Equipping Leaders to Drive the Boat

Hello Lori,

For a few weeks the Lord has been showing me a picture of a boat without a driver. The image was very unsettling to me in my heart. With the picture in mind, we set out for a long trip across West Nepal to teach our pastoral classes and conduct a few seminars. During that time, we began to understand what the Father was trying to teach us. Most of the churches were in the same condition, as a boat without a skilled driver. Without proper skills, the driver drives the boat in their own strength and capacity which makes their job very hard and intense. The driver has the boat without any real goal or plan. This results in the passengers being confused and insecure on their journey. The Lord showed us how much the training is needed. The training of churches and leaders are a necessity. The training helps the leaders to navigate and reach their destination. Therefore, we equip pastors and leaders of local churches to drive the boat. By driving the boat, they can teach others and make disciples after them. We thank God for this new insight!

God bless you,

CCI National Director & the CCI Nepal Team

Click HERE to Help Support the National Director

January & February Highlights

This is a class at a local church. Our Area Coordinator and Regional Director are teaching Course 1: Bible Study Methods & Rules of Interpretation.

The National Director and Area Coordinator led three God’s Financial Principles (GFP) seminars across eastern Nepal.

This is a new class started in western Nepal. Our Regional Director and Mid-West Regional Director are teaching Course 2: Old Testament Survey.

This new class is led by Mid-West Regional Director. The class is learning Course 1: Bible Study Methods.

Will you help us reach Nepal?

Testimony from GFP

"I have been serving as pastor for 12 years. I have heard and taught so many lessons and classes through the Bible, but this is the first time I have learned about biblical principles in money and finance. I believe this teaching can change our church’s financial picture and understanding. I am very blessed by this course which I really had a desire to teach the church for a very long time, but this is the right time and the right people. Thank you CCI Nepal for running this wonderful seminar in our church."  

-Pastor D      

Prayers & Praises

·      Please pray for the ministry as we are struggling with book costs since the number of classes have grown. We are now paying more than before. If you would like to help, poor students can be provided with scholarships in order to buy books by clicking this link.

·      Pray for our four new classes in new ministry locations in east Nepal. We are affected greatly by the lack of books. We are uncertain.

·      Please pray for more teachers to teach classes. We need 4 new teachers.

·      Pray for resources to achieve our goals and plans.   

Many of the students in Nepal are very poor and have barely enough money to make it through the day. While a gift of $25 will help one student get started, a $150 gift will cover an entire set of teaching materials for one student. Your investment will impact the lives of many people for many years to come!

Will You Help a Student Begin Training?

Click HERE to Help Provide Scholarships 

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