17th Sunday of Pentecost September 24, 2023

Welcome to St. Laurence

September is the Season of Creation at St Laurence.

This week, join us for Sunday worship as we explore, through art and poetry, what the biblical tale of Jonah might say about our role in creation. Stay afterwards for tea, coffee, and a lively "conversation" on climate change and Christian faith. You can also help fund our new trees, or attend the “climate optimist” book study.


As well, join us this Sunday evening at 7:30 pm for a time of quiet and reflection with the beautiful and prayerful music of Taizé.

See below for information on our Harvest Festival Lunch (to be held next Sunday), the Taizé Service, how to fund our new trees, an upcoming Thanksgiving concert, and more.

Visit our new website


Harvest Festival Lunch


Next Sunday October 1, we draw our celebration of the Season of Creation to a close with our annual Harvest Festival lunch. All are welcome! Please let us know if you will attend the lunch by signing up on the sheet in the foyer, or by contacting the office at 403-249-6184.


To view our bulletin, see here



Join us each week in the Sunshine Room at 11:20 for reflection on theology, spirituality, and current events.

This week in Conversations:

We will watch and discuss a TED TALK video by climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe:

The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it

How do you talk to someone who doesn't believe in climate change? Not by rehashing the same data and facts we've been discussing for years, says climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. In this inspiring, pragmatic talk, Hayhoe shows how the key to having a real discussion is to connect over shared values like family, community and religion -- and to prompt people to realize that they already care about a changing climate. "We can't give in to despair," she says. "We have to go out and look for the hope we need to inspire us to act -- and that hope begins with a conversation, today."

This month, beginning September 10, you are invited to help us Pay for a Pine. This will help top up the Capital Fund and ensure that we have money available for future landscaping needs. Donations may be made through the Sunday offering, online through the website, or by e-transfer to Please mark donations "Pines".

Book Study


Are you concerned about Climate Change?


How to Be A Climate Optimist:

Blueprints for A Better World

by Chris Turner


Book Study:

Tuesdays, September 26, & October 3, 2023

11:00 AM – 12:30

St. Laurence Church


Please read the book for the first session September 12. It is available on Kindle and paperback. We recommend getting the paperback as the diagrams and bibliography are extensive and worthwhile.


September 26: Discuss your own personal journey and what difficulties/ or successes you have encountered.


October 3: How, as a community, can we be optimistic. What personal steps (political, advocacy, investment) can we take?

If you plan to attend this study, please sign up by sending an email to Kelly at This will allow the moderators to send pertinent material to participants before the discussions.

Please bring your own beverage.

Save the dates for Messy Sundays on October 8, November 5, and December 10!

This Week in Parish

Monday 11:00 am Garrison Green Service

 7:00 pm Parish Council

Tuesday 11:00 am Book Study

Wednesday 9:00 am Men’s breakfast Grey Eagle Casino

Thursday 10:00 am Centering Prayer

                7:30 pm Choir practice

Come join us for an evening of the beautiful and prayerful music of Taize and a time of quiet and reflection this Sunday, September 24 at 7:30. Please stay afterwards for conversation and a hot drink. 


The next men’s Breakfast, will be held Wednesday September 27th

9:00 am at the Grey Eagle Casino

Upcoming Women’s Lunches

Monday, October 2

Monday, November 6

Monday, December 4

 At 11:30 am at Pho Pham Restaurant in Signal Hill. All are welcome, no rsvp required. 

Prayer Ministry at St Laurence

The Prayer Chain at St Laurence is a behind-the-scenes group of 12 parishioners who pray individually as part of their prayer practice for individuals, close family, and friends of St Laurence members. Those individuals being prayed for are mentioned in the

weekly leaflet by first name. As many prayers are of an immediate nature , we have one person to coordinate the prayers and distribute the request to the Prayer Chain. Updates are always welcome and the prayers will stay on the list for a month unless renewed or updated by the persons making the requests.

If you have a prayer request, the best way is to email Ross Lennox

at or phone him at 403-606-2525


From the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good:

City Council passed the Housing Affordability Task Force recommendations over the weekend in an emergency meeting.

The recommendations passed with a resounding 12-3 vote, well beyond expectations and sending a clear message that this council is moving forward on making substantive changes in our city's rules and procedures to create more housing.

The recommendation on alterations to zoning also survived, meaning that council will move forward with exploring changes to zoning so that we can build communities that are multi-generational and that thrive. The discussions on some of the more controversial policies, such as a discussion on rent controls, changes or reductions to parking minimums, and other items, also survived the amendment process.

What's Next?: Now councillors, administration and our civil servants will work together towards building several packages of proposals, and will return to council with those changes to bylaws, administrative procedures and new modes of including Calgarians into new housing in their communities.


At St. Laurence:

Thanks to our congregation members who have contributed to supporting this new housing strategy by:

•    Participating in the listening campaign in which we identified housing as the City’s major issue.

•   Attending the rally and the public submissions at City Hall on September 14th .

•   Advocating by writing letters and making phone calls to your councillors


And a big vote of appreciation to Elizabeth McLennan, recently designated acting chair of the Calgary Alliance, who provided capable leadership in the successful rally supporting housing for all Calgary residents. 


News from PWRDF:

It is my pleasure to inform you that PWRDF has established a fund specifically to allow us, as Canadian Anglicans to respond quickly when a Canadian diocese asks for disaster support. This new fund, called the In-Canada Emergency Response Fund will collect donations on an on-going basis and therefore, funds will be available immediately in the face of disaster rather than the previous method where a diocese asks for funds following a disaster and the fund appeal then was made known to the larger Anglican community. There was always a huge lag in time between the request and the ability to send funds. This new In-Canada Emergency Response Fund will receive your generous donations at any time and therefore, will be ready to act quickly on our behalf. A win-win for all involved.

In the light of all that has happened this summer here in Canada with wildfires, floods and devastation, please consider making a donation to the In-Canada Emergency Response Fund via the website I have already sent my thanks and gratitude on behalf of our parish to the team at PWRDF congratulating them on this fine intiative.

With thanks,