Federal Program Directors
| Timely communication provided to you by the ESC Region 19 Federal Programs Team |
Due June 3, 2024: 2023 - 2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant Application: 2022-2023 Carryover Amounts Are Now Available
- TEA Bulletin 2/13/2024
Due June 3, 2024: ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application Revised Final Amounts Now Available in eGrants
- TEA Bulletin 2/29/2024
- Due July 2, 2024: ESSER III amendment deadline
- TEA Bulletin 2/29/2024
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April 10, 2024
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
The Federal Program Directors will meet to discuss any updates or topics related to the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The purpose of the Federal Program Director's meeting is to provide a forum for networking, sharing ideas, and building capacity for district and charter school federal program directors.
This meeting is designed to receive information about requirements & updates for federal programs (ESSA Title I, A; Title I, Part C; Title I, Part D; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title IV, Part A; Title V, Part A & B). Also, we will share information regarding PNP Equitable Services, Random Validation, ESSER I, II, III, and more!
Event: 199885
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April 17, 2024
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Module 1) Flyer
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM (Module 2) Flyer
ESSA Section 1116: Making Sense of Title I PFE Requirements
The four modules under this section were developed by the Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative, whose team members have extensive experience in developing and operating parent and family engagement processes in educational settings. The modules are facilitated by ESC personnel and offered in person at the regional service center throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
Event: 203576
ESSA Section 1116: Making Sense of Title I PFE Requirements
The four modules under this section were developed by the Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative, whose team members have extensive experience in developing and operating parent and family engagement processes in educational settings. The modules are facilitated by ESC personnel and offered in person at the regional service center throughout the 2022-2023 school year.
Event: 203579
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Tuesday, April 16, 2024
2:00 – 3:00 P.M. (ET)
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Non-Public Education Liaison to the Private and Home School Communities
FREE ESEA Equitable Services Webinar
Please join us on Tuesday, April, 16th at 2:00 P.M. (ET) for a webinar on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA): Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel. The webinar, hosted by the U.S. Department of Education (Department), will provide an overview of the equitable services requirements under Title I, Part A, and Title VIII, Part F of the ESEA. Presenters include staff from the Department’s Office of Non-Public Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Office of the General Counsel.
The targeted participants for this webinar are stakeholders involved with the implementation of ESEA equitable services, including: State education agencies, local educational agencies, private school representatives, and others.
Participants must register for the free webinar in order to participate. Please complete the online registration form as soon as possible to ensure that you receive a link to participate.
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May 4, 2024
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Flyer
Parent/Family and Community Engagement
2nd Annual Health & Career Fair
We are excited to extend a warm invitation to you for our 2nd Annual
ESC Region 19 Health & Career Fair! Join us for a day of wellness,
education, and community engagement. Come and learn about our
wealth of resources, from health screenings and expert advice on
leading a healthier life to exploring career opportunities.
Our 2nd Annual Health Fair is designed to empower you with the
knowledge and tools to make informed choices about your well-being
and education.
Event: 201643
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Title I, Part A- Newbie Virtual Training Series:
We are pleased to announce the following schedule for the Title I, Part A – Newbie Training Series.
If you are new to federal programs in general—and to Title I, Part A in particular—this series of trainings will help you absorb the basics and set yourself up for success in dealing with the world of federal grants.
There is no cost for the training. Session materials and recordings will be posted on the Title I, Part A Capacity Building Initiative’s website.
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TEA Updates & Information | |
2023-2024 Final Entitlements Amounts are available for ESSA
The 2023-2024 ESSA final entitlement amounts are now available and may be found on TEA's Entitlements web page. IMPORTANT: The carryover and reallocation amounts are NOT included in the “final” 2023-2024 entitlement amounts referenced below. Those will be released in February, at which point, LEAs will submit one amendment.
Per the bulletin:
“As a reminder, local educational agencies (LEAs) will not be able to apply for their final entitlements at this time. To reduce the administrative burden, LEAs will instead be able to submit one amendment to apply for their final entitlements, carryover, and any reallocation amounts when they are announced in February. This new timeline for LEAs receiving and applying for final amounts, and carryover is caused by the new federal requirement for a longer liquidation period on federal funds. TEA will send a separate notification when LEAs can submit amendments to apply for final entitlements, carryover, and any reallocation amounts. TEA anticipates sending the notification regarding the availability of carryover and any reallocation amounts by end of February.”
For questions regarding final amounts, please email the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division at entitlements@tea.texas.gov.
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ESC Region 19 Federal Programs Team | |
Nicole Morales
Title I, Part A
Parent & Family Engagement
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Natalie Spalloni
Title I, Part D
Title II, Part A
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Kim Guerrero
Title IV, Part A
Safety Grants
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Laura Zuniga
Title I, Part C
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Rita Monsivais
Title III, Part A
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Yoscelina Hernandez yhernandez2@esc19.net ESSER Compliance | | | | |