April 1, 2024
Below are highlights from the State Board of Education’s March 25th meeting. A recording of this meeting is available on YouTube.
The Board was excited to recognize several outstanding educators. Aga Cook from Fort Mohave Elementary School and Ashley Meyer from Horizon Honors Elementary School were presented with the prestigious Milken award. Additionally, the Board recognized the following finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching:
- Bridget Montoya from Flowing Wells High School for Secondary Math
- Kristi Peterson from Mesquite High School for Secondary Math
- Johnson Truong from Basis Phoenix for Secondary Math
- Sandra Crusa from Mica Mountain High School for Secondary Science
- Cassandra LaFaye from Marana High School for Secondary Science
The Board also recognized Charlie Kanarish from The Jones-Gordon School and Deepika Moola from Pinnacle Peak High School as the Arizona State Board of Education’s Students of the Month for March 2024.
Consent Agenda Items
The Board voted to approve items on the consent agenda.
Legislative Affairs
The Board received a presentation on Legislative Affairs Updates from Board Staff
Empowerment Scholarship Account Handbook
The Board voted to adopt the 2023-2024 ESA Parent Handbook as the 2024-2025 ESA Parent Handbook.
Certification Actions
The Board voted to take all of the following disciplinary actions on relevant educators.
- Approve the voluntary surrender of certificates
- Approve the permanent revocation of certificates pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-550
- Approve the revocation of certificates pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-534.04(C)
- Approve the non-issuance and/or revocation of certificates pursuant to A.A.C. R7-2-1307(A)
- Approve the summary suspension of certificates pursuant to A.A.C. R7-2-1309(A)
- Approve Negotiated Settlement Agreements
- Approve the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations of the Professional Practices Advisory Committee
Educator Discipline Lookup
Prior to hiring both certified and non-certified educators, schools are required to check the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE) public-facing and internal systems for possible discipline or open investigations for immoral or unprofessional conduct.
To assist schools, the Board is providing a list of many of the educators who were disciplined at the most recent meeting. Please note that this information is only a snapshot of most educators who were disciplined at the most recent Board meeting and does not, in and of itself, satisfy the requirement for schools to check ADE’s systems described above prior to hiring. Because educators have the right to appeal their disciplinary action, there may be an approximately 30-day lag in reporting some disciplinary action. To view the list please use this link: https://c0abe837.caspio.com/dp/5a506000251753529c6846539a08
Meeting Schedule
The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for April 22nd at 9:00 am.