OCTOBER 1, 2023

10:30 AM




"Christ for the World We Sing"

"Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ"

"O for a World"

Sheet Music is here! Remember to click. Special Music links too!

"Prelude and Fugue in F minor"

"What the World Needs Now"

We are so glad you are here!”

As we enter our church, as we live as members, as we experience important life-cycle events (falling in love, marrying, parenting, baptism, coming out, transitioning, etc.), words of welcome and support, understanding and love are what we all long for. This manifestation of God’s Extravagant Welcome and the justice and social witness that accompany it are the heart of what we hope to show our community and all who walk through the doors of Christ Congregational United Church of Christ.


Dear Congregation,

September seems to have flown by and here we are on the brink of

October already! In the Christian church that means that this Sunday

we’ll celebrate World Communion Sunday.

World Communion Sunday is one of the most venerable of the “special

Sundays” in the Christian church. It has taken on even more relevancy

and depth of meaning in a world that is divided into countries, but even

more so, divided by inequalities in so many areas of human life.

One way that countries have been categorized is by being labeled

Developed, Developing, or Least Developed. “Developing Countries tend

to have some characteristics in common, often due to their histories or

geographies. They commonly have such problems as: low levels of

access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene; energy poverty:

high levels of pollution, high levels of poverty and disease, poor

infrastructure, high crime rates, low education levels, government

corruption, political instability, inadequate access to family planning

services, etc.

Developed Countries, of course, are not without their own problems.

Even though citizens of those countries may have better opportunities

for having their basic needs met, there are plenty of things to prevent

them from having a peaceful, worry-free life, The ever-evolving Covid

virus, the effects of global warming, racism, and terrorism to name a

few. But on World Communion Sunday we celebrate our oneness in

Christ, the Prince of Peace, in the midst of the whole world we are

called to serve—a world desperately in need of the lived-out love of


This year of 2023 marks the 87 th year for World Communion Sunday,

which was originally called Worldwide Communion Sunday and

originated in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. It began in the winter of

1935 when a group of ministers met to study the spiritual needs and

possibilities of the church in the midst of the Great Depression. They

called for a Worldwide Communion Sunday the following year on the

First Sunday of November, close to “Armistice Day” which celebrated

the end of World War I. Their idea was that worldwide communion

would supersede worldwide conflict, that the church would lead the

way in ending violence between nations and bringing peace to all

people. It was celebrated in 1936 for the first time and was eventually

moved back to the first Sunday of October.

This is the day when we celebrate the worldwide unity of the church in

the body and blood of Christ—One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,

through all the years and in every place. Whether shared in a grand

cathedral, a mud hut, out on a hilltop, in a meeting house, in a

storefront, or at home in front of computer screens or on smart

phones, Christians celebrate communion in as many ways as there are


And so, as we share in the sacrament of Holy Communion, we are

called to expand our vision outside these walls to the wider world

where our sisters and brothers taste the bread and the juice in other

forms, in other places. We are called to remember the mandate that

Christ has given his followers to love and to serve.

I pray that you’ll join our congregation on Sunday, whether in person in

our beautiful Sanctuary or on Facebook, as we share the sacrament


In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy

The Neighbors In Need offering designated for this Sunday fits with World

Communion by focusing on basic human needs in this country and abroad. Two former all-church offerings known as the “Hunger Action Fund” and the “Just Peace Appeal” have been folded into mandates of NIN, Through NIN, the UCC remains strongly committed to ministries of peacemaking, violence reduction, conflict resolution, federal budget priorities, and global solidarity.

Bianca's You Better Bee-lieve It Corner


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Karen, Rita, and Graham for generously volunteering to be part of the committee (alongside Pastor Candy and yours-truly) for our upcoming Fall Picnic. Your dedication and support are truly appreciated, and we couldn't do it without you!

Our next committee meeting is scheduled for October 8th, where we'll dive into the details and make this event truly special. Mark your calendars!

We're eagerly anticipating our Fall Picnic on November 11th and can't wait to see the magic we'll create together. Thank you all for being part of this wonderful journey!


We are still looking for our congregation members to express their love for our church in a distinctive manner—by submitting videos. Join us in amplifying the message of our vibrant community across platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. Your voices and personal narratives have the potential to inspire others and establish a compelling online representation for Christ Congregational UCC. Let's come together in celebration and radiate the warmth and essence of our church to the world! 



What an incredible Drum Circle event we had! It was truly a mesmerizing evening filled with rhythm, joy, and unity. We are overjoyed to see so many of our cherished church members come out and immerse themselves in the beat, experiencing the magic of drumming together.

But the excitement didn't stop there! We were delighted to welcome drum circle enthusiasts from outside our congregation who joined us, adding an extra layer of diversity and energy to the gathering.

As a special treat, we are sharing some of the pictures and video, offering you a glimpse into the rhythmic bliss we all created together. Thank you to everyone who made this event a resounding success, we hope everyone can attend next time! 

A BIG thank you to Sean O Dibble, who led us on this incredible rhythmic journey, guiding us through the beats and helping create such a special atmosphere. and his Insta: https://www.instagram.com/seanodibble/


Just in case we missed you...

Here are the altar flower dedications for the month of September:

9/10 Joan Campagna in memory of Grandma Margaret.

9/17 Joan Chandler in memory of Dolly Bryan.

9/24 Bianca Montenegro in honor of her mom coming back.


Pastor Candy would be happy to meet with you to talk about our Christian faith, your spiritual journey, and to discuss what church membership means. Please let her know if you're interested!


Sun. Oct. 1 | 10:30 am

Worship in the Sanctuary & Facebook Live with Holy Communion

Sun. Oct. 1 | 12:00 pm

Ministry of Mission & Outreach meets in Kelsey Hall

Mon. Oct. 2 | 6:30 pm

ZOOM Bible Study

Meeting ID: 691 735 4836

Sun. Oct. 8 | 10:30 am

Worship in the Sanctuary & on Facebook Live

Wed. Oct. 18 | 7:00 pm

Community Choir practice begins.



Practice begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 18, 2023

and will be weekly. The choir will present a free Christmas concert on

Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 2 p.m. at the church.

Isabella LeGrand and Cindy Ketzle delivered diapers to SOS on Monday from the church. CCC Women promoted this collection.

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on Social Media!

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Facebook: Christ Congregational United Church of Christ

Twitter/X: @CCC_UCC

TikTok: @CCC_UCC

YouTube: ChristCongregational-UCC

Instagram: @ christcongregationalucc


Joan Hansen, Maggie McDowell, Carol McCreary, the family and friends of Mary Ellen Prather, Mary and Frank Tirb, Bradley Everhardt, Julio Balcells, Jessica Nodarse, Mark, Julie Henkel, Merly Alonso, Bianca and Nina Sarmento and the friends and family of J.J Newby Ketzle and Sarah Wiley, Stone Coram and the family and friends of Brenda Best, Aberas Jober and Leslie Perichak, Palul LeGrand and Cathryn Tagmeyer and Briane Garrison.

For Pastoral Care Needs, please call Pastor Candy directly at 925-640-9289 or you may call and leave a message with the Church Office, 305-235-9381.


The installation of Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson as the UCC's 10th General Minister & President is FOUR WEEKS away!

Friday, 10/20 @ 5 pm Est.

Did you register to attend virtually?


*** Voter's Registration***

Voter registration has started on September 17th. Please be sure to verify your registration and if you are not registered please get registered.

Registration and Verification can be done by clicking the image below:

On December 12, the Miami Dade County Board of County Commissioners (MDC BCC) will be voting on whether to extend the lease agreement for a 67-acre theme park, hotel and retail development misleadingly dubbed “Miami Wilds.” The development site is located adjacent to and on Zoo Miami property — land that is considered vital to endangered species and the largest and most biodiverse fragment of critically endangered Pine Rocklands outside of Everglades National Park. 

ATTEND the MDC BCC meeting on December 12 and voice your opposition to the proposed Miami Wilds development! The meeting begins at 9:30am at the Stephen P. Clark Government Center (address: 111 NW 1st St, Miami, FL 33132, 2nd floor Commission Chambers). We recommend that you arrive no later than 8:45am and bring your ID for check-in. 


Welcome to the world Gianella!

Daughter of Jessica and Tracy Nodarse.

Sunshine Connection
Subscribe using these links and keep up with the latest Florida news.

Global Ministries offers a weekly prayer for one of our global mission partners. This week's prayer is with Mexico. To read their mission moment, please click the Global Ministries IMAGE. Below is this week's prayer, united we pray.

God of living water, we thank you today for the gift of this wondrous liquid. Wherever we live, whoever we are, no matter what our beliefs or backgrounds, we are all the same in needing water. We recognize, however, that fresh, clean water is not evenly distributed around our planet nor readily available for everyone. We pray for northern Mexico, where a prolonged drought has brought anguish and despair to city dwellers, farmers, and ranchers. We pray for central Mexico, where the massive population of Mexico City overwhelms the capacity of the system to provide safe drinking water to marginalized communities and to treat sewage before draining into creeks and gullies. We pray for the southern states of Mexico, which have the highest populations of original peoples (pueblos originarios) as well as the poorest communities in the nation. These native peoples, with their ancestral connections to the land and its water, struggle every day for access as hydroelectric plants, mining and agriculture companies, and factories acquire exclusive water rights. As we gather around the table at your invitation and sing this well-known gospel song along with our Mexican siblings in Christ, may we commit to caring for water, the precious liquid that cleanses us, quenches our thirst, and reminds us of the awesome power of our Creator.

(To the tune of: I have peace like a river, joy like a fountain, love like an ocean in my soul)

Yo tengo paz como un rio, paz como un rio,

paz como un rio en mi ser.

Yo tengo paz como un rio, paz como un rio,

paz como un rio en mi ser.

Yo tengo gozo como una fuente, gozo como una fuente,

gozo como una fuente en mi ser.

Yo tengo gozo como una fuente, gozo como una fuente,

gozo como una fuente en mi ser.

Yo tengo amor como el mar, amor como el mar,

amor como el mar en mi ser.

Yo tengo amor como el mar, amor como el mar,

amor como el mar en mi ser.

Yo tengo paz como un rio, gozo como una fuente,

amor como el mar en mi ser.

Yo tengo paz como un rio, gozo como una fuente,

amor como el mar en mi ser.

10/5 Maggie McDowell

10/11 Joan Hansen

10/15 Peggy Olson

10/18 Emily Balcells

10/19 Lia Smith

10/26 Crystal Diaz

10/27 Sonya Williams

10/30 William Bryan

 Find all UCC podcasts in one feed!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts of your time, treasure and talent in pursuit of A Just World For All!
Online Giving – We invite you to use our online giving option as a quick, simple, and secure method to make your pledges and ancillary gifts.

*Please indicate when your giving is other than pledge or plate.*

You may click this image or the
"Online Giving" link on the upper right of our website.
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The Rev. Candace Thomas | Pastor

Graham Bryan | Moderator & President

Jay Harragin | Music Director

Tracy Williams | Editor