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The 2022-23 State budget includes additional funds to support the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Prior to the addition of these funds, OTDA anticipated funding applications submitted through October 7, 2021. As a result of the additional funding, OTDA is processing eligible ERAP applications submitted through March 31, 2022. Although some towns have spent their allocated ERAP funds, residents in all towns (except residents in the Towns of Hempstead, Islip, and Oyster Bay) can still apply for ERAP through the OTDA portal. Even though the application may not be approved due to lack of funds, any eviction proceeding should be stayed if there is a pending ERAP application until there is a final decision including going through any appeals process. Town of Islip, Hempstead, and Oyster Bay have a separate application process for Town residents with household incomes up to 80 percent of the area median income, however, Town of Hempstead and Oyster Bay is not currently accepting applications. Households in any part of the state with incomes over 80 percent and up to 120 percent of area median income can still apply for state-funded emergency rental assistance to stay an eviction HOWEVER any applications submitted after February 14, 2022 will most likely be denied due to lack of adequate funding. Long Island residents with rental and utility arrears should apply now for assistance before the funds run out. If you receive a decision on your ERAP application that you disagree with, make sure to appeal within thirty (30) days by calling 844-691-7368 or filling out the OTDA online application form. To apply and determine eligibility, visit the OTDA website.
Residents of Hempstead
Residents of Islip
Residents of Oyster Bay
Other Long Islander Towns
Suffolk and Nassau County DSS- The Department of Social Services has programs available to provide help with receiving shelter or rent arrears to prevent homelessness. Please visit WWW.MYBENEFITS.NY.GOV for further information or to apply.
Project Anchor- Homelessness Prevention Network-Suffolk County Only- Do you owe rent & are at risk of losing your housing? Do you think you may have to go to shelter? Reach out before you are forced out of your home. Free Services include: Case Management/Advocacy; Benefits Counseling; Employment Services; Landlord/Tenant Mediation; Community Referrals. Financial assistance with rental and utility arrears for those who qualify. Contact Project Anchor Monday – Friday 8:30am-4:30pm at (631) 854-9984 or email projectanchor@helpusa.org.
Town of Brookhaven Rental Arrears Program- PROGRAM IS NOW OPEN!!
MAY 9, 2022 and CLOSES JUNE 7, 2022 at 5pm. The Town of Brookhaven (Town) is making CDBG-CV funds available for low to moderate income Town of Brookhaven residents with rental arrears incurred due to a COVID-19 related loss of income. The Long Island Housing Partnership (LIHP) will administer the program. Funds will cover a maximum of$25,000 of arrears, and are paid directly to the landlord. Please visit https://www.lihp.org/brookhavenarrears.html for more information or to apply.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services, in partnership with Empire Justice Center, can now assist Nassau and Suffolk residential tenants with housing-related legal problems (like eviction) and a household income of up to 80% of the Area Median Income. Services are available through this partnership regardless of immigration status. Please call the office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services. Interpreters are available. Suffolk residents west of 112 can call 631-232-2400 and east of 112 can call 631-369-1112. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100. Feel free to share our flyer in both English and Spanish.
Cooling Assistance Benefit- The 2021-2022 Cooling Assistance benefit opened May 2, 2022. If you are eligible, you may receive one Cooling Assistance benefit per applicant household for the purchase and installation of an air conditioner or a fan to help your home stay cool. To be eligible for a CAC benefit, an applicant household member is not required to have a medical condition that is exacerbated by extreme heat. Applicants are no longer required to attest to, or supply documentation for, a household member’s medical condition. This question may be skipped on the HEAP Cooling Assistance Request for Benefit (LDSS-4992). If this question is answered by an applicant, they must not be denied or pended for medical documentation based on their response. To learn more, visit https://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap/.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services' Public Benefits Unit provides legal assistance to persons who experience problems with public benefits programs which are administered by the local Departments of Social Services, including: Welfare (TANF and Safety Net); Medicaid; Food Stamps (SNAP); Child Care Assistance; HEAP; Emergency shelter for the homeless; and other emergency assistance programs. We also assist low-income households in establishing Supplemental Needs Trusts to eliminate the Medicaid spend-down and assist homeless families to obtain rent supplements from DSS to enable families to leave the shelters or retain permanent housing. Suffolk residents can call 631-232-2400. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100.
June History Regents Canceled! On May 24, 2022, the New York State Education Department canceled the administration of the Regents Examination in United States History and Government (Framework) for June 2022 as announced in a letter by the Commissioner.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services' Education and Disability Rights Project (EDRP) represents students with disabilities between the ages of 5-21 in Special Education matters, including attendance at Committee on Special Education (CSE) meetings, Resolution Sessions and Impartial Hearings. In addition, the EDRP assists students in issues pertaining to residency and homelessness and helps adults with developmental disabilities to secure eligibility and services through the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Suffolk residents can call 631-232-2400. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100.
New Consumer Credit Debt Statute of Limitations! The New York State Consumer Credit Fairness Act mandates that starting April 7, 2022, creditors cannot sue or make a threat to sue consumers (implicitly or explicitly) on debts that are older than three years, down from six years in most cases. Moreover, any payment a consumer makes after that three-year period cannot be used to revive the time-barred debt. .
Nassau Suffolk Law Services provides legal representation and advice to eligible Nassau and Suffolk residents experiencing consumer debt problems (like student loans), especially in the matters of medical and credit card debt. Suffolk residents can call 631-232-2400. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100.
Medicaid Renewal Updates: During the COVID-19 emergency, no Medicaid cases will be closed for failure to renew or failure to provide documentation. Any case that is closed for failure to renew or failure to provide documentation will be re-opened and coverage restored to ensure no gap in coverage. Renewals will be extended for 12 months. Excess resources cases will be extended for 6 months. If Surplus coverage clients are unable to submit payment because of health issues related to COVID-19, such as quarantine or hospitalization, they can attest that they either have the money or the bills to satisfy your surplus and are unable to submit them due to COVID-19 by calling the Surplus Hotline at 929-221-0835. Medicaid cases with an authorization that ended in March 2020 through December 2020, January 2021 through December 2021, and January 2022 through March 2022 have been extended.” New York State has also authorized this renewal extension for cases with an authorization ending in April, May, June, July and August 2022. The renewal extension applies to all renewal cases, including Office of Mail Renewal, MLTC, Surplus renewals, Nursing Home Eligibility, Medicare Savings Program, MBIWPD (entitled to 6 months extended grace period if loss of employment), Stenson/Recipients who lose their SSI eligibility, and Rosenberg/Recipients who lose their eligibility for cash assistance.
Nassau Suffolk Law Services has several units dedicated to helping residents apply for Managed Long Term Care, appeal Medicaid denials, and set up Supplemental Needs Trusts to eliminate the Medicaid spend-down including our Public Benefits Unit, Mental Health Law Project, Nassau Senior Citizens Law Project, Adult Care Facility Project, ICAN, and HIV/AIDS Project. Suffolk residents can call 631-232-2400. Nassau residents can call 516-292-8100.
Have you seen our new website? Check it out at www.nslawservices.org. As always, we have resources on a variety of legal topics including previous legal lessons and LSCA trainings. Please continue to check back over the next few months as we will be providing new downloadable fact sheets in both English and Spanish.
The Role of An Advocate
Thursday • June 9th, 2022 • 1:00pm-2:00pm
For the beginner advocate or for someone who needs a refresher. Cathy Lucidi, Director of Community Relations, will be providing tools and tips on how to be the most effective advocate you can be.
If your organization is interested in having Nassau Suffolk Law Services present on what services we provide or a specific area of law, please contact the Legal Support Center for Advocates at 631-232-2400 extension 3324 (advocates only).
On March 17, 2022, NSLS Supervising Attorney Marissa Luchs Kindler gave a CLE/training on updates in landlord/tenant law to over 100 attorneys and other professionals at the Suffolk County Bar Association.
On March 23, 2022, the Community Legal Help Project Staff Attorney Reisa Brafman and Law Student/Paralegal Eric VonCzerniewicz engaged with approximately 150 Suffolk County residents at the Comsewogue Community Resource Fair informing the community about the work NSLS does.
The Community Legal Help Project
Brentwood Public Library: Tuesdays 2-5pm
Middle Country Public Library, Selden Building: Thursdays 3-6pm
Are you looking to give back to the community while also getting paid? We would love to have you apply for our currently open attorney, paralegal, and receptionist positions. To find out more, go to our website.
- Volunteer attorneys needed to assist pro bono clients with direct client representation in family, bankruptcy, matrimonial, and elder law
- Providing half hour legal consultations with our Suffolk County library project in matrimonial, family, immigration, consumer, landlord/tenant, and more
- Law Student/Paralegal/Pre-law undergraduate internships
- Assist Law Services Staff with intake, case analysis, case referral, and recruitment of volunteer attorneys
- Nassau County Volunteer Landlord/Tenant Attorney for a Day
Interested in Joining Us?
Nassau County- (516) 292-8100 • Suffolk County- (631) 232-2400
Email- scampo@nsls.legal
Looking forward to your help!
We’re Long Islanders helping Long Islanders rebuild their communities and lives as they sort through the myriad of civil life-changing legal issues created by the COVID-19 Pandemic and we need your support. Together we can make a difference.
We are committed to helping people in need vindicate their rights under the law. We provide free legal services in thousands of civil cases each year as well as legal support to community advocates to ensure that people with low incomes and disabilities have equal access to the civil justice system on Long Island.
631 232-2400 | 516 292-8100 | 631 369-1112