
Yogic Living Newsletter

December 2022 - Volume 2

Beautiful Family,

The Solstice is almost upon us! As we approach this seasonal turning point, we’re especially thankful for this community, these impeccable tools, and the breath which connects us across time and space. Whether we welcome the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere or summer in the South, this week we enter a new cycle. 

No matter where we are on the globe, these seasonal turning points remind us of something essential that we all share. As you navigate the next couple of weeks, remember that you are the light of hope, the light of peace, and the very light we need. 

Now shine for the whole world to see! 

Shine the light of peace. 


Happy Solstice, 

3HO International

Meditation for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Peace and happiness can only be found within. Vibrate the sound "Ong" at the center of the nose. This stimulates the brain. If it makes you cough, just allow it. It is said to be the sound of the conch, adjusting the thyroid and giving power, beauty, and youth.

Find the Full Practice Here

Guru Ram Das Rhythmic Harmony for Happiness Meditation

This meditation creates a sense of meditative peace. Practice it and notice how your entire surroundings feel the vibratory effect. The mantra calls on the wisdom of Guru Ram Das, the 4th of the Sikh Gurus, who has also been nicknamed the Lord of Miracles. The energy of Guru Ram Das is that of healing, protection, and making the impossible possible. By living in harmony with our highest values, the universe manifests everything we need in turn.

Find the Full Practice Here

Mahan Giaan Mudra

This meditation is said to bring the realm of thoughtlessness quickly. It brings the awareness that redemption is not necessary; we are already redeemed. When we experience inner calm, it leads to the experience of the entire universe, and nature serves us in harmony. This 11-minute practice requires some pressure at the backs of the shoulders, which works to awaken the heart. It is not always easy to keep the arms up. If you feel pain in the physical posture, modify or visualize as needed.

Find the Full Practice Here

The Age of Aquarius: What It Is and Why You Should Care

If you’ve noticed the world seems polarized lately, you are not alone. From politics to climate change and from pandemics to wars, it can feel like the human race is having a really hard time getting along. While these times can leave you feeling destabilized and down, the good news is that the polarization is because we’re going through a transition from one astrological age to the next, and the coming period promises to be one of higher consciousness, compassion, and enlightenment.

Read the Blog Post Here

Easy Triple Berry Galette for the Holidays

A French galette refers to a pie that doesn’t require a pie tin. The lack of a pie tin makes galettes far more forgiving and easy to bake. It basically is an easy free-form pie. It gives you all the satisfaction of a fresh-baked pie but is so much easier to put together. You simply roll out the dough, put the fruit in the middle, roughly fold the edges of the dough over the fruit, and bake it. What could be easier?

Find the Full Recipe

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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