October 11 SAT testing hosted by SRVUSD
October 14 PSAT testing hosted by SRVUSD
October 12, 7pm DVHS Fall Concert
October 13 DVHS Homecoming football game
October 13 Rally Day bell schedule
October 14, 7pm DVHS Homecoming Dance
October 14 DVHS Sister School collection drive
October 19 Seniors meet with Jostens during Access for ordering info regarding caps & gowns,
graduation announcements, etc.
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October 25 Seniors turn in their Jostens orders during break and lunch
October 26-28, 7pm DVHS Drama presents Radium Girls
October 27 Willie’s Last Touchdown - a pre-senior night social
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Advanced Placement (AP) News
Congratulations to Dougherty Valley High School, named to the 2023 AP School Honor Roll!
Dougherty Valley High School has been honored with a prestigious award that recognizes our dedication and traditions of excellence in education and our commitment to nurturing the success and growth of our students.
Dougherty Valley High School was recognized as a GOLD member of the Honor Roll!
Dougherty Valley High School had 78% of seniors who took at least one AP exam during high school, with 72.1% of DVHS seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP exam. Dougherty Valley High School Offers 27 AP courses taught by 51 dedicated educators teaching 138 sections.
This achievement is a testament to our school community's hard work, talent, and unwavering support - students, parents, guardians, teachers, counselors, staff, and volunteers. It underscores our collective commitment to creating a learning environment where all students can thrive. Let this celebration serve as a reminder of the standards we hold ourselves to and the positive impact we have on the lives of our students.
Thank you for being part of our Dougherty Valley High School community and contributing to our ongoing success.
Bassant Abdelrahman
If you have any inquiries regarding DVHS AP program, Please visit DVHS AP Website for all the information you need regarding scores, registration information and other important resources.
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Tuesday, October 10 is the last day to purchase Homecoming Dance tickets. Tickets may be purchased online at GoFan. There will be free drinks and snacks at e dance as well as food trucks for you to purchase food. Check DVHS Leadership for updates.
Homecoming is this week! Here is everything you need to know!
Spirit Week:
Monday: Beach Day (Treasure Island)
Tuesday: Dress to Impress or Dress to Rest (New York New York)
Wednesday: Adam Sandler Day (Planet Hollywood)
Thursday: White Out (Caesar’s Palace)
Friday: Class Shirts/ Colors
Freshman: Dark Green
Sophomores: Red
Juniors: Pink
Seniors: Blue
Homecoming Rally 10/13
Friday follows a rally schedule where students go to class in reverse order. After school on Friday is the Homecoming Rally which features fun games, skits, and dances. Following the homecoming rally is the JV football game at 4:30 and the varsity homecoming football game at 7:00. After school, before the football game the school’s buildings will be open for parents and families to walk through. We highly encourage you and your students to come attend the football game to support our football team, cheer and song, as well as our band. See you there!
The homecoming dance is from 7-10pm (doors open between 6:30-6:45). Students should bring their phone with their GoFan ticket, their ID card, and money for food. We recommend students wear formal outfits (highly recommend wearing sneakers or non-heeled shoes for the dance). Students will have to purchase food at the dance; light snacks and drinks will be provided. Below is our list of vendors
- Waffle Roost, Kiss My Boba, Foncecas, Kona Ice, Indian Street Food
Students should enter through the line associated with their grade level. Attached is a map of where students should enter. There will also be signs to direct students to their entrances. If a student brought a guest, they must enter through the guest pass line. Lastly, coat check will be available in the dance room. Students can check shoes, bags, etc. We are not responsible for any lost items so please do not leave valuables at coat check. It is first come, first serve, we only have 225 bags.
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DVHS Music Booster
Join us for our Fall Concerts and support our talented young musicians in the Performing Arts Center:
- WE1, WE2 & Jazz Bands: October 10th
- Chamber and Navy Orchestras and All Choirs: October 12th
- 6:15 PM - Ticket office and lobbies open
- 6:35 PM - Booster Members seating
- 6:40 PM - General Admission seating
- 7:00 PM - Concerts begin
Ticket Info: General Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for middle school and up (cash, check, Venmo, PayPal.) Free admission for elementary students and younger. Admission included with Booster Membership.
Professional recordings available for $12 here. Make sure you select the correct date for the desired performing group.
Come and enjoy the music!
Wildcat Blankets:
Fall weather is upon us and the very popular Wildcat Blankets are back. Snuggle up with the softest blanket ever and show off your Wildcat spirit!
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PTA Reflections
Theme for 2023-2024 is "I am Hopeful Because..."
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Calling all Wildcats!!
Do you enjoy doing Arts, music, writing, dance or have an interest in taking photos or making videos? Then, PTA Reflections Program is the right platform to unleash your inner artist and explore your dreams and aspirations.
The National PTA Reflections 2023-2024 Theme is
“ I am Hopeful Because…”
and Submission Deadline is October 13, 2023
PTA Reflections program encourages students to unleash their creativity, build confidence, think critically and experience the fun & joy of making art. And also they will be recognized and awarded for their original submission.
Reflections welcomes students of all grades and abilities to explore their inner artistry in one or all categories.
How it Works
Students reflect on the annual theme and submit their completed work of art that falls in accordance with the rules within six different categories or a Special Artist (special-artist-division-guidelines_reflections.pdf (capta.org)) with an artist statement. Each student fills up a student entry form and turns it in digitally.
Click here for Student Entry Form (2023-2024 Reflections Student Entry Form - Formulario de Entrada de Datos (google.com)).
Last day for Reflections Entries and form Submission is October 13, 2023.
For any questions and queries, feel free to email dvhsreflections1@gmail.com
Can’t wait to see all the creative and amazing submissions by our talented young students.
Thank you so much for your support,
Ruchi Mehta ,DVHS Reflections Chair
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It is time to clean closets to help raise funds to support DVHS sister school. REACH Elementary is a school in East Oakland that serves underprivileged and immigrant families. This school has many needs and has historically been undeserved and neglected in terms of resources. Funds raised will be used to support the needs of the REACH elementary school in Oakland
During the collection drive, we will be gathering small household goods, gently used clothes, and books. Once collected, these items will be taken to Savers, where they will be weighed, and funds will be provided based on the total weight of the collected goods. We aim to contribute to environmental conservation by implementing the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
We are collecting:
Clothes: Men's, women's, and children's clothes, coats, shoes, scarves, handbags, wallets, fashion accessories, ties, belts, backpacks, etc.
Household Textiles: bedding, comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, linen, tablecloths, curtains, pillows, etc.
Small Household Goods: Kitchen items (such as pots/pans, dishes, silverware, glasses, serving pieces, and hand-held appliances), home decorative items, knick-knacks, toys, games, and small electronics
Books: Paperback, hardcover – all genres, but NO encyclopedias or textbooks.
Please use bags for clothes, textiles, and tightly packed boxes for small household goods. Separate books for household goods and media. All items must be in clean and sellable condition.
Drive-through collection: Oct. 14, 8 am - 1 pm, Hidden Hills Elementary parking lot
Drop-off collection: Oct. 2 - 13, collection boxes outside DVHS office
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DVHS Athletic Booster
Our Fall Sports are in full swing! Please go out and support our Wildcat teams. Good Luck to all our athletes!
Team Donations
Thank you to all our parents who have made donations to our athlete’s teams. Your team donations go directly to support the expenses in the team budget, so please donate! Any programs that hits the 75% received category will receive a bonus of $500 from Athletic Boosters. To run successful programs our teams need to hit their budgets. Please talk to your team parent if you have any questions about your team budget for the season.
Team donations new through FUTURE FUNDS
- The statistics are public, yet the family/player info is anonymous. The data is shared with the coaches so they know their program funds and standings by %. Donations by player name are 100% private and maintained ONLY by the DVHS Bookkeepers.
- Here are our numbers so far:
Fall Numbers August Sept October
- Cross Country: 9% 34%
- Football: 22% 27%
- WGolf: 16% 24%
- WTennis: 0% 50%
- Waterpolo(men) 74% 78%* hit the bonus
- Waterpolo (womens) 45% 66%
- Volleyball: 9% 19%
- Cheer: 54% 57%
- Song: 57% 57%
Greenlight Simulation - Diamond Sponsor
Chauhan Family - Silver Sponsor
Shikha Kapur - Silver Sponsor
Athletic Booster Sponsor
Show the community your Wildcat pride! Advertising opportunities are available in the gym and stadium by becoming an Athletic Booster sponsor. Information available on the DVHS Athletic Boosters Website.
Matching Funds
Double your team donation to your sports program! Many employers match. Please refer to the Matching Funds page on the Athletic Boosters website.
Booster Memberships
Come cheer on the Wildcats and see some great live sports! AB memberships are available that will save money to DVHS home football and Men’s basketball games. Information available on the DVHS Athletic Boosters Website. Members can pick up lanyards at our home football games.
Crab Feed
- Our annual Crab Feed will be on Friday, March 8, 2024. Please save the date for our biggest fundraiser of the year! We will need lots of help to make this a successful event!
We are always looking for volunteers to help with planning so please contact: Hyon Yang hyoncyang@yahoo.com
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Willie’s Last Touchdown - a pre-senior night social
Hey Wildcats! We are thrilled to announce that we are hosting Willie’s Last Touchdown - a pre-senior night social which will be from 4:30 to 6:15 PM on October 27th near the DVHS stadium! All families in SRVUSD are invited, and there will be activities (such as henna), food trucks, and games to play before the football game starts! Admission is free!
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Advocacy Day
As a parent, educator or community member who is interested in
important issues that impact our children and our schools, you'd want
to know about opportunities that could benefit our communities. That's
why the Las Trampas Creek, Pleasanton and San Ramon Valley Councils of
PTAs are excited to invite you to our annual event, the PTA Advocacy
Day for Education.
When: Friday, Oct. 27, 2023 from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM PDT
Where: San Ramon Community Center
12501 Alcosta Blvd. San Ramon, CA, 94583
We are hoping to help our families and schools come together so we can
all help our children thrive. Because after all...It's about the kids.
Tentative Agenda for Advocacy Day 2023:
* Continental Breakfast
* Keynote Speaker
* Superintendents Panel
* Lunch included
* "Boots On The Ground" Panel featuring teachers, students & parents
* Mental Health Panel featuring school counselors and health professionals
* Call To Action Information & Activities
For more information and to register for Advocacy Day, go to
https://www.srvcouncilpta.org/advocacy-day. We hope you will join us for
this informative event for the benefit of all our kids and families.
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DVHS Library News
We hope your school year is going well, wildcats! A few announcements:
Come visit! Our hours are M/Tu/Th/F- 7:45am-4:15pm, W- 9:15 am-4:15pm.
Sora, our awesome ebook collection is still available! We’ve also added hundreds of stellar new titles to our print collection just for you! Please come by and check them out!
How can you help support the DVHS library? There are a few ways!
We have an Amazon Wish List that we update frequently. Everything from bookmarks to games, school supplies, and, of course, books! Items get sent directly to us.
Make a donation via the Future Fund 100% of the donation comes directly to the library.
- Do you have any gently used AP/SAT/ACT/College prep books that are no longer needed? We’d love any issues from 2020 onward! You can drop them off in the front office or send them with your student.
Lastly, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks to families who donated to the DVHS Library during registration. Your donations will be used this year, for your student(s). Without donations, we could not thrive to the capacity that we do! If you did not get a chance to make a donation or want to donate again, it’s not too late! Please visit the FutureFund website to donate.
Please reach out with any questions! We are here to serve the fabulous patrons of the amazing DVHS community!
Mrs. Knapp Ms. Hussenet Annalisa Raphael
kknapp@srvusd.net ahussenet@srvusd.net araphael@srvusd.net
Teacher Librarian Teacher Librarian Library Media Coordinator
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If your student needs to leave early, a parent/caregiver must call the attendance line before 9:00 a.m. Please state your students ID number, first and last name, the time they will be leaving campus and the reason for the early dismissal. Students need to come to the front office to obtain an Off Campus Pass either before school at brunch or lunch. Then, at the designated time, they can show the pass to their teacher and come sign out in the front office. Students are not allowed to leave their classroom without a pass. We will not call the classroom to have your student dismissed. If students do not sign out, it will result in a cut on their attendance record. For more information regarding attendance, please see the attendance page on the DVHS website: DVHS Attendance Procedures
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Have you or someone you know traveled over the summer? Consider submitting your photos to HJEshare to be included in the yearbook! Summer is a time for relaxation, pursuing goals, and time with family and friends, so we hope to represent the things worth celebrating in the yearbook. Go to https://hjeshare.com/eShare/ (code 12540) to submit your photos. We look forward to covering your summer memories for other people to see!
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Our senior Grad Nite at Disneyland is on May 17, 2024! Registration is open until Tuesday, September 26, 2023. If you do not register by 9/26, you will be placed on the WAITLIST. Go to https://secure.istours.net/travsignup/triptype.cfm to register now! Take a look at this flier for more information.
The trip can be paid in full or in $100 monthly payments with the total trip cost being $529. The full payment is due by February 28, 2024. If you miss a payment date, you will be placed on the waitlist.
Registration instructions: Go to secure.istours.net/travsignup/triptype.cfm, and click GRADNITE.
Enter our zip code (94582), school name (Dougherty Valley High School), and graduation date (6/6/2024)
Select our group (Dougherty Valley High) & trip and click continue.
Enter your personal information
Enter your payment information and confirm your registration!
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DVHS will be using GoFan for paid evening events this school year. This includes athletic games, choral performances, drama performances and dance shows. You can access our school account by visiting this link. For away league athletic games, schools will be using GoFan as well.
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A Thought Exchange was sent from the District to all families on October 3. Please take a few moments to participate by sharing your thoughts. The results will be used to improve District practices around parent/caregiver voice and input.
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DVHS offers two areas for bikes or scooters to be locked up. The first area is between the 4000 building and the CTE building along the back road of the school. The second area is between the main gym and auxiliary gym. Please note that DVHS is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes or scooters.
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We would like to thank everyone for their donations to our school and affiliate parent organizations. We will be evaluating those budgets over the next month, as they are showing a lesser amount of contributions compared to previous years. There is still time to donate during these last weeks of August before those budgets are finalized. Please be aware that Googling “DVHS donations” or anything similar may lead you to our old webstore site. To ensure that your donations and purchases are credited correctly, please use these links:
Please use our FutureFund Donation Site for all donations. Donations include PTSA, EdFund, Music Boosters, Athletic teams and more.
Please use our WebStore Site for all purchases. Purchases include the ASB package, yearbook, parking permits, class shirts and more. You will need to create an account and add your student ID# under my family.
These links may also be accessed from the home page of the DVHS website – see the ”Registration” tile at the upper right of the home page. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT!
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It is important that everyone uses caution on the streets and in our parking lot. DVHS will have 3,300 individuals coming to campus at the start of each day. By law, fire lanes MUST BE CLEAR AT ALL TIMES and cannot be used for pick-up or drop-off; This is considered a civil code violation. Please plan for morning drop-off delays. Click here to see more information regarding traffic and student safety information. Below is a map of the drop-off routes.
Students driving to school will need to purchase a parking permit through the Webstore. Cars that don’t display a valid DVHS parking permit will be ticketed beginning Monday, August 28. It is important to allow extra time in the morning so students can make it to class on time.
*There will be heavy traffic every morning; please allow extra time to get to school.
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As in years past, lockers will be distributed to students via this Google form. FYI – Lockers are optional and if your student would like a locker, they must bring their own lock. As per DVHS tradition, each one of our buildings houses a class of students (Freshmen-4000; Sophomores-3000; Juniors-2000; Seniors-1000). Due to the large number of incoming freshmen, we will have our freshmen partner with each other (2 to a locker) in order to have locker access. There are sufficient lockers in the 1000, 2000, and 3000 buildings for some sophomores, juniors, and seniors to be assigned their own individual locker (2nd floor only). Those who wish to have 1st floor lockers will need to have a locker partner.
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All students will have access to free breakfast and lunch this year. Students will need to input their School ID number for every meal. Students will be able to eat in the outdoor campus areas. The Commons will be open for seating after textbooks have been distributed. Eating in the school building hallways is prohibited (except during inclement weather). We are excited to announce the addition of over 200 more seats for our students, thanks to the purchase of new tables and benches funded by parent generosity via the DVHS Ed Fund.. Thank you families for your support.
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Update Your Newsletter Subscription | |
If you or your child will be at a different school site this coming school year, please take a moment to update your email list subscriptions to make sure that you receive summer communications. This is necessary because our newsletter/email lists do not get updated until after Labor Day. Just click on the Update Profile link down in the footer of this message and check the lists that you want to be on (and uncheck any you no longer want). This is also the place to update your email address if you've changed it.
All are welcome -- parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, and community members. Choose the school or specialty lists that best suit your interests. This is a great time for current 8th-grade families to join their high school lists. High School students interested in receiving their high school newsletters are also welcome to subscribe!
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Parents of 2022 Graduates: You're welcome to stay on the high school list, but if you'd prefer to stop receiving newsletters and school updates, click on the Update Profile link in the council newsletter and uncheck any lists you no longer want to hear from. We encourage you to subscribe to an Alumni Parent list or follow the DVHS PTSA on Social Media. | | | | |