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DHS Leaders Celebrate DSP Recognition Week in Essex

The Arc of New Jersey thanks Department of Human Services Deputy Commissioner Kaylee McGuire, Assistant Commissioner Jon Seifried, and Policy Advisor Jack Teters for helping us celebrate Direct Support Professional Recognition Week. Hosted by The Arc of Essex County, Department leaders visited the Opportunity Zone in Maplewood, toured the facility, met DSPs and individuals who attend the program, and presented a proclamation from Governor Murphy to a very deserving group of Direct Support Professionals.

2023 Annual Get Out the Vote Guide Available Now

The Arc of New Jersey's 2023 Get Out the Vote Guide is available for download now. This yearly publication helps outline the process of voting, the dates, deadlines and information you need to know as we near Election Day. This year, voters can cast a ballot in person on Tuesday, November 7, but there is also an early voting period between Oct. 28, and Nov. 5, as well as drop boxes and mail-in ballot options. Visit to download a copy of the guide and to view additional resources and information you can use before we head to the polls!

Registration Open for The 39th Annual NJSSAN Fall Conference

Each year, the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project (NJSAP) and the New Jersey Statewide Self-Advocacy Network (NJSSAN) work together to host the annual Fall Conference. The event is an opportunity for Disability Advocates to network, learn about current advocacy issues, and attend professional development workshops. The theme of our 2023 conference is “Open Your Heart To Self-Advocacy''. The NJSSAN will to take this opportunity to highlight the skills and experience of its current members. For the second time, NJSSAN Board members will serve as the event’s Keynote Speakers. Register here to watch virtually for FREE. You will receive a Zoom link to watch online. 

The Arc of NJ Attends Community Building Awards Event

The Arc of New Jersey celebrated award winners honored by the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities at the 2023 Community Building Awards on September 28. The awards luncheon, held at The Estate at Farrington Lake in East Brunswick, was dedicated to the memory of Beverly Roberts and Self-Advocate Gary Rubin.

Pictured above from left to right: The Arc of NJ's senior directors Lisa Ford and Sharon Levine, Executive Director Tom Baffuto, Associate Executive Director Celine Fortin, The Arc of Ocean's Executive Director Laura Williams and The Arc of NJ's Planning for Adult Life Director Jerisa Maseko.

The Arc Morris Hosts Walktoberfest

The Arc of Morris held a fall-themed Walkathon on Saturday, September 30, in Morris Plains. In addition to the 1-mile walk, the event included live music, cider donuts and apple cider, a bounce house, corn hole, and more. The Arc of New Jersey's Executive Director Tom Baffuto, pictured here, had a great time at Walktoberfest and spending time with those served by the Chapter.

Pictured from left to right: Tom Horn, Immediate Past President at The Arc Morris, Sal Moran, Executive Director at The Arc Morris, Bill Byrne, Self Advocate, and Tom Baffuto, The Arc of NJ's Executive Director.

Self-Advocate Barbara Coppens Promotes Voting Ahead of Election Day

Congratulations to Self-Advocate Barbara Coppens who spoke last month at "The Power of the Disability Vote!" event which was held on September 14, at the State House in Trenton. The event was hosted by REV UP NJ and the Alliance Center for Independence and it featured speeches by voting rights advocates, resource tables, live entertainment and more. Pictured above is Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin with Barbara outside the State House.

The Arc of Ocean Hosts Mini Golf Fundraiser in Ortley Beach

Congratulations to The Arc of Ocean County on their 3rd Annual Mini Golf Tournament held on Saturday, September 9, at Barnacle Bill's in Ortley Beach. The Arc of New Jersey's Executive Director Tom Baffuto and Senior Director Sharon Levine, pictured above, had a great time playing the course and enjoying a beautiful Saturday.

Upcoming Webinars with the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project

Stay Healthy at Home webinars and Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events are hosted throughout the month by the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project. Registration links for Stay Healthy at Home can be found here. This webinar series covers a variety of topics related to advocacy, life skills, employment, and civic engagement. Sessions are designed to be accessible to self-advocates, parents, and support staff. Live viewers can share comments, ask questions, and access resources. Live transcription is available. Healthy Lifestyles Project LIVE! events can be found here. This interactive series of events is hosted by the NJ Self-Advocacy Project and focuses on activities to promote health and wellness education for students and adults with IDD. Live viewers will be able to share comments, ask questions, and participate in activities led by professionals in real time. 

Guidance for Restarting Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare Eligibility Reviews

The Arc of NJ Family Institute wants to give you and your family guidance on how to maintain health insurance coverage now that Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare beneficiary eligibility renewals are restarting. Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare is dedicated to ensuring continuous coverage for all beneficiaries. Following the pause on Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare eligibility renewals during the public health emergency, renewals are now being reinstated. Between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare will initiate renewal processes by mailing notifications to all members within this timeframe. Subsequently, members should anticipate an annual renewal requirement going forward.To continue reading, click here.

It's Time for the Combined Federal Campaign

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaigns. Its mission is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. CFC reaches nearly 10 million potential donors — active and retired federal and military employees and contractors. CFC opened on September 1, 20232, and runs through January 2024.

How to Give and Support The Arc of New Jersey

Federal civilian, postal and military donors can support The Arc of New Jersey by going to the campaign website and using The Arc of NJ’s CFC code - 92741. Thank you for your support! More info here.

Upcoming In-Person & Virtual Events

Click below to register for one of our many upcoming virtual and in-person events. And be sure to check out our calendar for other future events.

Our weekly Facebook Live Series Mondays with Michael will return for a third season beginning on Monday, September 11th. This season includes 40 episodes scheduled throughout the '23/'24 school year which will feature special guests, informational resources, and current events. Each episode is a 10-15 minute discussion about a topic related to special education or services for children with IDD and their families. Episodes take place every Monday at 10am on our Facebook page. No registration is required, just visit our page on Mondays at 10am to attend.

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