Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2
Summer 2023
Annual Meeting Welcomes Incoming Officers and Members, and Features Medicaid Speaker
The Agency hosted its in-person Annual Meeting on June 23 updating members of the Board, Advisory Council and Agency staff on Agency news. The meeting included voting and electing Board officers and members, thanking members and staff for their hard work to serve the older population in our region, and introducing the 2022 Annual Report.
Officers elected for 2023-2024:
Chairperson – Vickie Carraher
Vice Chairperson – Cheryl Wheeler
Treasurer – Dr. Molly Helmlinger
Judy LaMusga is Immediate Past Chairperson.
Outgoing Officers:
The Agency thanks Judy LaMusga for serving 3 years as Chairperson and Board membership since 2012; and Doug Lineberger for serving 3 years as Past Chairperson and Board membership since 2011.
Elected as Trustee for a three-year term 2023-2026:
Janet Crelin representing Preble County
Concluding the meeting was a presentation titled Self-Directed Services in Ohio Long-Term Services and Supports by guest speaker Jesse Wyatt, Deputy Director of Long-Term Services and Supports from the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
(Pictured from left, Assistant Director Nicole Khaner, Executive Director Doug McGarry, Guest Speaker Jesse Wyatt, Board Chairperson Vickie Carraher.)
State Budget Benefits for Older Adults
The 2024/2025 Ohio state budget signed by Governor DeWine on July 3 includes line items that benefit Ohioans who are older or living with a disability. Read more here.
Counties Celebrate 2023 Outstanding Senior Citizens
There are outstanding people throughout our region, and each county's Council/Coalition on Aging selected and honored its Outstanding Senior Citizen in May for Older Americans Month (OAM). OAM offers opportunities to hear from, support, and celebrate our nation’s older adults. The 2023 theme was Aging Unbound which offers an opportunity to explore diverse aging experiences and discuss how communities can combat age-related stereotypes.
Click here to meet the individuals selected as Outstanding Senior Citizens for their counties in gratitude for their continued giving to their neighbors, communities and families.
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Now Open through Fall
Fresh fruits and vegetables add flavor and variety to meals and are key to a healthy diet, but there is not always room in the shopping budget to include them.
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program continues to serve low-income adults age 60 and older who are at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Line. Approved Ohioans will receive $50 in coupons to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables! Click here for more information and an application.
HEAP Summer Crisis Program
The Ohio Department of Development and the Community Action Agency will help income-eligible Ohioans stay cool during the hot summer months. The Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program provides eligible Ohioans assistance paying an electric bill or assistance paying for central air conditioning repairs. The program runs from July 1, 2023, until September 30, 2023. Click here to learn more.
We're Hiring!
The Area Agency on Aging team hires caring, compassionate workers to help our clients get the services they need to improve their lives. Join our team and get a supportive network of supervisors and co-workers, a flexible schedule and a career that makes a difference in the community. Click here to learn more about our available positions.
Education, Wellness & Events
Continuing Education Workshop
- Social Security for Aging Industry Professionals: What You Need to Know
August 29, Online via Zoom, 9am-12:30pm
Presenters Theresa Busher and Kelly Draggoo are Social Security Public Affairs Specialists who act as Social Security spokespersons, media liaisons and public educators.
- $40 for CEUs/$20 to attend without receiving CEUs
Caregiver Corner
2023 Caregiver Workshop Series
The Agency offers free, online and in-person workshops specific to family caregivers all year round.
The upcoming free, in-person workshop series includes four parts and is hosted at the Troy-Miami County Public Library. Attend one, multiple or all sessions.
Care for the Caregiver by the Good Stuff Foundation
Part 1: Just Breath
- August 3, 1:00-2:00pm
- Part 2: Sounds of Stress Relief
- August 10, 1:00-2:00pm
- Part 3: The Healing Power of Touch
- August 17, 1:00-2:00pm
- Part 4: Putting it All Together
- August 24, 1:00-2:00pm
Click here for more information, to register, and find all upcoming topics.
Upcoming free, online caregiver workshops for family caregivers include:
Balancing Act: Balancing Family & Caregiving by Dr. Kia Everett
August 22, 11:00-12:00pm, online via Zoom
The Difference Between Wills & Trusts by Judy LaMusga
September 20, 11:00-12:00pm, online via Zoom
Click here for more information, to register, and find all upcoming topics.
The Agency expanded its online caregiver resource to offer 24/7 information, education and support to caregivers throughout its entire nine-county region. This innovative, free, online program provides educational resources, planning tools and tips to help caregivers take better care of their loved ones and themselves. To register, visit
Wellness Programming
The Agency offers free wellness programming both as virtual and in-person workshops. Find more information and register through our online calendar.
Alzheimer's Association:
A Walk to End Alzheimer's
The Alzheimer's Association Miami Valley is hosting its annual awareness and fundraising walks in Clark, Darke, Miami, Shelby and Montgomery counties in September and October. Click here for dates and more information.
If interested in joining or supporting the Agency's teams at the Clark and Montgomery walks, please click here.
Helping adults remain in their homes with independence and dignity.
You have questions.
We have answers.
Contact us to arrange a free visit and see how we can help you.
Serving older adults and their caregivers in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby counties.
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