Happy Spring Break, Owl Families!
Spring is approaching, the weather is getting warmer, the days are a little longer, and we are springing forward into Spring Break and the start of the 4th quarter. Unbelievable! Despite all of the "madness" that March may bring, this is the time of year when our Owls tend to make the most academic, social, and emotional growth. It is so exciting to witness the ARPS community come together to provide our students with the skills and confidence to succeed in the classroom and in our community.

Throughout the month of March, our students and staff have been focusing on the Live to Give Mindset. Living to Give means inspiring and serving others while maximizing one's full potential. Students at Aspen Ridge Live to Give by stretching themselves to be their very best each day in the classroom; making a difference through big and small acts of kindness; receiving gracefully by accepting support from others; and creating a legacy of love, compassion, and gratitude.

As a school community, we have the opportunity to Live to Give by participating in the Children's Hospital Mobile Blood Drive coming to Aspen Ridge on Thursday, March 31st. The outpouring of support has been amazing and every donation spot has been filled. Please be on the lookout for more opportunities to provide blood donations in the future, as we are eager to team up with the Children's Mobile Blood unit on a consistent basis. Your donation will go to help children like our brave kindergarten Owl, Davis, who has been fighting like a kid to battle cancer for nearly 500 days! Thank you for joining us by stretching yourself to make a difference and leave a legacy of hope!

Spring Break is a time for fun, rejuvenation, and preparation for the exciting events on the horizon, and I hope you are able to enjoy and embrace every moment!

Rachel Miller, Principal
Congratulations to Lincoln & Addie for being a few of the top readers for round one of the March Madness Reading challenge!
Spring Clubs are up and running! Have you seen these Owls out during driveline? Please help us make our driveline a smooth and welcoming place to be by offering smiles and waves to them. They are doing a GREAT job!
Who doesn't love a spontaneous dance party at recess?!
Get your paddles ready and don't forget to purchase your tickets for our 9th Annual Spring Gala! You're guaranteed a good time while helping to support Aspen Ridge in our biggest fundraising event of the year.
Staffing Update
We wanted to share that Ms. Rene's last day at ARPS will be on Friday, April 1st. Ms. Rene and her family have decided to relocate at the beginning of May. While we are sad to see her leave ARPS we are happy for her next adventure and we will miss her.

Ms. Rene has enjoyed her time at ARPS and will miss all the wonderful students she's worked with over the past 6 years.

We wish Ms. Rene all the best in her next chapter!


Mark Your Calendars!

2/28 - Spring Clubs Start
3/2 - Character Awards; Early Release, 12:15pm
3/3 - 2nd Grade Field Trip, Denver Art Museum
3/7 - 4th Grade Field Trip, Colorado History Center
3/8 - School Tour for New Families, 5:30pm
3/9 - Soccer and Track Practices Start (Middle School Intramural Sports)
3/10 - Parent Academy: State Assessments for 3rd-8th Grade, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
3/10 - Middle School ChoirPerformance, 6:00pm
3/13 - Daylight Savings Time
3/15 - 3/18 - Spirit Week! (See below for details!)
3/16 - ARPS Board Meeting, 4:30pm
3/19 - Tides Scuba Class Pool Day (Group A)
3/21 - 3/25 - Spring Break, No School
3/31- Children's Hospital Blood Drive at Aspen Ridge (See below to learn more!)

4/2 - 2022 ARPS Spring Gala, 5:30pm at Stonebrook Manor (Have you bought your tickets? Click HERE. )
4/5 - Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Night
4/6 - Character Awards; Early Release, 12:15pm
4/9 - Tides Scuba Class Pool Day (Group B)
4/9 - United Way - Children's Festival, 10:00am - 2:00pm
4/12 - School Tour for New Families, 5:30pm
4/16 - Tides Scuba Class Pool Day (Group A)
4/20 - ARPS Board Meeting, 4:30pm
4/23 - National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Tentative Date)
4/27 - Variety Show
4/29 - No School for Students; Professional Development for Staff
4/30 - Tides Scuba Class Pool Day (Group B)

As we prepare for the 2022-2023 academic school year, please take a moment to fill out the Intent to Return form if your student will be in Kindergarten - 4th grade next school year. Please email the digital copy to your child's teacher.

These forms will also be sent home in Yellow Folders. Please return this form to your child's teacher (in their yellow homework folder) by Friday, April 1, 2022.
Children's Hospital Colorado
Mobile Blood Drive at Aspen Ridge
Thank you to all our Owl families that signed up to donate blood to Children's Hospital Colorado!

We're excited to say that all the slots have been filled for March 31st. Thank you for your generosity!

Be on the lookout for future blood drives, which we plan to host a few times each year.
Spring Gala 2022
Our Gala Committee is busy getting things prepared for our annual Spring Gala on Saturday, April 2nd, at Stonebrook Manor! All the details are coming together for a fabulous night of fun and fundraising!

We invite you to be part of our largest fundraiser of the year! Click here for more information and to purchase your tickets today.

Questions? Please reach out to
Mr. Cortes at
ARPS Owl Patrol
Have you seen our Owl Patrol students out during driveline? They are charged with keeping all of our Owls safe during arrival and dismissal! Please be extra aware of your surroundings and give them a wave!
Sponsor Spotlight
Aaron Ramsey at Advantage 1 Insurance is a part of the Erie Community. Aaron has worked in commercial insurance for 12 years and specializes in working with businesses for their general liability and workers compensation insurance.

When he's not working you can find him at the Erie Rec Center with his 3 kids on the weekends or helping out with youth sports.
How Sick is Too Sick?
Need some guidance about staying home when you don't feel well? Click HERE to view the new updates from CDPHE.