October 5, 2023


What a fantastic September Coffee & Commerce! Byhalia Bank -a Branch of Bank of Holly Springs was our sponsor, and Super Landaverde, a local Hispanic grocery store, provided the delicious pastries as we networked and celebrated our diverse community during Hispanic Heritage Month. We enjoyed hearing from our Hispanic business owners and members to expand our reach and engagement. (For our Hispanic business owners and entrepreneurs, we have ambassadors that are available to assist with translation and forms printed in Spanish for your convenience.)

Thank you to Roley Real with Turn Key Realty Group for the Keurig coffee pot door prize! Thanks to Byhalia Police Department Assistant Chief Izzy for your inspiration and assistance! To everyone at Byhalia MS Town Hall, we appreciate your support and partnership!

We hope you will join us for the next Coffee & Commerce

on October 18th! RSVP below

Click here to RSVP

We have new t-shirts promoting Historic Downtown Byhalia in two Comfort Colors options. Contact us at 662-838-8127 or email to get yours! T-shirts are $22.

You may also log into the Member Information Center on our website ( to upload your events, hot deal and jobs. If you do not have your login or need assistance, give us a call at 662-838-8127.

Did you know with your membership, you may share information,
events or job postings in our newsletter?



Asbestos clean-up is underway at the Old School Commons. This is just the first step in the journey to convert the school into a Community/Performing Arts center for the Town of Byhalia and surrounding area. The Arts Council is excited to get started! Thanks to all the support from Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Mississippi Arts Commission, Byhalia Town Hall, and Belinda Stewart Architects, PA.

Is your company looking for interns? Do you offer opportunities for students to shadow? Contact Jackie Riddle, the Career Coach at Byhalia High School!

Show your support for Mississippi's Historic Hometowns by purchasing a new specialty license plate for your car!

Proceeds from the sale of the Mississippi's Historic Hometowns license plate will be used by the Mississippi Main Street Association to promote Main Street communities throughout Mississippi.

The beautiful design features a sunrise skyline silhouette that showcases landmarks from Mississippi’s unique regions, including the Delta, the Hills, the Pines, the Capital area, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf Coast.

To purchase your new license plate, complete the attached form and return it to the Byhalia Chamber, 2452 Church Street or mail to P.O. Box 910 in Byhalia. We also have a drop box outside our front door for your convenience.

Checks should be made to Mississippi Main Street Association.

Once 300 license plates have been sold, you will receive a letter from MMSA informing you that you can pick your specialty license plate up at your County Courthouse!

Reach out to us with any questions. 662-838-8127 or

Download the Specialty Plate Form
Click to view Town of Byhalia Jobs

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen meet the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 5:30 pm in the Town Hall Board Room. Items for the agenda must be submitted to the City Clerk by 4:00 pm on the Thursday prior to meetings.

Byhalia Town Hall

Click here to visit the Town of Byhalia

225 MS Hwy 309 South


Byhalia Area Chamber of Commerce
2452 Church Street
Byhalia MS 38611
Laura Taylor, Executive Director
Taylor Dickerson, Member Services and Events