Mid-Month Updates

September 22, 2023

Informed Parents Make Great Partners

Fall is Officially Here!

The season of sweaters in the morning and t-shirts in the afternoon has arrived - and it's full of ARPS traditions like Go Gold Day, Fall Conferences, Book Fair, Fall Fest, and the Middle School Dance. No wonder fall is our favorite!

We have a lot to share in this mid-month update. Thank you for taking the time to read through and stay up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

Check Out Our Events Online!

Click subscribe on our Events page to stay up to date on ARPS happenings!

View the 23-24 Academic Calendar
  • 09/25 | Last Girls' Volleyball HOME Game, 3:30pm
  • 09/27 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 09/29 | GO GOLD for Childhood Cancer Awareness
  • 09/29 | Children's Hospital Blood Drive, Sign Up Here!
  • 09/30 | Last Day to Sign Up for 7th/8th Grade D.C. Trip!
  • 10/02 | October Count Day! Please be in school if you can!
  • 10/02 | Spring Gala Planning Meeting, 8:30am
  • 10/03 | Fall Fest Planning Meeting, 8:30am
  • 10/03 | ARPS Monthly School Tour, 5:00pm, Sign Up Here.
  • 10/04 | Character Awards, 8:45am; Early Release, 12:15pm
  • 10/05 | National History Day 8th Gr. Parent Meeting, 5:00pm
  • 10/05 | Parents Night Out Mini Golf Invitational, 6:00pm
  • 10/11 | 5th Grade Band Instrument Demo Day, 3:30pm
  • 10/11 | Panda Express Restaurant Night, 10:30am - 8:30pm
  • 10/12 | Parent/Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
  • 10/13-10/16 | Enjoy your Fall Break! No School
  • 10/17-10/21 | Fall Book Fair - Volunteers Needed!
  • 10/18 | Teacher Appreciation Meeting, 8:30am
  • 10/20 | Breakfast with Dad - Middle School, 7:15am, RSVP
  • 10/21 | Fall Fest, 3:00pm - 6:00pm, Details coming soon!
  • 10/25 | ARPS Monthly Board Meeting, 4:30pm
  • 10/27 | Middle School Dance, 6:00 - 8:00pm
  • 10/31 | Fall Classroom Parties, 2:00 - 3:00pm

Fall Conferences: Signups Open Monday!

Teachers are excited to share your student’s progress with you during the upcoming Fall Conferences on Thursday, October 12th. Conferences are a great time to build community while focusing on student success. The conference scheduler is located in the Parent Portal of the Aspen Ridge website and will open on Monday, October 2nd, for grades K-8. You can also access the online scheduler link and instructions by clicking HERE. Please indicate in the comment section if you prefer a virtual appointment. (Leaving no comment will default to in-person). If you select virtual, teachers will email you a Zoom link by 4:00pm on Wednesday, October 11th. Participation is strongly encouraged for all parents of K-5 students. 

  • K-5 families can sign up here starting Monday, October 2nd. Participation is strongly encouraged for all parents of K-5 students.
  • Preschool families should have received separate communication from their teachers.
  • Middle school families are welcome to schedule conferences with individual teachers as desired. Teachers will reach out directly to middle school families that would benefit from a conference.


Community is the foundation for success. Thank you for choosing to be a part of ours!

Blood Donors Needed for Go Gold Day!

We still have 12 Life-saving Spots to Fill!

On 9/29, ARPS will GO GOLD to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. This cause is near and dear to our hearts, as some of our own ARPS Owls are strong and brave childhood cancer survivors. 

How can you show your support for these small but mighty warriors?

  • Wear GOLD (or yellow) to school on September 29th!
  • Donate to the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) through our ARPS Goes Gold page or by bringing a cash donation to school on 9/29. 
  • ARPS adults, please sign up for our Children's Hospital Blood Drive, which will be held right here at ARPS on Friday, September 29th! This is the BEST way to have a direct impact on children who are sick or injured and in need of life-saving transfusions. Please sign up today!

Thank you for joining us in GOING GOLD and supporting this very worthy cause! 

Ready for a Parents' Night Out?

Sign Up for our Mini Golf Tourney!

We're all about making connections at Aspen Ridge - and not just with our students! Our parents need chances to connect, too, which is why our PTO is planning a Mini Golf Invitational, just for ARPS adults, on Thursday, October 5th!

Put together a team of 2 to 6 players and sign up today for this shotgun mini golf tourney at the Tenletters Mini Golf Course in Old Town (right behind the Tenletters Escape Rooms).

The cost to play is $60 per team, regardless of team size. After the tourney, when prizes and bragging rights have been earned, parents are encouraged to grab a bite or drink at the Old Mine, just two doors down. We hope you can join us!

Help Us Plan Fall Fest!

Our 12th annual Fall Fest is coming up on Saturday, October 21st, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. It's a fun event for the whole family, with carnival games, horse rides, face painting, a costume contest, tasty treats, and more! Planning is happening now - and we'd love your help to make it happen!

If you can help with set up and decorating on the day of Fall Fest, please email Many hands will make lighter work. Thank you!

5th Graders: Join the Band!

We're starting 5th grade band again at Aspen Ridge! This after-school activity will begin in the second quarter of the year, so students still have some time to decide if they are interested. 

We'll have Instrument Demo Day after school on Wednesday, October 11th, to give students a chance to try out instruments. Sign up here if you plan to come!

Your student can choose from: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Percussion (Drums/Keyboards). If they have made a decision, sign up for a rental here. 

Thursday, October 19th, will be the first day of 5th grade band! All following meetings will be on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:00pm.

Interested in joining 5th grade band? Please let Mr. Dorsett or your student's teacher know!

Attention Middle Schoolers: Sign Up Today!

Please be in School on October Count Day!

Please make every effort to have your child in school on Monday, October 2nd, which is statewide October Count Day! Our annual funding for Aspen Ridge is based on the number of students who are in attendance during October Count - and each student makes a HUGE difference! Of course if your student is sick, they should stay home from school. But if your student is well, please have them in school on October 2nd! Thank you!

Interested in Becoming an ARPS Sponsor?

We're now accepting new sponsorships for the 2023-24 school year! ARPS Sponsors have the opportunity to connect with our community of parents, students, and staff while helping our school fulfill its vision of creating a rigorous, content-rich learning environment for our community of future leaders. Is your business interested in learning more about sponsorship at Aspen Ridge? Reach out to Celine Todd at to learn more!

Download our 2023-24 ARPS Sponsorship Program details here!



Phone: (720) 242-6225