The Script 

Welcome to Caring Partners International's 
September 2017 Edition
In This Issue:
:: Hurricane Relief
:: Kroger Rewards
:: Prayer Requests
Hurricane Relief
Photos, Clockwise, from Top Left: 1) Truck at the CPI dock ready to head to Houston, 2) CPI Missionaries Andrew Wienhoff & Wesley Highley loading pallets of donations, 3) Donations of personal care supplies from Origins Church, 4) Scores of Volunteers at CPI helping prepare donations for delivery
Local Churches on the Front Lines
Helping the Body of Christ be the hands and feet of Jesus to hurricane-affected areas in the USA 

Almost immediately following Hurricane Harvey making landfall in Texas, Caring Partners International (CPI) was contacted by church partners requesting assistance. The call for help was broadcast to CPI's individual, corporate and church partners across the country, and as a result, product donations began to pour into the ministry warehouse in Franklin, Ohio.

In less than one week, CPI had processed more than 10,000 pounds of medical supplies, linens, water and personal care products, and loaded these donations on a rental truck, bound for Texas. CPI missionaries Andrew Wienhoff and Wesley Highley made the 1,000 mile trip in 21 hours, delivering the donations directly to two churches desperate for donations.

The first delivery was to a church in Pasadena, Texas. The church family was extremely organized, bringing the CPI donations directly into one door of the church lobby, and almost immediately picking them back up and loading the donations into needy families' vehicles.

The second delivery was to be to Channelview, Texas, but the Lord had other plans. The pastor at the Channelview church told Andrew & Wesley of a church in Galveston, Texas which had received almost no supplies, but had folks with desperate needs. As a result, Andrew & Wesley hopped back in the truck, and continued their drive south to Galveston.

Upon arriving to the church in Galveston, they noticed a large group of people waiting in the parking lot. As soon as they opened up the door of the truck, a cheer went up throughout the crowd. 

Pastor Grady Sanders approached Andrew & Wesley with several specific needs, and by God's grace, the items were provided! One elderly woman shyly approached the Pastor & Wesley, asking if CPI had brought some adult diapers, size small. What a blessing for CPI & the church to meet this sweet lady's needs! Another elderly man had a stroke a few months before the hurricane, and lost his walker in the storm. Again, by God's grace, the perfect walker was provided - to God be the glory!  

Pastor Grady was thrilled to receive the support his church needed to reach out to his community, in Jesus' Name. Here's an excerpt of a text he sent to Andrew two days following CPI's delivery:

"Each morning we open up, we continue to have lines of people around the building. We estimate that 1500 to 1700 people have came through. One of the great blessings is that those people who came for donations, have returned to help. This is turning into a real blessing for the church and the community. 

Many of these people are lower income, and have no network or other resources to get these much-needed supplies. And for the most part have been overshadowed by the needs of Houston. 

We continue to have people pouring in, and as a result have been able to lead 12 people to Christ. The more supplies we are able to give them, the more opportunities we will have to share the only real hope in such a hopeless situation - the love of Christ." 
Hurricane Relief 2
Photos, Top to Bottom: 1) Andrew Wienhoff & a local pastor surveying homes in metro Houston devastated by Hurricane Harvey 2) the parking lot filled with people at the church in Galveston, Texas  

CPI has partnered with the citizens of the city of Franklin, Ohio to gather personal care products and supplies to benefit church relief efforts in areas affected by Hurricane Harvey & Irma. The Franklin, Ohio Police Department has set up collection barrels at the Police Department, the City Building, and also in local schools. And, even if your church, school, or corporation is outside Franklin, Ohio, you can participate by delivering your donations directly to the Caring Partners Warehouse, Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Current plans are to collect donated items through Friday, October 13th


Bar Soap & Body Wash
Shampoo & Conditioner
Mens' & Womens' Stick Deodorant 
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Cases of Bottled Water
Baby Diapers & Baby Wipes

Would you like to help us with shipping costs? Click below to donate:


If you shop at Kroger, and use your Kroger Plus Card when making purchases, Kroger will make a donation to Caring Partners International based on a percentage of your spending. And, this donation by Kroger to the CPI ministry will not reduce the accumulation of your personal Kroger Plus points.

Would you consider blessing CPI through this program? All you need to do is click on the website link below:

and select either "Sign In" if you have an existing account, or "Create an Account" to create a new one. Either way, make sure you select "Caring Partners International" as your recipient organization. 

Note: Even if you enrolled in the past, you must re-enroll this year for CPI to benefit

PLEASE NOTE: CPI's Kroger Non-Profit Organization Number for the purposes of this Community Rewards Program is 83185

"Pray without ceasing."  
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray for our Texas & Florida church partners as they serve those affected in their local communities by the recent hurricanes. Pray that the Lord will provide for each church's needs, and He will give them strength and grace for the journey. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move and work, drawing all to Him through these trying times.

Caring Partners will take a medical mission team to Guatemala this coming November, in partnership with Salem Church & the Iglesia Genesaret in Guatemala City. Pray for our U.S. and Guatemalan team members as they prepare to serve the Lord in a city with tremendous needs.

CPI Contact Information

Caring Partners International, Inc.
601 Shotwell Drive
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Phone: 937-743-2744 or
Fax:     937-743-2749

Dr. Daniel Love, Chairman
Dr. Adam Reed, President & Director of Missions
Rhonda J. Reed, Executive Director  

Rick Lalli, Director of Ministry Development

Andrew Wienhoff, Director of Mission Resources

Jon & Karen Lambert, Mission Directors

Bill Wienhoff, Financial Administrator

Lauren Lalli, Mission Coordinator

Wesley Highley, Partnership Coordinator

Kathy Ridenour, Executive Assistant

Web Site  

The Board Members and Staff of Caring Partners would like to THANK YOU for your PRAYERS and FINANCIAL SUPPORT for this ministry. Our PARTNERSHIP enables the Gospel message to be shared throughout the world!
Caring Partners International