prayer (Holy Eucharist 1st Tuesdays)—7:00 a.m. in the side chapel
  • Wednesday Noonday Prayer—12:00 p.m. in the side chapel, a Healing Service and Eucharist follows at 12:15 p.m.


January DEAM Pantry Drive

Epiphany stocks the pantry at the Decatur-area Emergency Assistance Ministry (DEAM) twice a year in January and June.

For the month of January, we are collecting grape and strawberry jelly, canned fruit, protein bars, and peanut butter cracker packs. Wooden bins for your donations are in the gallery inside the front door.

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Help with Dinner


Quarterly Dinner for Holy Comforter

Wednesday, January 29

1/29—Holy Comforter is a unique worshipping community in the heart of Atlanta. About 60% of this congregation lives with mental illness. We will prepare a meal during the afternoon and take the meal to the church, leaving at 6:00 p.m., prepare to serve after the 6:30 p.m. service. After serving, the volunteers join the parishioners for dinner.


ICM—Write a letter to help Georgia’s Children

Now thru 2/2—The 2025 Georgia Legislature is in session. Epiphany is once again participating in the Interfaith Children’s Movement’s (ICM) “Have a Heart” letter writing campaign. Details about how and why to write a letter or two can be found at the “Have a Heart” table by the front door.

The deadline to “mail” a letter in Epiphany’s special mailbox is 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 2.

Contact Kay Lee with questions.


Annual "Walk in Love" Shoe Drive

Now thru 2/14—Did you know that people who are unhoused walk, on average, 10 to 15 miles daily? Epiphany’s Youth are collecting new athletic shoes to support our friends at Church of the Common Ground through our annual “Walk in Love” Shoe Drive.

You can help by donating new women’s and men’s shoes, especially men’s sizes 10-13. Please bring donations to the church by February 14 and contact Taylor Irwin or Suzanne Yoder if you have questions.

Upcoming Events


Adult Formation

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. • parish hall

2/2—Join the Rev. Amy Dills-Wright and the Rev. Carmie McDonald for part two of the three-part adult formation series, “Returning to our Roots.” We will explore our Anglican/Episcopal identity including our history and governance, theology, sacraments, and spirituality. This series also serves as the formation needed for adult confirmation. Contact The Rev. Carmie McDonald for more information.


The Society of St. Anna the Prophet

Vow Ceremony will take place at Epiphany on Saturday, February 1

2/1—The Society of Saint Anna the Prophet (SSAP), a vowed, dispersed community of Episcopal women over the age of 50, will celebrate The Holy Eucharist and Vow Ceremony at Epiphany on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. and is open to everyone.

SSAP was founded in 2005 in Atlanta and is recognized as a vowed monastic community under the canons of The Episcopal Church. Inspired by Anna, the only elder woman mentioned by name in the New Testament, the SSAP community are lay and ordained, single, married, partnered, and widowed, retired, and still employed. The mission of SSAP is Godly aging, and ministry with the young and old, particularly with those not able to participate in a parish church. Our vows to simplicity, creativity and balance are life changing. 

For more information, contact The Rev. Barbara Ryder or visit their website. Applicants must be confirmed Episcopalians, over the age of 50, with a heart for ministry to elders and children, a passion for discovering the gift of their own aging and a longing for intentional community.

Fireside RSVP


Fireside Sit & Sip

2/6—This group, for women primarily in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, will next gather on Thursday, February 6 around the indoor fireplace at the home of Amy Dills-Wright. Please RSVP to bring drinks or snacks. Questions? Use Realm to contact Kathy Corcoran or the Rev. Carmie McDonald.


Contemplative Practice

2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m. • choir loft

2/9—Come gather with us on 2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m. for a time of reflection, meditation instruction, and gathering with others seeking a more grounded way of being in the world. Led by Bobbi Patterson, Elizabeth Ura and Amy Dills-Wright.

Contact The Rev. Amy Dills-Wright for more information.


Parent Feedback Sessions

February 9 and 11 at 5:00 p.m.

Parents are invited to join the Rev. Carmie McDonald and Taylor Irwin to discuss their experience with children and youth programming at Epiphany. Please join us to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with others on the parenting journey!

A session for parents of youth will be held February 9 during youth group and parents of younger children will meet February 11 during choir rehearsals before our Family Eucharist. Contact Taylor Irwin with questions.

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Register for a session
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Epiphany Book Group

2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. location varies

2/10—The Epiphany Book Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. See listing below for titles and location. All are welcome. Log into Realm to contact Linda Ryder-Wolf if you have any questions.

  • February 10: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey (Zoom)
  • March 10: Soil by Camille Dungy (Epiphany)


Family Eucharist Service & Service Project

all activities take place in the parish hall

2/11—Join us for a Family Eucharist at 6:15 p.m. Arrive by 6:00 p.m. if you’d like to eat pizza together, or come at 5:00 p.m. to take part in the Family Service Project.

RSVP for Pizza
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Gateway Center Meal Ministry

Served 2nd Fridays of the month

2/12-14—Volunteers cook in the Epiphany kitchen and then serve the meal at Gateway Shelter on 2nd Fridays. Sign up to help shop, prepare, cook or serve the meal this month.

Learn more about Gateway >>

Help out with this Meal Ministry


Diocesan Confirmation

3/16—The Diocesan Confirmation service for Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation will be held on March 16 at the Cathedral of St. Philip. If you are an adult and would like to be confirmed, please contact the the Rev. Carmie McDonald. If your youth is interested in confirmation, please contact Taylor Irwin. The deadline to register for confirmation this spring is February 16, 2025. Another Diocesan Confirmation service is planned for June. 

Other Ongoing Meetings and Programs

Week of 1/26/2024

1/27—Community of Hope’s Circle of Care—Last Mondays of the month

1/28—Men’s Breakfast Group—Tuesdays following the 7:00 a.m. service

1/28—Trivia Group—Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. • Wild Heaven in Avondale Estates

1/29—Epiphany Choir—Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. • Music Suite

Upcoming Ongoing Meetings and Programs

2/4—Choirs for Children & Youth—Tuesdays at 5:00/5:30 p.m. • Music Suite

2/5—Epiphany Ringers—Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. • Choir Loft

2/6—The Grief Pastoral Care Group—1st Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. • Zoom

2/10—Epiphany Book Group—2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. • location varies

2/11—The Episcopal Church Women (ECW)—2nd Tuesdays at 9:30/11:00 a.m.

2/12-14—Gateway Center Meal Ministry—meals served 2nd Fridays of the month

2/14—Caregiver Group—2nd Fridays at 11:45 p.m. • Zoom

2/19—The Munch Bunch—3rd Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. • Thinking Man Tavern

Prayers of the People

For members who are bidding our prayers: Joey Saavedra • Louise Bedrossian (wife of Bob Thompson) • Lindsey Mitchell • Linda Ryder-Wolf • Mary Katharine Williamson • Judy Jarady • John Wyman • Pam Hall • Jerry Wall (husband of Lucy Davidson) • Barbara Belcore • Esther Harbert • Veta Smith (mother of Cecilia Democko) • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Chris Belcore • Brandon Laird • Anne Warner • Eric Olson • Francis Lee • Brett Boatright • Laura, John & Sarah Keys • Robin Hairston • Beth Towers • Sally Brockington

For friends and family: Sullivan Sears, friends of Kim Finnegan • The Rev. Laura Bryant, former Associate Rector • Louise Peters, grandmother of Tristen Webb • Sherri Sharpe, cousin of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder • Gary Davis, father of Jeremy Davis • Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers

For members who desire our continuing prayers: Jewel Allen • Mary McCall Cash • Wende Crowe • Rod MacLeod • Sally McClintock • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Tom Mundy • Ann Rowles • Pat Spivey • Michael Towers, Jr. • Wayne & Judy Urban • Larry Wilcox • Colleen

For all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Stewart Mundy

For those celebrating birthdays the week of 1/26-2/1: David Brandon • Tad Braswell • Claire Chaffins • Katie Pedersen • Julie Ryder • Tristen Webb • Georgia Gary • Peter Habib • Steve Tipton • J. P. Boulée

For our Haitian siblings and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti.

For racial justice: For the families working with Decatur Cooperative Ministries staff and volunteers to achieve stable housing and self-sufficiency.

For our fragile and beautiful Earth: The groundhog — our furry friend, who may stick his head out and see his shadow.

Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send the full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.

The weekly deadline for submission of announcements for the Friday Morning eNews

and the Sunday bulletin is Wednesdays at Noon. Please send your submissions

ready to go to the parish office.