Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading May's edition of the Baldwin Beat!
May 3, 2022

In the News
Baldwin County School District
Celebrates Teachers and Support Staff
National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6, 2022. The Baldwin County School District has a phenomenal team of teachers and support staff who dedicate themselves to ensuring students receive the academic, social, and emotional support they need to grow into successful adults and become contributing members of society. We are thankful to our educators for their outstanding work, dedication, and resilience during a global pandemic. They continue to make a difference in the lives of our students each and every day. Throughout the week, we ask students, parents, businesses, and community members to take the time to express their gratitude to our teachers and support staff for the crucial role they play in the lives of our children.
BCSD Recognizes National School
Principals' Day
May 1st was National School Principals’ Day. This was "a day of recognition for all elementary, middle and high school principals for their leadership and dedication to providing the best education possible for their students." We are proud of our amazing principals and appreciate their hard work. The Baldwin County School District thanks each of them for their dedication and commitment to our students, staff, families, and community.
Baldwin County Seniors Receive
Seniors Olivia Warnock (BHS), Aaron Longino (BHS), David Butts (GCEC) and Nygel Bennett (GCEC) were recognized at “Eggs & Issues” with the Milledgeville-Baldwin Chamber of Commerce and CGTC. These students were awarded a Blaze Award for receiving the highest ACT scores. This award comes from The Blaze Project, which focuses on the academic achievement and success of high school seniors during their performance on the ACT test.
Each student selected a teacher that has been the most influential to them. Olivia Warnock selected Mr. McMillan, Aaron Longino selected Mrs. Jones, David Butts selected Dr. David Sallad and Nygel Bennett selected Dr. Runee Sallad.
Oak Hill Media Specialist Named Region 9 Library Media Specialist of the Year
Congratulations to Janice Ziegler, the media specialist at Oak Hill Middle School, who has been selected as the Media Specialist of the Year by the Central Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA).
The award recognizes K-12 library media specialists who have implemented dynamic, innovative programs and whose instructional collaborations foster student engagement and achievement. Additionally, finalists are leaders within their school buildings and in the greater community of library media specialists.
Ms. Zeigler is a former English/Language Arts teacher with 15 years of classroom experience and is completing her 19th year in education. She has spent the last 4 years as the media specialist at Oak Hill. She is the proud mother of a daughter, Erica, who is a rising 9th grader at Georgia College Early College, and a son, Tyson, a rising senior at Georgia State University.

The Georgia Library Media Specialist of the Year is selected from the GLMA Regional winners. The winner will be announced at the GLMA Summer Institute in June.
Dr. Price Receives Recognition From Community Partners and Board of Education
During the March Board Retreat, Dr. Noris Price was surprised by the Board of Education Chair, John N. Jackson; Vice-Chair, Dr. Gloria Wicker; Board Members, Ms. Shannon D. Hill, Mr. Lyn Chandler, and Mr. Wes Cummings, along with Dr. Robert "Buddy" Costley, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL), Jones Cork Group, and the Altman & Barrett Team. During the Board Retreat Meeting, Dr. Robert "Buddy" Costley, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders presented the District with the 2021-2022 GAEL Vision System Award in recognition of its Statewide Vision and Leadership for Public Education in Georgia and Dr. Price for being a Visionary of Public Education.
The Board Retreat was business as usual but in the end, a moment was taken to reflect upon the many challenges throughout the years and the successes that were possible, even during the pandemic. Dr. Price was recognized by the GAEL Association for being an advocate for Public Education and for her many accomplishments including being named the 2022 Georgia Superintendent of the Year and one of four finalists for National Superintendent of the Year. Dr. Price shined the focus on our amazing students, teacher, staff, and their families who have remained steadfast in this educational journey. Dr. Price stated that "It is the many efforts of the entire school community that has made this journey a success".
Administrative Professionals Day
On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the BCSD recognized our administrative professionals for Administrative Professionals Day. This day was all about giving thanks to the people working behind the scenes to make sure our schools and district offices run like well-oiled machines. The BCSD wants to thank our administrative professionals for their hard work and dedication to our school district. We love our administrative professionals!
BCSD Fine Arts Events Are in Full Swing
"An Evening of Percussion" event at the Baldwin High School Performing Arts Center featured percussion students in grades 6-12 and showcased their hard work. The Director of Percussion Studies is Mr. Christopher Ryles.
Oak Hill Middle School Drama students presented Roald Dahl's Matilda, the Musical JR. Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical JR. is adapted from the full-length musical which was based on the book by Roald Dahl, and features a book by Dennis Kelly and music and lyrics by Tim Minchin. The show opened on the West End in 2011 and made its Broadway premiere in 2013. The musical earned seven Olivier Awards, including " Best New Musical, " and five Tony awards, including The Tony for "Best Book of a Musical .”

Midway Hills Academy hosted Fine Arts Night to showcase the chorus, band, dance team, and drill team.
BCSD Named a Best Community for Music Education for a Seventh Year in a Row
The Baldwin County School District has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education for a seventh straight year in a row! The Baldwin County School District is one of only nine school districts in the state of Georgia to receive the prestigious recognition and one of only 738 total districts in the entire country for 2022. Now in its 23rd year, the Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. The Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to school districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. 

"The Fine Arts are critical to providing the most comprehensive education possible for our students. We have made substantial investments in our Fine Arts program at all grade levels in the district, and we see those investments pay off with distinctions like this,” said Superintendent Dr. Noris Price. 

“It’s because of the hard work of our teachers, students and administrators in our schools, as well as the strong support we have had from our school board, that we have received this honor. Our fine arts program does more than expose students to the arts. It provides them outlets to express their creativity while also opening doors to continue their education in college through fine arts scholarships,” added Dr. Price.
End-of-School Year FREE COVID-19
Vaccine Clinics
Two FREE COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics will take place on Friday, May 6, 2022, from 10:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., at the Baldwin County Board of Education, 110 North ABC Street. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines/boosters will be available, along with the Pediatric vaccination (ages 5-11).

Please click on the following link to register for this event through (CORE). To make a pediatric (age 5-11) vaccine appointment, please click on the following link For those students under the age of 18, parental/guardian consent is required and the parent/guardian must be present at the vaccination appointment. If possible, please have a form of identification and insurance information available to aid in the registration process. If you are registering on behalf of a minor, you may use your own ID.
Baldwin High School Students Compete in Oconee RESA Math Competition
The ”BHS Algebros” Math Competition teams earned 2nd place in the Oconee RESA Math Competition. The students completed an Escape Room Challenge using the skills they’ve learned in Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry through math problems, critical thinking, and teamwork skills! Congrats to our students and coaches, Ms. Boelen and Mrs. Ray!!
Early Learning Center (ELC) Students Enjoy Field Trip With Baldwin High school Students
The Early Learning Center's four-year-old classes enjoyed a field trip to the Stetson Sanford House in Milledgeville. Members of the Baldwin High School Chick-fil-A Leader Academy read stories, did crafts, and played games with the students.
Lakeview Primary Celebrates
Read-A-Thon Success
Lakeview Primary recognized the top fundraisers for their Read-A-Thon fundraiser! Students raised $3,269.3 for the school. There is a special surprise planned for students using the money that was raised. The following classes raised the most money for their grade level and received a popsicle party:

Kindergarten-Mrs. Kennedy/Ms. Ford
1st Grade-Mrs. McCue
Montessori/PEC- Mrs. Dunn/Mrs. Johnson
Ms. Blizzard and Mrs. Anderson's class raised the most money for 2nd grade and the whole school, and they received a pizza party.

The following students raised the most money for their grade level and received a $10 Amazon Gift card:
Kindergarten-Connor H. (Spivey)
1st Grade-Kamden C. (McCue)
Montessori/PEC-Lily Anne H. (Dunn)

Jackson M. raised the most money for 2nd grade and the whole school, and he received a $25 Amazon gift card.
Lakeview Academy Student Wins
Poetry Contest
Congratulations to Addison Mosley, a 5th-grade student, for being one of three River of Words State Poetry Winners in Category II with her poem, "Nature". She was recognized on May 1st at the Decatur Public Library.
The River of Words Project (ROW) is a FREE program designed to help K-12 students understand their sense of place by studying a watershed in their own environment and then expressing what they discover through poetry and art. The art and poetry can then be entered into a state-wide contest.

Georgia entries are judged by the Georgia Center for the Book and by the GA Environmental Protection Division. About 50 poems and artworks are selected as winners each year in Georgia.
Oak Hill Middle is No Place for Hate
Oak Hill Middle School students participated in the third activity of the year in the 'No Place for Hate' program that is being implemented this school year. They learned about identity-based bullying and how to be an ally. After the lesson, students made videos to show their support of being an ally.
No Place for Hate (NPFH) is a holistic, school-wide co-curricular equity team strategy from the Anti-Defamation League that has been in use in schools for almost four decades. No Place for Hate involves students, families, and the community to build cultural competency. The strategy is a collaboration between students, teachers, and experts intended to help people in schools and communities understand bias and combat its negative effects. Through thoughtful and appropriate programs of study and discussion, No Place for Hate recognizes the value of diversity in our society and develops strategies for all stakeholders to communicate effectively across our unique differences. The aim of the program is to help create a more equitable and just society.
Midway Hills Academy Students Get Creative With Math
Mrs. Thompson's students tackle mathematical concepts of area and perimeter in a fun and edible way!
Midway Hills Primary Students Visit With Book Author

Mrs. Madden’s 1st grade class received signed copies of the book Princess Peaches and the Cloud Castles, written by Jen Upchurch. Ms. Upchurch read the book via Zoom to the students!
Georgia College Early College
Spanish Class Presentations
All Georgia College Early College students are expected to make presentations in ALL of their classes, including Spanish. Students in Spanish II researched an influential Latina/Latino/ Hispanic person of their choice, wrote about them and presented a timeline of their lives COMPLETELY in Spanish. ¡Trabajo excelente a todos los presentadores!
Make plans to attend the Baldwin High School Band of the Braves Spring Concert. This event will be on Thursday, May 19th, at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. There will be selections from the popular DC and Marvel movies. This concert will be a unique experience involving music, lights, lasers, and haze. You don't want to miss it!
Baldwin Online Academy
Registration Is Open
The Baldwin County School District will continue to offer students the option of remote learning by enrolling in the Baldwin Online Academy for the 2022-2023 school year. This option is also available to home-schooled students. Baldwin Online Academy is available to students in grades K-12 who want to have the flexibility of learning from home at their own pace.

Parents may use this LINK to enroll their children in the Baldwin Online Academy (BOA) for the 2022-2023 school year. Students who are already in BOA do not need to complete this form. If you have more than one child, please complete a form for each child. Homeschooled students will need to complete the new student registration process. You will be notified if your child is selected for the Baldwin Online Academy.
Students need to have good grades and attendance to be considered for the online academy (passing 3 out of 4 academic subjects). If there is a medical reason for wanting to enroll online, the parent needs to state this in the reason for enrolling. For any questions, please contact Mr. Antonio Ingram, Director of the BSA/BOA at 478-233-9010 or send an email to
Upcoming Events
May 26
May 27
May 30
Last Day of School/Early Release
Post Planning
Memorial Day Holiday
Family-School Partnership Program
Parents are hearing many different acronyms these days that students are learning at school. This week we would like to share the answers to some frequently asked questions about PBIS, our Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports, from the George Sugai National Center on PBIS Neag School of Education. 
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces. 
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival. 
Welcome to Our Schools
Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!

Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us.
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327