Observations and Celebrations in August | |
World Humanitarian Day
The United Nations General Assembly designated 19 August as World Humanitarian Day (WHD) after an
attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 22 humanitarian aid workers, including the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello.
The UN's 2023 campaign, #NoMatterWhat promotes Humanitarians' shared mission to protect and save lives.
Learn more about the history of World Humanitarian Day.
Learn more about the #NoMatter What campaign.
Donate to local humanitarian and non-profit organizations.
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National Immunization Month
Public Health Services is dedicated to community wellness and health protection in San Diego County. The San Diego County Immunization Unit's mission is to eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases by improving vaccine coverage for all San Diegans.
The Health and Human Services Agency of the County of San Diego provides a variety of Immunization Clinics across San Diego County, from North County such as Temecula and Oceanside, to the South Bay of Chula Vista. Most of the clinics provides routine childhood and adolescent vaccines to protect against an array of preventable diseases, especially as they return back to school.
You can direct individuals and families to call 2-1-1 to learn about clinics, or click below for the complete list of clinic locations across San Diego County.
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Journey to Safety
Provides transportation assistance for people fleeing domestic violence. Transportation includes trips out-of-county (bus, plane, train when actively fleeing to a place of safety) and in-county to essential trips (court, police station, case manager, assistance when public transit poses a threat).
Eligibility is based service requested. For out-of-country travel, the client must have housing secured at the destination. All other transportation is on a case-by-case basis.
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Share Your Feedback
211/CIE San Diego, as a research project partner of UCSF SIREN, is helping to disseminate a statewide survey about how CalAIM implementation is going.
To participate in the survey, click here.
As part of our joint work, we invite all CIE Partners to participate in this survey launched by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF). The goals of the survey are to document how CalAIM implementation is going from a variety of perspectives in order to inform key CalAIM stakeholders and decision makers. We are seeking to hear from all types of organizations that could be involved in CalAIM implementation, including clinical organizations, CBOs, and health plans. Even if an organization has chosen not to participate in CalAIM, we are still interested in hearing their thoughts about CalAIM.
The survey is estimated to take 20 minutes to complete. Individuals who complete the survey will receive a $25 gift card as compensation for your valuable time. The ideal respondents for this survey are individuals responsible for managing CalAIM initiatives at your organization. However, responses from others are welcome as well. We also encourage sharing this survey with colleagues at other organizations who may be interested in contributing their perspectives about CalAIM. Responses will be completely anonymous.
This 3-year research project, funded by Systems for Action - a program of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is titled:
Can California's CalAIM Medicaid Transformation Initiative Achieve Systems Integration? Identifying Key Facilitators of Cross-Sectoral Coordination for Individuals with Complex Needs or at High Risk
The results of the survey will be shared publicly and with key stakeholders in the fall to help inform CalAIM implementation. We hope you are able to participate in this important effort to help improve CalAIM implementation!
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Tools for Schools
Live Well San Diego Schools created a searchable resource database at the request of school partners needing an easier way to find free or low-cost resources that are the most helpful in meeting immediate needs and guide long-term planning.
For additional resources for schools, staff, students, and families, click here.
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Power Saver Rewards Program
The Power Saver Rewards (PSR) launched in May 2022 as a four-year pilot program, created by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to make the electric grid more resilient during hot summer days when demand for electricity is extremely high.
211/CIE San Diego support Power Saver Rewards because it helps prevent power outages and gives folks rewards when they use less energy during a Flex Alert. Power outages often harm the most vulnerable members of our community, like young children, the elderly, disabled people, and those struggling to make ends meet.
A Flex Alert advises us when to reduce electricity use to help prevent a power outage. Power Saver Rewards gives you a credit back on your bill when you reduce energy use during a Flex Alert.
Here’s how it works -
Sign up at PowerSaverRewards.org
- Reduce your energy use while a Flex Alert is in effect (usually 4:00-9:00 p.m.)
- Get a credit back on your energy bill Most enrollees will see their first bill credit at the beginning of the new year, but check with your utility provider for details.
To learn more about this program, click the button below.
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Do you have any exciting news or events coming up that you want to share with the CIE Partner Network or CIE community?
We would love to spotlight your agency on social media!
If you would like to be featured, complete the form below.
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211/CIE San Diego developed a webpage tailored to CalAIM. The CalAIM webpage is now live and features tools and resources to help you navigate general information about CalAIM, enhancement case management, community supports, resources for CalAIM providers, and more.
Download the instructional guide outlining how to find CalAIM resources in the 211 database and find tools published on the CalAIM webpage below.
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California Health Information Technology and Exchange
Opportunities And Priorities For Older Adults
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Critical to coordinating care for older adults, data exchange sits cornerstone to connecting health care and social services sectors to ensure both the health and well-being of older adults. A report, prepared by Manatt, showcases Archstone Foundation’s prioritization of grantmaking along three dimensions: Teams, Training, and Technology strategies (the Three Ts), with justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion interwoven throughout. In this report, CIE San Diego is highlighted as one of California’s established CIEs for its decade-long work creating longitudinal clients records, and providing closed-loop referrals to improve whole person care.
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SIREN and 211 San Diego Awarded a Systems for Action Grant to Study the Implementation of CalAIM | |
211 San Diego is embarking on a joint three-year project with SIREN to examine the implementation of California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). CalAIM seeks to transform Medi-Cal (Medicaid program) by requiring managed care plans to provide Enhanced Care Management to certain identified populations, as well as encourage reimbursement for providers of Community Supports. This article describes goals of the research project, funded by Systems for Action, a program of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that includes the CIE San Diego team co-facilitating a statewide Community of Practice with Health Leads. | |
Need technical support or training information?
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Download this guide for tips on how to search for services using the 211/CIE San Diego Resource Directory.
To get started, log in to CIE and click on the resource directory. You can also search the 211 San Diego public database by visiting www.211sandiego.org
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Update Process
Thank you for listing your agency and program(s) in the 211 San Diego/Imperial County Resource Database. We appreciate you!
Providing accurate referrals would not be possible without your commitment to providing us with the most up-to-date information.
Search for services in the 211 San Diego resource database or sign in to the partner Community to update your existing programs and services.
For help resetting your password, click here. For support with updating your services, please connect with the 211 San Diego resource team at 858-300-1200, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm PST, or email resourcecenter@211sandiego.org.
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The CIE Partner Network works to improve the overall service delivery system for clients. Our meeting provides a forum for partners to share updates about ongoing CIE Initiatives, share trends in our community, and collaborate on how we as a network are leveraging our partnership, data sharing, and the CIE technology platform to address the social determinants of health and increase health equity.
Join us for a range of content. Each month, we may dive into the latest technology projects, elicit feedback on the platform’s care coordination tools, or spotlight programs and supports for unique populations. The partner gathering is a space to engage with peers across our shared network. Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) at 9:00 am via Zoom.
The next CIE Partner gathering is on August 24, 2023, at 9 am.
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Food Distribution
Time:11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Event Content & Information: Free Event!
TrueCare San Marcos Location:
332 E. Olive St, San Marcos, CA 92069
- 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every Month
TrueCare Oceanside Location:
5306 N River Rd, Oceanside, CA 92057
- 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month
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Ramona Community Partner Roundtable
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
2023 Roundtables:
August 31st
October 26th
Event Content & Information: Free Event!
TrueCare is bringing local professionals & community stakeholders together to address the health needs of our community.
For more information or to request Zoom details please email: community.engagement@truecare.org.
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Summer Family Events
Come Play Outside creates new opportunities for kids and their families to play outside safely in San Diego.
Come Play Outside funds programs such as aquatics, adventure camp, Teen Nite, and movies in the park in 21 recreation centers and aquatic centers across San Diego’s South and Central neighborhoods.
Program and available now through August 27, 2023. For more information, click here.
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To apply and see other opportunities, click here
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Alpha Project for the Homeless is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
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International Rescue Committee is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
Click on each to see the description.
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San Diego Workforce Partnership is Hiring! |
See all opportunities here.
Click on each to see the description.
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To include your positions in our next newsletter, please email aroman@211sandiego.org by September 10, 2023.
We look forward to sharing your opportunities!
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