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November Newsletter

On Track for the Holidays!

Dear Friends of the Arts,

Ah, November.

That relatively quiet time before the heady rush of the holidays. For me it's a time of introspection: thinking about what have we done well this year; what didn't work so well ... what should we do next year? We're in process of planning now for an amazing year of arts experiences for you in 2024. If you have suggestions that you'd like to share, please give me a call!

In the meanwhile, we have lots of exciting programming coming up. Read below about the art openings and performances that are in the works. I'm especially excited about the John Erickson Trio concert to kick off the holidays, and continuing the tradition of the Galena Festival of the Performing Arts by offering a free community concert, "Tuba Christmas," in December. And what brings back holiday memories more than model trains? Bring the whole family!

Thanks so much to all of you who supported our Gala Fundraiser. It was wonderfully successful, and I appreciate every one of you! We look forward to seeing you, and hope you know that we are especially grateful for your involvement in the Center as we move toward Thanksgiving.



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or renew your membership, online?

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Center Open Hours Change


Beginning November 2, the Center will be open from 1 to 4pm on

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which will continue until Spring.

The Center will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on November 23.

Click here for the Center's Calendar

Current Exhibits

In the Regional Arts Gallery

Showcasing Current Work

from our Regional Artists


In the Special Exhibits Space


Mermaid Pool by Nona Hyytinen

Many who have seen these exhibits have expressed how much they have enjoyed the diversity and quality of the artwork. So, to the talented artists who submit their work to the Center, thank you! If you have not yet had a chance to view the current exhibits, you still have through November 19 to enjoy the imaginative creations in the Fantasy exhibit or the variety of artwork in the Regional Art Gallery.

The Student Gallery Features

"Under the Sea"

Opening reception November 2, 5 - 6pm

by Emma Furlong

This collection was created by 36 Galena High School National Art Honor Society members. Students voted on a theme at the start of the school year and then created art around this idea. The artists from this show include high school students

by Claire Oberbroeckling

from every grade and span a wide array of media.   Under the Sea will be up in the Youth Gallery through the end of November.

Fresh Evergreen Wreaths for Sale

after November 15

After the wreath making workshop on November 15, the Center will have some fresh evergreen wreaths for sale. Be sure to get one for your front door so your guests will be welcomed by the natural beauty and pine scent of a fresh evergreen wreath. The wreaths will decorate the outside of the Center until they are all sold. The Center has you covered for much of your decorating needs, inside and outside.

NOTE: Due to popular demand, a second wreath-making workshop will be held on December 5 from 12:30 – 3:00pm. Details can be found on the Center’s website under Classes. If interested, please click here and complete the class registration form found there.

Coming Events

Workshop with

John Gardner, Company of Folk

November 3, 6pm

John Gardner, from Company of Folk, will be upstairs at the Center for the Arts for a workshop to help artists successfully apply for the Illinois Arts Council Agency's Ethnic and Folk Arts Master/Apprentice Grant Program. The goal is to preserve artistic traditions and skill by giving grants to artists who can then have apprentices work with them, and learn from them. The grant is $3,000 for teaching your traditional art.

For more information about this grant, email

No charge, all are welcome.

The Mental Health of Jo Daviess County:

Past, Present, and Future

November 8, 7 - 9pm

Jo Daviess County community leaders will share their experience and perspective on the impact that mental health has on citizens of the county, presented by the League of Women Voters.

Free event, held in the Galena Center for the Arts theater.

Zoom option: Email Stephanie Cocagne at and request the zoom link for this event or call (815)205-1223

Sunday Salon

Duo Canto Voice Recital

“Music, Food & Love”

November 12, 2pm

Join us for a lovely Sunday afternoon concert featuring Rebekah Demaree, soprano & Thomas Weis, bass and Kaju Lee, piano.

The vocalists of Duo Canto, Rebekah Demaree and Thomas Weis, first performed together over 25 years ago at the University of Wisconsin – Platteville where they both taught on the voice faculty. They have appeared together throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest and also have toured in performance to New York City and Italy.

Pianist Kaju Lee has built a national and international career, performing solo and collaborative repertoire across the globe.

Free to attend - Donations appreciated!

Songwriters Showcase

Cassie Beadle and Jay Hoffmann

November 16, 7pm

Our November Songwriters Showcase shares the original music of regional singer songwriters Cassie Beadle and Jay Hoffmann.

Cassie, a musician & artist from Galena, has been writing songs ever since she can remember, combining a love for music and self-expression.

Singer-songwriter, storyteller and musical muse, Jay is a versatile and collaborative musician who will make you feel rooted and free all at the same time.

Refreshments available - Free to attend - Donations appreciated!

Special thanks to sponsors Mark and Mary Ellen

Catch the Train in Galena!

Opening reception November 24, 4 - 6pm

Trains running 1-4pm, Thursday to Sunday

from November 24 through December 17

Opening the day after Thanksgiving, the Galena Center for the Arts will offer a family holiday celebration of model trains, Catch the Train in Galena! Train enthusiast Philip Jackman will display his N Scale operating trains at the Center with trains running 1-4pm on Thursday through Sunday from November 24 through December 17.

What a great opportunity to make family memories! There will even be a train that the kids can try running themselves. The large display features a variety of topography, including small towns, cities, deserts, canyons, oceans and more, with up to three trains running at a time. On Sundays at 2pm an actress will read aloud the children's book "the Polar Express."

No charge for this event, but donations will be welcomed.

Thank You to "Catch the Train" Sponsors:

Jail Hill Inn

First Community Bank

Chris Curran - Edward Jones

Galena Canning Company

Aldrich House B&B

Jo Daviess Mutual Insurance

Holland Insurance


  • Trains run 1-4 pm, Thursdays through Sundays, starting Friday, November 24.
  • Opening reception, November 24, 4-6pm
  • Polar Express readings, Sundays at 2pm

In the Regional Arts Gallery


the Special Exhibits Space

Wonder of Winter: Opening Reception on Artists’ Sunday, November 26, 1 – 4pm

While some begrudge the coming cold weather, others look forward to the beauty of winter and all its celebrations – both religious and secular. The Regional Arts Gallery will be filled with seasonal art, from winter scenes to depictions of diverse cultural traditions; the Special Exhibit space will sport the same theme but will house seasonal home décor, which may include wreaths, gourd and pinecone art, pillows, floral arrangements, etc. Because of the seasonal nature of the exhibits, customers who buy art can take it home the day of purchase.

Gourd Ornament by Sandra Evans

Country Snow by Paul Chase

The Center decided to have the Opening Reception on Artists’ Sunday, a day meant to encourage shoppers to support local artisans by buying art that is handcrafted and original. We have invited our studio artists to join in the celebration by having their studios open; you might even see them creating!

Plan to attend the Opening Reception on Sunday from 1 – 4pm when you can browse the exhibits, visit with friends, enjoy refreshments, and listen to lovely piano tunes.

Holiday Concert

John Erickson Trio

November 30 and December 01, 7pm

Chicago-based pianist John Erickson, bassist Dave Hiltebrand, and drummer Tim Mulvenna return for a jazz-infused holiday program: a favorite among many of Galena’s music lovers and a wonderful way to celebrate the season.

Tickets $20. On sale soon.

Coming Events

Experience the sounds of the season, big brass-style! Join us in the 50th anniversary of MERRY TUBACHRISTMAS!, a worldwide phenomenon founded by Harvey Phillips, in which tuba and euphonium players (with instruments festively decorated) gather and play traditional Christmas favorites. Concert is free and open to the public.

Musicians of all levels wishing to perform can email

concert coordinator Danny Rowland at

Save the Dates

Nov 30-Dec 01  John Erickson jazz trio concert. Reserved tickets suggested.

Dec 10  Tuba Christmas community concert at Turner Hall.

--Presentations about trains by Phil Jackman--

Dec 7, 4pm  The Winston Tunnel

Dec 15, 5pm The Harvey Hospitality Empire and the Harvey Girls

Click here for the Center's Calendar

Recent Activities

at the Center

October - Gala Fundraiser

Thanks to all who made October 19th’s Gala Fundraiser a rousing success! 

October - Recent Exhibits

The Student Gallery hosted the exhibit of the Wild Clay Adventure, compliments of the Art and Recreation Center, with student pottery made from Galena clay.

Student pottery made from Galena clay.

(l to r) Instructors for the Wild Clay Adventure: Gerry Podraza, Stephanie O'Shaughnessy, Liz Larson, Frank Polizzi

October - Songwriters Showcase

A large and enthusiastic crowd welcomed Jim Mantey and Liliana Asta at the Songwriters Showcase.

October - Julien Chamber Choir Concert

The Summit Street Singers joined The Julien Chamber Choir

in a beautiful rendition of “Down in the Valley to Pray”

October - Scarecrows Around Town

Ghosts at Poopsies

Spooks at the Center

Washington Park Shopper

Farmers and Beekeepers at City Hall

Broadway Boulevard


Center for the Arts

  • Ed & Robin Cichy
  • Cathy Dorwick
  • Betsy Eaton
  • Janet Eggleston
  • Ilisa Farrell
  • Sheila Haman
  • Dick & Joan Harmet
  • Theresa Jackman
  • Len Petrulis
  • Mackenzie Stephenson
  • Dennis Waltman
  • Andy Willis

Gala Committee

  • Lee Adami
  • B’Ann Dittmar
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • Megan Gloss
  • Kim Kreiser
  • Carol Mantey
  • Sarah Roodhouse
  • Colin Sanderson
  • Carole Sullivan
  • Irene Thraen Borowski

Gala Entertainers

  • Susan Barg
  • Joe Berning
  • Marcus DeJesus
  • Megan Gloss
  • Mark Haman
  • Dan & Cathie Harms
  • Deb Hyland
  • Ron Jenkins
  • Emily Painter
  • David & Mimi Resnick
  • Sarah Roodhouse
  • Brian Schoenrock
  • Mark Sumpter
  • Lenny Wayne
  • Krista & Kyle Wilhelm

Eagle Ridge Gala Crew

  • Steve Geisz
  • Chef Randy Hoffman
  • Pam Homan
  • Jackie Richardson
  • Colin Sanderson
  • Penny Schwark
  • Jean Wachter


  • A volunteer who will clip out newspaper articles in the Gazette and Flash that are related to the Center for the Arts


Time to get involved! We still need greeters for the gallery and volunteers to help with serving at openings, ushering at music and theatre events, garden maintenance, painting, and more!


If you would like to help out as a greeter, please go to and scroll down to choose the dates you would like to help. It’s not hard, and it’s so much fun to meet other art lovers and show off our wonderful new space. For other volunteer opportunities, email Carole.

Thanks so much!

All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is November 3-5, 2023.

Please Donate

Please help us to advance our mission to

elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.

To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:

The Galena Center for the Arts

971 Gear Street, Galena, Illinois 61036

(815) 402-3111

Click for the Center Website

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This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!

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Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman