Linda Sheldon

I hope you are enjoying Summer time. Here in Southern CA we have the cloudy months we call May grey and June gloom. But we can always count on the sun showing up for the 4th of July! No more marine layer clouds and fog, just bright warm sun.

July 4th, Independence Day, Freedom.
Freedom is a wonderful feeling. Sometimes it may be difficult to feel the freedom in our lives because others seem to be in control of what we do or say. We may feel like we backed ourselves into a corner and don't know how to escape. It may feel like the freedom of choice is non-existent. Life can be challenging. Hard as we may try it is difficult to change others.

For me freedom comes down to what and how we think. What we focus or dwell on. We have control over that. We will always have control over what we think about or focus on. Little thought patterns like shifting our attention from "I can't do this." to what we can do - asking "What do I do?" or "How do I deal with this?" helps us step out of the hopelessness. Asking the questions then relaxing into a quiet meditation can reveal answers that lead to more of a sense of control, freedom and happiness. I encourage you to find ways to think that help you realize your personal freedom.

Getting older can feel like our freedom has been taken away. I have to deal with this and a lot of people have talked about this with me lately. We compare ourselves to how we used to be... I used to be stronger... Where did all these wrinkles come from?... While not everyone ages at the same rate, the reality is we all get older and the body changes. So when confronted with doing something I used to do that I can't do anymore, I ask "What can I do?" There are always lots of things to do and different ways to do them, new places to explore and new ways to explore them. So sometimes we need get creative to maintain our sense of freedom.

For me, meditating and walking the dog in the early morning makes me happy and keeps me cool when the temperatures begin to climb. This time of year always makes me think of playing outside. Even though I'm not an athletic person I still enjoy watching the waves break on the beach, the kids playing in the sand, the breeze blowing in the trees, spending time visiting with friends outside and eating corn on the cob.

Practicing being present in the moment while sitting or playing outside can relax and refresh. Just looking at the surroundings can reveal the beauty of a flower and bring peace and joy. And there's always sipping tasty lemonade or iced tea to keep cool and hydrated!

So feel free to have fun, keep cool and enjoy the enjoyment sunny Summer has to offer!

Enjoy the Summer!
Sending you Love & Light!

Reiki sessions, personal counseling and Human Design analysis and training
are offered to help you balance and gracefully navigate life.
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